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RES subsystems allocated by their functions


If a   to divide the radio electronic systems into subsystems based on the formation of their parameters and characteristics, then the following subsystems can be distinguished:

a) The principle of operation (functioning) of the equipment, i.e., operations on signals performed in the equipment and ensuring their use for transmission, extraction, processing of information. The principle of operation determines the required electrical parameters of the RES.

b) Schemes. The basic electrical circuit, by definition, is a conventional image reflecting the electrical connection of elements with different electrical (electromagnetic) properties. The EF scheme should provide for the use of elements with such electrical (electromagnetic) properties and their connection with each other, in which operations are performed on signals and interference arising from the principle of operation of the apparatus and system.

c) Construction. The most concise definition of a structure is “a structure, there is a material expediently organized in space” or “expediently organized material spatial structure”.

The word "appropriate" in relation to the structures used in the technique should be understood:

first, the ability to meet specific needs, perform the required functions;

secondly, the ability to preserve these properties in the presence of observed external influences;

thirdly, suitability for reproduction and repetition, i.e., for production.

In relation to the design of a radio electronic device, this definition can be developed, namely, by the design of a radio electronic device, we mean a spatially organized set of elements with different electrical (including high frequencies), electromechanical and other properties, between which (elements) exist electrical, mechanical, magnetic and other bonds created in accordance with the design scheme and principles of construction.

This set must meet the requirements: the implementation of the electrical circuit, providing for the implementation of specified transformations with signals carrying messages;

ensuring the stability of the parameters and characteristics to external influences, including external and internal electromagnetic influences, under which the RES operates;

highly efficient manufacturing, i.e., repetition in production conditions;

ensure reliable operation with low labor costs.

The design is created on the basis of the scheme, the chosen principles of construction of the structure, elements, supporting structures and electrical connections.

The design is characterized by parameters; constructive complexity can be attributed to them; weight and dimensions; resistance to electromagnetic and other influences, temperature, moisture, mechanical action and others; maintainability, including ease of removal, testability, electromagnetic compatibility, operational and repair manufacturability; reliability; degree of microminiaturization and integration; adaptability to the interaction of the operator with the RES; adaptability to the object of placement (carrier); manufacturability; cost; perspectivity; competitiveness; patent purity and others.

The text has repeatedly stated that there is a complication of RES. The number of transistors (discrete or as part of an integrated circuit) is usually taken as an indicator of the functional complexity of the EF. Transistors, as the main active electronic element, participate in signal transformations and the more of them, the more transformations and the more difficult their combination. For digital equipment, the number of elementary logic elements (AND, OR, NOT) is also used as an indicator of complexity. These indicators affect the complexity of the design of the RES, but give about it an inaccurate representation in terms of the main structural indicators: mass, reliability, cost, maintainability, etc. As a specific indicator of the complexity of the design, use the total number of conclusions for electronic elements (IC, ERE, etc. ). This is justified by the fact that with this indicator of constructive complexity, the following are taken into account:

the impact of constructive-technological integration, since the number of conclusions N in , on IP is approximately equal to N ? = N ?? 1/2 where N tr is the number of transistors in the IC;

the complexity of electrical installation, since the total number of connections (wires, printed conductors, etc.) is directly determined by the total number of leads;

reliability, since failures in electrical connections (soldering, detachable connectors, etc.) have a decisive influence on failures of the RES;

mass and dimensions of the RES, since the dimensions of the IP package depend on the number of conclusions. The number of outputs also determines the number of compounds occupying space on the REMO. Together, they affect the size and weight of REMO, and then REM1, and so on;

maintainability, since the total number of outputs on the IC and ERE on the SEM affects the number of outputs on the detachable connector Nc installed on the SEMO (SEM1): N ? = N ? 1/2

Number N? and n? give an idea of ​​the amount of information processed in the search for failures in the RES.

Subsequently, this indicator of the complexity of the design of the electronic device will be used.

The design defines many of the most important indicators (characteristics) of the RES [1.2]. This determines the increasing importance of the role of the designer and technologist in the development of radio electronics and the RES.

From the foregoing, the erroneousness of the frequently encountered approach to the interaction of the RES subsystems implies that all the basic properties of the RTS and the RES are determined by the principle of the systems and the scheme (the interaction of signals and interference). This characterizes the lack of a systematic approach. Emphasizing the crucial importance of the principles of circuit operation is explained by the fact that at the early stage of the development of radio electronics, the search for and research on the principles of extracting information from signals in the presence of interference and creating circuits that implement these principles were of overwhelming importance. At that stage, the scale of production and technical operation was limited. Currently, a huge reserve of operating principles of systems and circuits has been created. At the same time, the scale of production and technical operation has grown immeasurably and is limited by the limited resources of society. Therefore, at present, economic, structural, technological and operational parameters and characteristics have become more and more decisive in the creation of equipment [1.2].

d) Technology. By strict definition, it is a body of knowledge (“logic”) about the methods and processes for processing or processing materials. However, the term “technology” usually refers to the whole set of methods, processing processes and equipment used in the manufacture of structural elements and equipment assembly (mechanical and electrical connection), which provide a given structure (or a given spatial structure) with high performance, low cost and minimal adverse effects on the environment and on the worker. The technology is formed at the design stage and is implemented at the production stage.

The subsystems "construction" and "technology" form the structural, technological and economic characteristics of the distribution zone, moreover, have a significant impact on the electrical parameters and characteristics. It should be emphasized especially close relationship design and technology. One can imagine one and the same electric circuit, on the basis of which completely different constructions are created and, on the contrary, different circuits can be realized on the basis of a certain type of construction.

e) Operational properties — adaptability to placement at the facility and interaction with the operator, reliability, a set of processes and patterns of changes in the properties of the equipment over time and in the presence of external influences, as well as the methods and methods provided for creating a design when creating a design and troubleshooting, monitoring the condition.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment