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Radio engineering, radio electronics


The design and construction of a distribution system should be approached systematically, bearing in mind that the design is included as a subsystem (component) in the distribution zone, and design is included in the design process. In turn, the RES should be considered in conjunction with radio engineering and electronics, so we recall briefly the basic concepts related to radio engineering and electronics.

Radio engineering is a field of science and technology that studies radio frequency electromagnetic waves and their use for transmitting, extracting and transforming information.

In addition to the concept of "Radio Engineering", the term and concept of "Radio Electronics" is also used. Radio electronics is a broader concept, it also includes electronics.

Electronics is a field of science and technology that studies electronic and ionic processes in vacuum, solids, liquids, gases, plasma and their surface layers and methods for creating electronic samples and devices used mainly for transmitting, processing and storing information.

Information is a set of information or messages about the state and change of the state of objects, about the course of processes in nature, production, society, etc. The term “information” can refer to the content of messages and also implies a quantitative characteristic of information and messages (a unit of information quantity is a bit).

Messages can be continuous, discrete in time, discrete in time and in value, i.e. digital. Information can be viewed as a message about a random event that has occurred, or about the value of a random variable or a specific real flow of a random process. Information plays a large and growing role in the life of human society. The concept of information also has a generalizing, philosophical meaning and reflects one of the objective properties of the material world.

The carrier of information (messages) is a signal, which is usually understood as the physical process in which the message is displayed. The simplest signal is, for example, a continuous current (voltage), in the values ​​of which i (t) contains a continuous message. Such signals circulate in the equipment, their radiation and reception to the antenna is not provided, so they are often called low frequency or video frequency, although the frequencies contained in the spectrum of such signals can be very high, such as a signal in a VCR or signals in high-speed computers.

A radio signal is a *** collation, in the amplitude, the frequency or phase of which is reflected in the message or information is contained, its basis consists of high-frequency *** *** frequency at f s0 , called “carriers”. Radio and video signals may be pulsed.
Then they have a finite duration T and, and follow at intervals of TD. Discrete radio messages can be displayed in a pulse signal. In addition to amplitude, frequency and phase, they can be contained in the delay of the signal t and its duration T and . Radio and video signals may be digital. However, they have a finite duration T s IT usually usually follow each other immediately. A useful message (symbol) in digital radio signals and video signals is not contained in their parameters, but in the presence of one of the different (distinguishable) digital elementary radio signals or video signals. Usually the message is displayed in a sequence of elementary digital signals or in their code combination. The nature of the signals circulating in the RES, is of great importance in the design, as well as the distortion of messages and the requirements for the design, installation, manufacturing accuracy and stability of many elements of the structure depend on it.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment