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Radio Electronics Features


The attained possibilities of generating and emitting radio signals with high power and receiving them at negligible power levels, as well as small (compared to electromagnetic waves of other frequencies) propagation losses, allow solving problems of transmitting, extracting and processing information at different spatial scales from small areas to a global scale within the planet Earth, as well as within the solar system. A solution to the problem of transmitting, extracting and processing information can be provided in conditions when radio-electronic means are located on moving objects or when the task is to extract information about the spatial position and movement of objects.

The technical implementation of the RES, their designs provide the possibility of highly efficient manufacturing and operation. Moreover, when performing complex signal transformations, a small mass and dimensions of the means can be achieved, which facilitates their installation on a variety of objects. However, they may have high stability in the presence of external influences and reliability. To ensure the above, the design of electronic devices and microelectronics (integrated circuits and functional electronics) are of particular importance.


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Design and engineering of electronic equipment

Terms: Design and engineering of electronic equipment