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32. Overtime work on learning foreign languages


An important form of organization of the learning process in a foreign language is extracurricular work. In didactics, out-of-class and out-of-school work is defined as “various types of activities of students of an educational and educational nature, organized and conducted by the school outside school hours”.
Out-of-class work in a foreign language solves several problems simultaneously:
1. The problem of the practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in the classroom on the subject in lesson /
2. Further improvement of speech skills and abilities in all types of speech activity.
3. The development of interest in the school subject "foreign language" and the creation of a positive motivation to master them.
4. Education of the student’s personality by means of a foreign language.
During extracurricular activities, the same goals are achieved as in the lessons themselves (practical, educational, developmental, educational).
Organization of events in a foreign language outside the lesson should be carried out taking into account the age characteristics of students.
Out-of-class work in a foreign language is different from a classroom job. These differences are manifested: a) in the voluntary nature of extracurricular activities; b) in the extracurricular nature of the work itself; c) in greater independence and initiative of students in the implementation of extracurricular assignments; d) in the absence of strict regulation on time, place, form of the event; e) in the absence of accounting knowledge, skills and abilities.
Voluntary participation in extracurricular activities in a foreign language is manifested in the fact that students themselves decide for themselves whether or not to participate in extracurricular activities.
Students are not assessed at extracurricular activities. The activity of students is assessed indirectly, that is, through the implementation of assigned tasks, through the design of wall newspapers, through participation in a concert.
In the work at the lesson the teacher plays a leading role. In extracurricular activities, on the contrary, the students themselves play the leading role. They show their independence, ingenuity, their creativity and imagination. The teacher serves only as a consultant and advisor.
The system of extracurricular work on the subject "foreign language" is governed by certain principles. Principles of extracurricular work - these are the initial provisions that define the basic requirements for its content, methods and forms of organization. They correspond to the goals and objectives of all extracurricular work on a foreign language in secondary school and determine the essence of the teacher’s pedagogical activity as an organizer of extracurricular work. These are the so-called special principles.
We give these principles:
1. Principles of science, the connection of theory with practice.
2. The principle of voluntariness and mass in extracurricular work.
3. The principle of extracurricular activities.
4. The principle of communication of extracurricular work with a foreign language lesson.
5. The principle of unity of training, education and development.
6. The principle of the development of initiative and amateur students.
7. The principle of systematicity and consistency in the conduct of extracurricular activities.
8. The principle of personal individualization during extracurricular activities.
9. The principle of novelty in the conduct of extracurricular activities (novelty of the content of the material, the novelty of the forms of work, the novelty of the types of work, the novelty of work methods, the novelty of technical means of training and visibility, the novelty of speech partners).
The above principles of extracurricular activities have different meanings. None of them can be preferred. They complement each other, constitute indissoluble unity.
In the system of extracurricular activities in the language, two aspects can be distinguished: a) meaningful and b) organizational.
The substantive aspect of extracurricular activities are those forms that should be conducted in school. Three forms of extracurricular activities in a foreign language: a) mass; b) group; c) individual.
It should be noted that there is another form of extracurricular work on a foreign language. This is a circle. In the circle can be carried out a variety of types of work. Therefore, the circle should be considered a synthetic form of extracurricular work, which can be conducted in different classes and with different goals. The circle as a form of extracurricular activities has been known for a long time. She has acquired more and less well-established signs.
When organizing a foreign language circle, the following points should be considered: 1). Classes in the circle should be exclusively voluntary. 2). Each circle sets itself specific and specific tasks. 3). The organization of the work of any circle should be clear. four). The teacher who leads the work of the group thinks over the work plan taking into account the age of the students and the purpose of their work in the group, trying to make the classes interesting, effective, not like a lesson. five). The days and hours of work of the group must be coordinated with the general plan of school extracurricular activities. 6). Subjects of classes should be relevant and meet the needs of students.7). The teacher determines the size of the circle depending on its content. eight). The duration of each class on average about an hour. 9). The results of group activities of the whole group, as well as the work of individual students, should be reflected in specially produced bulletins or wall newspaper. ten). There are no administrative penalties or homework in the classroom.
Types of circles:
1. Conversation circle.
2. Dramatic circle.
3. Circle translator.
5. Puppet, shadow theater.
6. Choir circle or a circle of lovers of the song.
Each of the above types of circles has its own purpose. So, in a conversation circle, you can improve the ability to speak a foreign language, in the interpreter circle - the ability to translate, etc. In general, the work of all circles is aimed at improving language skills. In addition to the main goal, the teacher can plan for each specific circle and other related goals and objectives.
Recently, such a form of work with schoolchildren as the students' scientific community has gained special popularity. Such societies operate at pedagogical universities. In these societies, students of 9-11 grades who have a special interest in a foreign language take an active part. Classes in such student societies are usually conducted by university teachers. Members of the society listen to lectures in various disciplines, write essays on regional geographic and linguistic topics.


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