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The essence of the principle of microminiaturization


The problem of microminiaturization began to be developed in the design of radio electronic devices even before the advent of microelectronics. The assembly was carried out with a predominance of manual labor. The mounting wires, although the currents flowing through them were often microamps, and the effective voltages — microvolts, had a diameter of 0.3 ... 0.5 mm. In order to avoid short circuits when they move, the wires are covered with insulation, which significantly increases their weight and diameter. In addition, a lot of "petals" and mounting insulation films were used for fastening and soldering wires. Installation was carried out manually, which led to high labor costs, mistakes, marriage and time-consuming elimination. Electron tubes overheated, required free access to them for their replacement, as they often refused. The elements of a radio electronic device, which had an unreasonably large mass, made up a significant part of the radio electronic device. For illustrations in the table. 3.1 provides information on their applicability.

Table 3.1

Applicability of elements

Elements of RES


Connecting conductors








Transistors and EWP


Connectors and switches


Other elements


Table 3.2

The increase in mass of the carrier

Installation object



2 ... 3


15 ... 20


100 ... 1000


1000 and more

So, the design principles borrowed from electromechanics, i.e., from the design of non-information technical means, clearly contradicted the essence of the RES, and the miniaturization principle became the basis of design in order to reduce weight, size, material consumption, labor costs, improve manufacturability, quality and reliability. First of all, significant successes were achieved in miniaturizing the most frequently used elements (Table 2.2).

The main ways to implement this principle were: the transition to the connection in the form of a pattern of thin flat conductor (film) firmly adhered to the insulation board. In this case, there was a systematic decrease in the thickness and width of the film conductors, as well as the gaps between them (printed circuit boards, microassemblies, flexible cables, tracing in the IC). This is connected with the introduction of productive group (technological processes in which many conductors were formed not separately, but at the same time in a single process. The installation became durable, vibration-proof, acquired much smaller dimensions and weight and greater reliability;

transition from electronic tubes to transistors and then to the formation of multiple transistors in a high-performance unified technological process with an increase in their number to 10 5 ... 10 6 in one chip (constructive-technological integration, use of LSI and VLSI);

transition to the creation of resistors and capacitors by sputtering methods in GIS;

expansion of the use of functional (physical) integration, based on the use of dynamic inhomogeneities arising in a solid in the process of functioning. The devices of functional electronics include: elements on surface acoustic waves, on charge-coupled devices, on liquid crystals, on optoelectronic principles, etc .;

expanding the use of microprocessors. Achievements microminiaturization grandiose, some data about this are given in Chapter. 1. Now almost all of the RESs, except for powerful transmitting and amplifying devices and some microwave devices, are designed on the basis of the microminiaturization principle and the additional term microminiaturization could be omitted in relation to modern RES. However, to date, not all microminiaturization opportunities have been identified and implemented. Its further development remains the main task in the design.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment