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Radio system


An electronic system is an aggregate determined by the information issued and the principle of operation: radio electronic equipment operating under external conditions; radio signals in space, the reception of which is accompanied by the action of interference, as well as operators who manage the extraction of information and the healthy operation of the RES.

Operators ensuring the operation of the RTS and RES, the issuance of useful information, as well as operating and maintaining the RES, act as a kind of "device" for perceiving and processing information about the functioning of the RTS and RES. At the same time decisions are made and actions are performed (on, off, rebuilding, failure search, repair, etc.). Consequently, the RES is a man-machine system (SMM).

In connection with the growth of the information needs of society, the development of research, design, production and operation in the field of electronic information systems, as well as the RES should occur quickly. But the limited material, labor and scientific resources of the society, as well as a significant proportion of the costs associated with providing information needs (approximately 5 ... 10% per year), do not allow to solve this problem due to the extensive development and simple increase in the number of In this area, the intensification and efficiency of research, design, production and operation is of paramount importance.

This problem has become the main one, but its solution is mainly determined by the structures and technology of the distribution zone. Therefore, those directions that are associated with the improvement of design synthesis, or design, as well as the technology, production and operation of equipment must be developed ahead of time, which accounts for the increasing importance of design engineers in the development of radio electronic information systems, including RTS.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment