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Radio engineering, radio electronics and the development of society


The development of human society makes ever greater demands for the rapid exchange of information, its extraction, processing and accumulation both between individual members of society and teams, and for design, research, management of economic (economic), planned, production activities across enterprises, associations, industries and States in general, as well as to ensure the rapid and safe movement of people and products of industrial and agricultural production.

In this regard, the need for the exchange of information and its processing in the field of science, technology and production are growing much faster than the volume of these works.

The development of society, increasing prosperity and cultural level led to the fact that humanity has become much more "mobile". Every year, tens and hundreds of millions of people undertake long journeys, travel, etc., and this figure is steadily increasing. At the same time the need for the exchange of information between people increases dramatically. It is widely known that there is an increasing demand for the exchange of information in the field of culture, sports, and political events, which is carried out by radio and television.

Consequently, the growing need for information exchange, processing and retrieval occurs and will occur much faster than the growth of scientific research, production and population. Information needs in the field of defense are growing rapidly.

To meet the needs of a variety of information, based on the principles of radio engineering and electronics, create radio electronic information systems that issue and process certain information. Radiocommunication systems (including those using satellites) and telecommunications are widespread; radionavigation systems, with the use of which the determination of the coordinates of ships, airplanes, a satellite is carried out and their movement is controlled; radar systems for determining the coordinates of targets; radio control systems that serve for targeting missiles at a target; computer systems and computers. Consider as the most typical radio systems (RTS).

created: 2014-09-13
updated: 2021-03-13

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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment