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18. Learning to write


Letters speech along with speaking presentations is expressive / product. WFD and is expressed in fixing ODA. content graphic or letter. signs (plan contain, plan express)
Psycho-physiological. the basis of the PR as activities yavl. interaction trace analyzers: dvigat., view., auditory-motor.
A letter as a WFD is possible on a baseline. connections plots., visual graphic., and motor-hearing. images language. phenomena. These connections are realized in graph., Calligraph. skills.
Mastering the letter. speech on OC is based on the possession of students of oral-rech. fur-mami. This is also taken into account when mastering FY.
Letters speech with reading - combined by common e-tami: visual graph., rumor-speech-motorn. images. These WFD mutually support each other.
In methodical lit-re under the letter understand. technique sp-i count. and spelling. sm of this FL.
Letters speech is the ability to express thoughts in writing. form.
Training writing technique.
The purpose of training. - form. graph., callin., orforgr. skills.
Graphic / Calligraphic skills - writing skills of all letters otd. language in isolation and in a coherent letter. speech.
Difficulty in mastering these skills with the assimilation of special sound letters. correspondences in FL
Main attention when training. technology writing inheritance. clarity and standardization of writing letters in accordance with the requirements of calligraphy.
The controls on the form. skills.
1. Control on writing in full or in part the same. letters: written. distinguished. but having a separate gang e-you; mismatch. by writing.
2. Manage to write letters: images. 1 simple sound, cl. sound (diphthongs)
3 control on the description of the division. words and text
4. upr-I sound letters. analysis otd. phrases and pr-niy.
All letters of management are accompanied by pronunciation.
Training gram. spelling d. implemented in parallel with learning gr. is in the letter. exercise-x
Leksich tongue. control, cat. fulfilled. in the letter. form yavl. with training spelling words and their el-com. Farther development orph. and count. Skills occurs when fulfilled. letter conditionally rec. control
Training letter speech is the whole of languages ​​and conditional speech. exercises performed in the letter. form. These include gram. and lexical directions conditionally rec. letter managements
1) Comp. letter ?? by pictures
2) ?? depends on a situation
3) ?? by text and letter. answers to them
4) Comp. story plan
5) set out the letter. short text content.
At st. this effective footprint Manages: extracts of their text, theses, annotation, reviewing, reviewing.


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Terms: Linguodidactics