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4. The concept of communicative competence, intercultural competence. Common European and Russian foreign language levels.


In the 70s past. in linguistics, there is a rejection of s-mnosti in favor of the activities. linguistics. In this regard, the linguist. studies received. pragmatic orientation - DOS. the task is not the device of the language, but its formation, i.e. it is possible to study language only exploring the use. his specific person (in the role of speaker, listener, writer in specific situations).
The most important achievements. linguistics was the position that the success of rech. communication depends on the ability of communicating to influence each other adequately to the tasks of communication and in accordance with this use. speech utterances.
So we are talking about the communicator. competence, cat. defined as the ability to organize their speech and nerec. behavior is adequate to the task of communication.
Do not have communication: - gestures mimic- distance of communication- glance
Shape communicative Competence has become a priority communicator. approaches at CSL.
The concept of communication. Competence is enriched with the following theories:
- t. speech acts.- reg. discursive analysis
In accordance with these theories, the process of communication is not only the process of transmitting and receiving information, total. - is the regulation of relations m / s partners.
- T. speech activity (RD) - emerged at the turn of 60-70 as an alternative to behavioral psycholinguistics. T.RD revealed the essence of speech. communication in the context of soc. situations.
It became obvious that it was impossible to limit development. linguistic competence (knowledge of linguistic mediums and the rules of operating with them - the formation of phonet., lexical., grammatical knowledge). The development of the ability to communicate is associated with the development of the ability to assess, analyze the situation and make the necessary decisions. In addition, you need to develop the ability to use. tongue. Wed-va in decomp. communication situations.
The ability to communicate is associated with such a concept as competence - it is understood as the ability to independently act in social. situations.
Lingvodidaktika aims to describe the structure and content. models of language acquisition in the process of training.
Secondary language. personality - the totality of the ability of people to foreign language. communication at the inter-level level, under the cat. understood adequate interaction with representatives of others. To-p.
It is important to teach the ability to compare, compare k-ph. country achievements and their achievements.
The formation of a secondary language. personality sr-you IL.
D / techniques important theory of phased formir. skills and abilities. This t. Followed: Leontyev, prof. Winter Irina Alekseevna. The concept of skills and abilities is taken from the psychology of RD. This is the most important concept of d / methodology.
The specifics of the subject IYA - goal, Wed-wah training. and the subject of study. at the lesson.
Commune competence is based on language, speech skills, speech skills, possession of ODA. the sum of knowledge (grammatical. knowledge) (important with matisation and synthesis of knowledge).
Tongue. skills: à language. competence
- phonet.
- grammar.
- lexical. regulations
lsr (lex. side of speech)
- word formation
- word usage
Formlt W. lang personality consists of mastering the language. picture of the world of speakers of the language and the global picture of the world, allowing people. understand the new d / it social. action Important non-language info.
W. lang personality - strategic the purpose is jlp.
Great contribution to the development of communicative. JINA introduced Pr. Passov (Communicator. Method in textbook, lesson).
In the light of the concept of Passov, it is necessary to teach to understand the carriers of one or another conceptual (global) picture of the world, to eliminate the foreignness inherent in the concept of IL and translate it into the category of a secondary, but foreign language. Only in this case the main task will be realized. language policy - set. understanding and peace m / s representatives of various. to-r.
New Priorities CSL:
- contain. aspects of training.
- interests and needs of students as subjects of studies. process.
From here d / moia important footprint. aspects of training .:
- sociological factors educ.
- motivation and consideration of the native language
- the development of the personality of the student in the process of his interaction with an alien swarm.
Hence it is important that the socio-to-ph. component content train consistent with the experiences and interests of students. It should be comparable to the similar experience of their peers - representatives of a different culture.
In this case, the main e / students yavl. not "brought up" from the standpoint of the norms and values ​​of the country iz.yaz. and the memorization of root-facts, and the ability to compare the sociocultural experience of a people speaking a given language from their own. by experience.
Under the swarm of the country Ia means:

  1. value knowledge. relationship relations
  2. studied by FY as soc. phenomenon.

Etc. Safonova Victoria Viktorovna developed to-ph. approach to jlp. Ch. The principle of this approach is interconnected communicative training. and socioc-ph. development of learners of non-native language c-you of the language.
1. linguist. component - rech. and language. material selection language. speech material (speech sample - a selection unit of speech material - a typed segment of speech, by analogy with a cat. a large number of statements may be formed, similar to page, generalized content and communicative goals. Speech sample has a logical accent, rhythm-intonation pattern in contrast to the SPO model.
2. psihologich. component - skills, abilities, motivation
3. subject-communicator. comp. This component includes areas of communication. The sphere is foreign. communication - a set of homogeneous. communicator situations, cat. Har-rizuyutsya uniformity of speech. prompted man-ka, the ratio of m / s communicators, the atmosphere of communication.
Spheres: social life (family, prof. Traditions, home, friends, shop, food); educational work (school, school subjects, schedule, holidays); soc-to-ph (city, sights, travel, transport, sports, holidays, holidays); fiction (favorite games, entertain.).
Spheres help opred. list of naib. likely speech situations and social-wommun. roles predominant. in every area of ​​communication. Spheres, subjects mouth. speeches, reading concretized by the program of training. FL for each stage, taking into account the specifics of this type of training. institutions.
4. methodological. / Didactic. component. Training diet teaching, incl. all kinds of self. work and skills for further development of IL.Komp. presented in distance / offline training. It is important to study. student competence.
Strategic goal: the formation of communes. student competencies. Basics of practical possession foreigner. communication at the basic level of communication in the State. images. standard for FL with a min., but a sufficient level of communes. competence.
Lead comp. in whom competence - speech skills, a cat. are formed on the basis of:

  1. tongue. knowledge and skills
  2. linguistic studies. of knowledge

Objectives of training. associated with com. Competence., reflect the specifics of the IL as a study. subject.
1. the leading role of the communicator. goals
2. studied OI - Wed-in communication, not an end in itself
3. lack of language. Wednesday
4. interfering. influence of rya
Goals and objectives d. realized and accepted by students.
It is important to formulate an intermediate. goals and conc. tasks à contribute. more aware self successful assimilation.

Levels of mastering. AND I.
Thanks to the Council of Europe there is a single assessment of knowledge in the region. OI in Europe.
Levels of ownership + corresponding. im texts exam. Cambridge Syndicate. University:
1) Way stage level user - Key Eng Test
2) Freshhold level user - Preliminary Eng Test
3) Vantage level / Independent user - First Certificate in English
4) Effectiveness level / User profile - Certificate in Advanced Engl
5) Mastery level / Good user - Certificate of Proficiency in English

Levels Vlad. OI on the main. Russia specialists.
General European. syst assumes 6 levels of ownership of IL:
1) Survival Level
2) subthreshold
3) threshold
4) threshold advanced
5) high
6) perfectly
In Russia, comp. Testing of General Europ. Tongue. Portfolio. Result: d / fatherland. schools relevant footprint. Compliance:
1) Lv. survival is achieved in terms of trainings. in general education. schools (5-9 cells, 3-4 lessons per week)
2) subthreshold - obshcheobrazovat. schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, in the cat. train OI starts with 1-2 cells and lasts 11 each.
3) threshold in the SC. with dimple study FL (5-8 lessons per week)
4) threshold-advanced is achieved only separately. school students linguistic. Profile, where the idea of ​​more than 10 lessons per week.
5) high, suggests prof. language use
6) due to the correlation. with requirements, Cambridge. certificate / him. a diploma.


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