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Work on the implementation of the technical specifications of the design and design of the PCB


The construction work begins with a comprehensive analysis of the TOR, which is agreed with the customer. In the analysis, it is necessary to study the technical characteristics, design, experience in the production and operation of previously created similar products and similar in purpose and working conditions, as well as foreign ones. It is useful to analyze the new and promising element base and its selection. As a result, those positions and parts of the product should be identified, by which one can be guided by tested designs, those positions that need to attract new solutions and elements, and finally, those positions, the ways of the construction of which are not clear and preliminary research, creative search, the invention of new designs, etc.

Solving these issues is a very crucial part of the design. The success of design, production and operation depends on their correct solution, it should occur in the context of the search for optima, conflict of opinions, comparisons of options, criticism, deep critical study and understanding of the prospects for the development of society’s needs, industry, technology and element base, new constructive solutions, taking into account the time and labor required for designing and preparing production, etc.

It should also determine the methods on which it is advisable to focus in the work: on intuition and heuristics, on prototyping and a full-scale experiment and on calculations.

At different stages of design, the relative importance of these methods varies. At the stages of the technical proposal and conceptual design, the role of heuristic and computational methods is great. At the stages of technical design, working documentation and prototypes the importance of field experiments increases. Addressing these issues and improving the efficiency of research and design, as well as ensuring the design of production efficiency and subsequent operation, is associated with the introduction of computer technology and automation. This requires a thorough understanding of the possibilities and limitations of computing technology, which makes it necessary to present them in the subsequent fourth chapter.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment