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8. Learning the lexical side of foreign language speech: goals, objectives, content and stages of work on the lexical material (to illustrate with examples).


Basics The purpose of the work on LSR is to form. Lex skills at the beginning stage. On Wed and senior. this will form. skills + development and improvement.
Leksich core within cf. general wk 850 LE. Sc. with dimple study 1200-1500 LE, cat. bobbing d. to use in his own. speech. Communicative - enough.
Contents train
- linguist. component (the role of the teacher - the wealth of the dictionary) Leksich. min - active and receptive; difficulties of learning word types; Subject g / speech; LU with K-component; lexical knowledge (rules, word formation).
- psihologich.
1. trainees interests and motives
2. development (special abilities, language development. Guesses - the definition of LU values ​​by context, by cx with ovarian cancer, by word-formation. E-tam)
3. lexical skills. Haar-r interaction with gram., Phonet. skills (after the semantization of new words - phonet. working off).
- methodology
1. skills, self-skills. student work to expand lexical. stock
2. skills with lexical. dictionaries and lexical. tables (give instructions on how to use it)
When working out the NLE it is important to remove the difficulties on the trail. lesson (flnet. charge).
RULE: a new vocabulary is introduced on the basis of well-learned grams. designs and vice versa.
Let's do it the teacher is important to own methodological. typology of vocabulary, d / this d. implemented a differentiated approach to the selection of words. material, its semantization and automation.
Methodical typology lex. - the distribution of languages. ed by types, groups, taking into account the difficulties of their assimilation.
Naiya. popular typology of Nikolaev, a cat. involves the allocation of 8 types of words. The criterion of coincidence / non-coincidence of the volume of values ​​of a given LU in the rya and rya.
Speech models to fall in love, to go to school need to be remembered.
Knowledge of the typology allows the teacher to choose adequately the method of semantization, taking into account the character of this LU.
Lex. skills:
- expressive (in speaking and writing. Speech) à n. intuitively correct word usage. and word images. in oral and writing. speech à justified. high level of automation lex. skills (transfer to new situations, knowledge)
- receptive (listening, reading) à n. recognition and understanding in listening or reading lex. phenomena. This group subsection. on: based on active vocabulary - receptively active. skill; vocabulary not active - receptive-passive. skills
Lex. nav on in itself 2 DOS. component: word usage and word formation.
L.N. Substantially different. from grammatical The difference is that ln. har-Xia greater logical semantics. mindfulness.
A typical mistake of PIDs - learners - tracing: exp. in the choice of words, their location, semantich. combination. Output: in order to avoid tracing, you need to enable active. vocabulary in speech samples, listening to authentic speech of a native speaker, reading.


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Terms: Linguodidactics