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Technical level map (for developed, modernized and mass-produced products


A technical level and quality map (QA) is compiled for newly developed, modernized and serially manufactured products and serves for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the product. KU provides indicators of purpose, reliability and durability, manufacturability, ergonomic and aesthetic indicators, indicators of standardization and unification, patent law and economic indicators. To compare the achieved technical level of the product being developed, the quality indicators for TK, TU and other documents are given, as well as the basic quality indicators and indicators valid according to the standards for this product, quality indicators of the prospective sample, domestic and foreign analogues.

In determining patent purity, there are countries that are advanced in the production of this type of products, potential consumer countries of this product.

In KU, if necessary, the planned increase in the values ​​of individual indicators and the time to achieve them is noted, the source materials of TEC, TU, prospectuses, reports, etc. are given. KU must meet the requirements of GOST 2.116-71. Technical and economic characteristics and KU are independent documents and are included in the sets of KD.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment