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Development of standardization in the RES


As the design progressed and the production of radioelectronic facilities expanded, the need for unification, typification and their highest level — standardization — became increasingly apparent. This trend was determined by:

  • the desire to increase the number of identical products for many RES for different purposes, which, as shown in, is of great economic importance;

  • significant organizational, technological and economic advantages of enterprise specialization, which is real only with the development of unification and standardization;

  • opportunities to significantly reduce the cost of labor and time to design;
  • the emergence of additional opportunities for improving quality and reliability in the conditions of specialization of designers and process equipment.

The task of developing unification, typing and standardization arose particularly acutely around 1950, when the accelerating increase in production volumes of RES began and the quality requirements and the desire to reduce labor costs increased.

In other industries, these problems manifested themselves much earlier and the process of development of unification, typification and standardization took place a long time ago. Borrowing experience of mechanical engineering, in the design and production of radio electronic devices gradually increasingly expanded the use of these methods. At the outset, fasteners were standardized (bolts, nuts, rivets, etc.), wires, insulation materials, etc. Then standardization of electrical radio elements, shock absorbers, electronic lamps, etc. began. This continued with the advent of chips, substrates, shells, pin layout were standardized at the beginning of their appearance. At the early stage of the distribution zone, the dimensions of the chassis, housings, depreciation frames were beyond standardization and unification, which led to high costs for design and, especially, for the preparation of production. Currently, the size of printed circuit boards, REM1, REM2 and REMZ unified and widely used basic supporting structures. It would seem that the development of unification and standardization reduces the creative content of the designer’s work. But it is not. He creates the construction of the electronic device from a combination of various standardized parts, using them in a reasonable and creative way in different combinations, sets, combinations, adding, if necessary, original parts and assembly units.

The creative side in the activities of the designer is determined by the fact that the design of the RESs is developing rapidly. Continuing there is a need to create new designs with a focus on new element base and new technological processes. Gradually, the quantity turns into quality, it is necessary to create a structure that is not covered by the standards, which, with a successful solution, becomes the basis of the new standard.

Standardization has a broader meaning than what was meant above, when it was considered in relation to production. Standardization covers many other aspects of society, such as the size of coins (to ensure the operation of machines), the size of books and fonts, the rules for documentation, shoe sizes, and much more. In the following, we will keep in mind the standardization in design and industry as applied to the distribution zone.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment