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9. Ways, ways and methods of acquaintance with new lexical units.


Stages of work on the vocabulary.
1. roughly-prepare.
2. stereotyping-situational: phonet. - choral development of new vocabulary
3. situationally varying - the stage of application. The main thing: the ability to transfer vocabulary to the new. speech situations.
LSR is not yavl. the subject of the final control, but may be the object of intermediate control (execution of lexical dictations). The words give home, to learn by heart, only then - dictation. D \ leksich. dictation is given active vocabulary.
1. The stage of semantization is the process of disclosing the meaning of a word. It assumes semantization of new words.
Ways of semantization of NLE:
1) the path of the story
2) conversation path
3) the path of the story with elements of the conversation
4) the path of the division. situations (in uch-kah d / deepen. study. Dep. situation is already planned)
The choice of the path depends on:
- level language. student training
- Har-ra vocabulary
- number of input vocabulary
A way of semantics. - a set of actions of the teacher, communication. with the disclosure of the meaning of the word, for example. on the establishment of relationships m / y form of the word, its concept, object, phenomenon.
-translated (techniques: translation of verb. movement, feeling., h-in; interpretation on OC - realities)
- non-transferable (techniques: 1. reliance on clarity; 2. reliance on linguistic clarity, on context, word-formation and etymological analysis of LU, definitions, juxtaposition, reliance on international words; 3. reliance on speech. visibility - speech situation, context; 4. juxtaposition - reliance on previously studied synonyms, antonyms, 5. n.
No translation Possession of vocabulary depends on the consolidation, practice, and not on the method of semantization.
Basics types of exercises, cat. reflect content work on the vocabulary.
conditional speech and real speech lexical directions, situational and contextual controls.
In pupils we form 3 types of vocabulary (minima): active 850-1050, receptive, potential one can be guessed.
On Wednesday. and high school passive-recipe. lexical skills formed when performing reading text exercises. Nayu are common:
1) control on the recognition of the word on the external. mind
2) to control the recognition of words with pom. vocabulary and context.
This forms the study. student competence and compensatory skills. (D \ teacher prof. Competence - it is important to form these skills among students).
Work with dictionary. the development of speculation, anticipation, prediction. This avoids tracing. À generates the h-language.


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Terms: Linguodidactics