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15. Reading as a type of speech activity.


Reading refers to receptive WFD and an extract. info from text. Especially we will lie. approach to Thu represented by consideration of a number of aspects.
- Thu - it is important. Wed Comm.
- Thu - Informat. pr-ss.
On thu different 2 plans: content (lead), procedural.
Klychnikova: Thu - the process of perception and active processing of information, coded. on s-me one or other language.
Thu stands out as rech. dominant (especially d / tech. specials).
On Wednesday. shk .: speaking = reading
According to the program mastering students reading skills 4 styles (artist., publ., scientific pop., pragmat).
1) authenticity of text,
2) cognition
3) lingvostranov. factor
4) age accounting. features
5) compositional.
Fur we read. It is important to consider the work trace analyzers. There is a synthesis of the processes of perception and comprehension of 3 analyzers: rechimotor, spectator-speech, speech-hearing.
Types of reading.
1. extract full info from text
2. seizure total content read text
Thu presupposes work with the dictionary. To learn how to work with a dictionary, especially with a polysemantic meaning à the development of contextual insights.
Typical errors with Thu.
The reason is the lack of reading skills.
When improving the ability to read, the reader's attention is drawn to the meaning. content of the text. Lex-gr. Wed-va are understood as “by themselves” à this indicates the automation of skills (lex., phonet, gram - internal receptive).
When imperfect. possession thu the mind performs two operations — a recoding operation — a graph. knowledge Ia perev. in the code of values, and then encoded on Ur. meaning.
It is necessary to remember active. vocabulary, grammar. Development receptive-passive grammar.


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Terms: Linguodidactics