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Unbundling of RES


As a product, RES has a very important feature. They are formed hierarchically on the basis of the principle of unbundling, namely, the RECs of a higher level of complexity are created by combining many RESs of a lower level of complexity. By functional complexity, they are distinguished: radio-electronic systems, they should not be confused with the terms: radio engineering systems (RTS), computing systems, telecommunication systems, in which the RESs are included as products; radio electronic complexes (REC); radio electronic devices (REU); radio electronic functional units (RFE).

Since the functional complexity affects the structure, the disaggregation (hierarchy) by functional complexity leads to the principle of disaggregation (hierarchy) by constructive complexity. Levels of disaggregation by structural complexity in the general case include: an electronic cabinet, an electronic unit and an electronic unit. In this case, it is assumed that the lower levels of the downsizing of the structure will interchange with the highest. When using the modular design of the RES design, the following levels of disaggregation were established: the third-level radio-electronic module REMZ (electronic cabinet, rack, console), performed on the basis of the third-level basic supporting structure (BNKZ); radio electronic module of the second level REM2 — a block made on the basis of BNK2 and radio electronic module of the first level REM1 — a cell made on the basis of BNK1.

The concept of a zero-level radio-electronic module, having a constructive basis, dimensionally coordinated with REM1, is also introduced. The basic supporting structure of the first level (BNK1) is designed to accommodate REM0, electrical radio elements (ERE), electronic products (IET) and electrical products.

Separating a distribution zone into subsystems, it is useful to introduce another level — the element base. This term is associated with the concept of "element". An element of equipment, a device, a system is a part that performs certain functions and is not subject to further dismemberment at a given degree of detail regarding the equipment, device, system. Elements can be parts, nodes, simple systems.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment