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29. The lesson of a foreign language as the main form of organization of the educational process. Features and structure of the modern lesson OI.


Lesson OI - Opr. a segment of studies. work on cat. carried out achievement opr. communicator., general., rep. goals by performing pre-planned individual control. and group har-ra.
Each lesson must have a clear and conc. target inclusive 3 components: what needs to be learned, to what extent, with what level of automation.
Basics lesson components:
- org. moment
- enter new material
- his training, formir. skills and their control
- development acc. speech skills, their control
- formulated and record DZ
Components should not be confused with the stages of the lesson: the control is not a stage.
Features of the lesson OI:
1) FL is not only a goal, but also a medium of training. and teacher. communication à preferably conducting a lesson on FL
2) DOS. content lesson FL - control - d. wear a communicative har-r
3) 2 types of student activities: communicator, cognition. cognit
4) sit down. language material / implementation of 2 principles: communicator. direction, situational training.
5) complex. train different parties to the WFD
Required to sovr. lesson OI
1) Communicator. direction (lesson efficiency - students' RD)
2) units of objectives (in each lesson it is desirable to enter e-you to-ry IYA)
3) lesson focus
4) methodical. lesson task - evolution ey skills comes in line.
Methodical task - problem situation in DOS. cat. contradiction m / s that students know / are able to do and what they need to learn. This contradiction is solved with pom. Opt. methods of tricks
5) the integrity of the lesson (consideration of the principles of sufficiency and gradual. Increase of difficulties). At the lesson d. primary checking material, summarizing, monitoring. Control at the lesson of the exercise class to wear training. har-r. Stimulating f-tion control.
6) the adequacy of the exercises formed skills and abilities (sequence of management)
7) the dynamism of the lesson (creative activity of students) (based on the previous material learned) (previously formed skills and abilities). The dynamics of the teacher: speech, nerech.
8) the incompleteness of the lesson (DZ is given for the consolidation of skills, abilities and knowledge, which were developed in this lesson).
9) complex. organization of the material. Unit training - RO
10) age accounting. special students and har-ra each. steps
Lesson aa has a trace. page (3-5 stages):
During the classes:
I preparing students for in. activities at AJ
1) the teacher's greeting is creative. har-r
2) phonet. charging - phonet removal. difficulties saying
3) speech preparation - all kinds of prepare. control
II introducing a new language. of the material
1) 10-15 min. - new. material, understanding control new. material on rya
III DOS. stage
1) testing previously entered mater. and mastery. students otd. WFD in class
IV if enter. on 2 fl. The new material turned out to be very good. difficult, there will be a re-introduction of new. material - delayed listening
V concludes.
1) formulated. DZ (ideal model - removal of difficulties)
2) summing up (it is advisable to evaluate each student on a special basis. WFD during the lesson)
Ogre end of lesson: what have we learned?
(according to the article by Suchkova G.A., Rumyantseva N.M. "Lesson in the process of teaching a number of foreign students)
The lesson of a foreign language to a greater extent than the lesson of any other academic subject is the leading learning tool, since first of all, in the lesson the student gets the opportunity to use the language as a means of communication A lesson is a unit of the learning process. But the lesson is also the main form of organization of the educational process. A lesson is a collective work. Unlike home and laboratory work, the lesson is conducted under the guidance of a teacher.

The objectives of the RCT lesson. The main ultimate goal of learning RCTs, the communicative goal, is the formation of students' abilities to master tactics of solving typical tasks in current areas of communication. Language goal - the ability to build, analyze sentences in the target language. Speech purpose - possession of the main types of speech activity. These goals are considered intermediate, but not the ultimate goals of learning. The purpose of the lesson is a specific particle of the ultimate goal.

The specificity of the goal of the lesson is related to the possibility of its implementation in a particular lesson. Consequently, it is not possible to consider the real goal of a lesson is the development of general speaking, reading or writing skills. Understanding the purpose of the lesson should be based on the two most important features of the lesson - learning to speak and complexity.

Therefore, one particular lesson will constitute only a certain stage in the formation of skills and abilities of speech. Speech, in turn, is formed on a certain language material, therefore, defining the purpose of the lesson, it is necessary to determine the language material on which the development of specific skills will occur. The main task of the Russian expert who leads the workshop in a foreign audience is learning to communicate. In order to develop these skills, you need to form the skills that underlie them. The objectives of a separate lesson must be specified, indicating the material that should be learned. For example:

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of grammatical skills of speaking using verbs of motion.

Language material: movement verbs in Russian: unidirectional and multidirectional movement.

It seems unreasonable recommendations that offer many goals in the classroom. The only driving goal makes the lesson logical. In addition to the leading goal, the lesson has related tasks. It is also unlawful to define the purpose of an individual lesson irrespective of the whole lesson system. The task of the cycle of lessons can be the development of skills and abilities of speaking and reading on the material of a particular topic and on a specific language material. The topic may remain unchanged for a number of lessons. New in each lesson can be language material and type of speech activity.

Thus, the goal of a specific lesson in a foreign language is determined by those new skills that are formed in the course of this lesson, within a certain system of lessons, on a certain language material.

The concept of lesson and system (cycle) lessons. The whole educational process is based on speech themes. The cycle of studies is integrated thematically, it is based on the content-communicative principle. The material is distributed to the lessons in accordance with the steps of formation of the necessary speech skills. Such planning allows the teacher to present a job perspective. The result of the work on the cycle is a qualitatively new stage in the development of speech skills.

It is necessary to imagine the volume of the studied material within the cycle. To this end: 1) identify and highlight words and structures that should be studied in a given period of time to develop the required skills and abilities; 2) situations are selected, patterns by which grammatical or lexical units will be introduced, which should be typical, important and frequency for this topic; 3) material for training is selected: types of tasks, their sequence; 4) the material on which the development of skills and abilities in various types of speech activity takes place is selected.

Cycle m. 3-6 lessons. At the initial stage - 2/3 lessons, on average - 5/6 lessons. The entire amount of work is distributed over this cycle.

I lesson. Introduction of a new theme, new vocabulary, constructions. Mb introductory conversation, the text of the teacher with questions m. listening text. The new material presented by the teacher is immediately repeated by the students. It is recommended to introduce a new material at the beginning of the lesson: this gives you the opportunity to allocate time for training, and also makes it easier to check the quality of the learned during the same lesson.

II lesson. Work on the grammar. Mb learning to read the text.

III lesson. More active access to speech. Dialogues, conversation, retelling, story by analogy, story based on several texts.

IV lesson. Generalization, repetition. Output in writing. Summing up for all lessons. The writing is mostly homework.

The structure of the lesson. The question of the structure of the lessons of RCTs does not boil down to the elaboration of a single scheme that is mandatory for all lessons. Some stages of the lesson are constant, others vary. A constant stage of the lesson can be installation and speech charging, i.e. methods of introduction, "immersion" in the atmosphere of the language. Such training consists of various exercises, mostly oral, although written ones are not excluded (for example, writing on the blackboard and in the exercise book the date of the lesson, day of the week). With this beginning of the lesson, all students are immediately involved in the work. It is useful to start the lesson with phonetic charging.

The atmosphere of communication created at the beginning of the lesson should be maintained throughout the lesson. In this case, an important role is given to installations. Installations are those actions of the teacher that are associated with the motivation to learn, with instructions, organization, control, and evaluation of work during the lesson. Installations must be communicative in nature.

Such a sequence of work stages in a lesson is advisable: introduction to the “atmosphere” of a language; explaining new material and learning activities with it; exercises to consolidate and activate new material; explanation and recording of homework; summarizing the lesson; assessment of work on the lesson of each student.


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