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22. Specificity of teaching foreign languages, the purpose of teaching foreign languages.


1) the complexity and multidimensionality of IL.
Scherba: training. OI - teach. activities, cat is F-tsie this or that person. count
If DOS. subjects give knowledge, formir. nerec skills, then on lessons Iaa. formulated kommunikat.-rech. skills. Any FL is unlimited, it is characterized by a single f-tion: goal, Wed-in training. and the subject of study.
In modern methodology, it is customary to single out three learning objectives: practical, general education, and educational. A practical learning goal means first of all practical language acquisition as a means of communication. With the help of practical learning goals, they characterize a number of skills necessary for successful language acquisition. These are skills to use literature, to work with a dictionary, to master techniques that ensure the memorization of words and rules and their extraction from memory. Thus, in the process of achieving practical goals, the teacher should pay attention to the development of technological skills in students, facilitating the acquisition of language.
The goal is achieved by solving many problems. Learning objectives are an objective reflection of learning objectives in relation to a specific stage and conditions of classes. Within the same goal, different learning tasks can be solved. Each task is set taking into account the achievement of a common goal. Tasks are formulated as a list of knowledge, skills and abilities.
1. Communicative: understand the speech of native speakers, speak oral dialogical and monologue, read aloud and silently unadapted text without a dictionary, write an essay, abstract, outline, theses, make an adequate translation into their native language and R. foreign text.
2. Philological tasks: systematization and deepening of knowledge on theory
3. Professional: development of skills and abilities necessary for future professional activity.
4. Worldview: implemented when studying social sciences, visiting museums, etc.
5. Cultural studies
The general educational goal of learning is that students are aware of the diverse ways of expressing thoughts that are present in different languages, which makes the thinking process more flexible, develops students' speech abilities, enriches their speech with language means for expressing thoughts. The general educational goal is also the use of language to enhance the general culture of students: knowledge of culture, history and the current situation, the geography of the country of the language being studied.
The educational goal of learning is manifested in the formation of the student’s personality, the development of a sense of mutual understanding between nations, as well as in the development of the ability to work, perseverance, and work with the vocabulary.
The unity of practical, educational and educational goals allows one to avoid one-sidedness in learning, when practical learning goals are resolved without taking into account general educational and educational or general educational goals are solved at the expense of practical ones.
1) communicator.
During the implementation impl. general education. lesson goal: exp. general outlook, formir. and razv. philological students' outlook, development. tongue. guesses.
We develop thinking. processes: memory, attention, skills of self. work, communicator. student ability.
2) brought up. - the development of emots. scope of students. It is important to rech. and nerec teacher behavior. Source of education: themes and text
Goals defined. content training., goals materialize in the content. train Sod train reflected in textbooks, programs, manuals, in the teacher. process.
Soc. order à goal à content train
The objectives of teaching foreign languages ​​are formed by the program on foreign languages ​​(1994) and determine the overall learning strategy.
The program on foreign languages ​​defines the purpose of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school as follows: developing the personality of the student, his abilities and desires to participate in intercultural communication in a foreign language and independently improve in the foreign language-speech activity mastered.
The state standard for IL is designed to determine the general part of the content of images. on the subject in the presence of different. programs, studies. plans and textbooks and s-vit. for razv. differentiation learning learning Thus, the State Standard plays an organizing and coordinating role at two levels of consideration with we train. FY: how aggregates will form. processes and how aggregates will form. institutions. In the second case, the State. The standard provides a compulsory core of the content of learning for an IL that is independent of the type of educational institution. This makes it possible to keep a single form. space in multinational. and polik-rnom about-ve, to stimulate the differentiation of images. and maintain continuity in training. subject for different models and options. If the problem of the levels of ownership of IL in relation to domestic learning conditions is still in the process of being solved, then the basic level of proficiency in IL is embodied in the Gos. educate standard for FR.
The development and publication of this document is of great importance. It attempted to correlate the world (European) experience in determining the base level of ownership of IL to the domestic conditions of study. The project has an open character. He passed a massive peer review by scientists and teachers.
The project is a kind of hypothetical model of the basic content of teaching the subject, representing the relationship between functional responsibilities and the possibilities of the state in the field of education. services and needs and opportunities of students. Therefore, the basic component of the educational content of the IL, presented in the project, suggests the presence of two levels: what the school can offer during the course of studies. process, and mines below which you can not fall.
Project State. standards developed on its basis certification requirements for the basic level of proficiency in the field of learning implement a new approach to the coverage of the pragmatic aspects of learning of the exercise of foreign weapons. Pragmatism in its new sound is manifested in the fact that the purpose and content. train are determined with t. h. possible exit to real communication with the media mi studied. language and with authentic sources of info. In the qualification of the target dominant, thu., As the most real and, with the methodical t. Z., Accessible type of speech activity in terms of training, is allocated. OI in our country, i.e. in conditions of sufficient remoteness from the countries of the language being studied.
Pragmatism in defining the goals and content of the teaching of Ia is also manifested in the fact that in the field of teaching reading and listening, the tasks are to teach students to understand authentic texts with different levels of penetration into their content. It is not only about a complete and accurate understanding of information, but also about the ability to understand basic information, and in relation to reading it is about the ability to extract the necessary / interesting information of the student.
In addition to the traditionally accepted goals to teach students to extract from the text, draw up and write a plan for the text they have read or listened to, the requirements for the basic level of possession of a letter are to develop students' ability to write a form and write a personal letter / card.
Controversial moments. Thus, the Project attempts to implement a tiered approach to defining the objectives of the learning content. It is also essential that the authors of the Project, along with the implementation of the pragmatic aspects of teaching IYA in their new understanding, also state the objectives of teaching the subject, reflecting its (training) general education. value. For the first time in a document of this kind, an attempt was made to present an upbringing. potential FL with t. h. the importance of the student's involvement in the country of the target language.
Thus, if we evaluate the value of the document in question as a whole, then we can say that for the first time it has stated in a new way the goals of learning the IL. The strategic goal of teaching the subject is to develop a student's communicative ability in the target language, the core of which is the communicator. competence. True, the authors could not take into account the specifics of intercultural communication.


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