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14. Monologue speech as a type of speech activity.


MR is inherent contextuality, situational.
Context - MP is built in the core. without situations extra-linguist. har-ra, but m. situationally colored.
Varieties of functions of MR
  • - Informat. - Post new info, knowledge. Speech product - narration, description, commenting
  • - Impact - the hearer's conviction, prompting, prevention
  • - estimated - an assessment of events
  • - expressive
  • - entertaining
  • - ritual and cult
Linguist. Har-ka MR: full-ness, difference dimension, raznran. state thoughts.
According to the communicator. goals distinguish: mon. message, description, reasoning, narration, persuasion.
For students to master these statements, they must have a trace. skills:
- the skill of a coherent utterance., cat. assumes ownership opr. tongue. Wed-you: possession of binding e-Tami.
The most relevance d / schools have mr trace. types: description and communication of students about themselves, their interests, school, relatives, city, region.
Basics purpose of training. MR - trainees. Master the skill of MR, under the cat. understood communicatively-motivated, logically consistently and coherently, fully and correctly in languages. respect to express their thoughts in the mouth. form (phonet. correctness, lexical. isp-t, grammar. ave-t).
2 stages of training. Mr
1. mastering the basics of M. exp.
2. improve M. skills.
The sequence of the use of supports.
  • 1. subject to portray. visibility
  • 2. text
  • 3. situations
  • 4. theme
On Wed and the senior stages of the last change, because the support scheme is widely used as a support. D / 2 fl. train Mr approx. supports in the form of text, situations, commenting on pictures à students' speech d. purchase a sub-communicator. har-r.
Text as a support for training. Mr has priority. zanchenie. Working with T. involves the implementation of exercises, communication. with his retelling.
So work on T. d. to pass in creative. managements
The subject is complete. eipom in work on mr.
Theme is part of the object. activity, reflecting the sphere of life and the interests of the trainees, cat. predetermine the content and volume of speech. communications.
Subject: subthemes: a collection of situations.
The teacher’s task is to select typical situations for each topic.
Recommendation: not mehan. learning texts.
Let's do it practice shows that it is advisable to propose d / memorizing authentic small texts.
2 ways to train. MR: indukt., Dedukt.
Deduct - isp-e small model text d / zankomstva with vocabulary, learn it. The choice of the path depends on the topic, the number of students, the stage of training.
Ind. - the design of their pr-niy. - - requires long. time, replete with errors.
It is advisable to use the large model texts.
Utilities for the development of skills.
Stages of work on the topic - the work of the teacher consists of. from a number of last. steps.
1. oral preparation for the topic (mastering the vocabulary on the topic + gram. Construction + element. Help. Sieves)
2. oral introduction of the topic in situations
3. working on the theme of the samples. Learn to do retelling, work with the plan, highlight the main. thoughts.
4. transfer of the topic to the personality of the trainees and their experience (b. Prepared for transferring to themselves)
5. working out the topic in new situations - in new services.
6. A combination of a theme with those previously mastered in an inter-character har-ra.
Objects of control: compliance with the topic, volume, variety of grammar. designs, lexical. naponennost, correctness of speech, correction of gross errors.


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