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30. Planning of the educational process according to the IL. Types of plans, their meaning and features. Conditions for successful planning of the lesson of foreign currency.


The organization of the uch. process of predating Plan because is important co-component process - the planned rekhtulat activities of the teacher and students. Planier. result: skills, abilities, knowledge, development of methods, motivation.
Conditions for successful planning:
- possession of constructive-planning skills (organizing. skills)
- knowledge of the teacher goals and requirements for practical. skills and abilities
- methodological knowledge. concepts of authors
- knowledge of teaching materials for each class
- knowledge of the conditions of training. and age. special
- knowledge base. methodical requirements to sovr. lesson OI.
Types of planning:
1. calendar
2. thematic.
3. lesson
Subject plan - DOS. purpose - the definition of goals, objectives, amount of material, the sequence of study. languages. material (last-tb during the passage of the def. topic / paragraph / unit), on this base. form speech skills and abilities.
S-ma lessons included in the topics. the plan (6-15 lessons) reflects the gradual. count and quality-in. change on the formation of speech. skills of students. In close. connection with this psikhol. s-numbered, d. be solved: obrazobrazovat goals, educate., developing.
Lesson planning
Lesson OI - Opr. a segment of studies. work on cat. carried out achievement opr. communicator., general., rep. goals by performing pre-planned individual control. and group har-ra.
Each lesson must have a clear and conc. target inclusive 3 components: what needs to be learned, to what extent, with what level of automation.
Basics lesson components:
- org. moment
- enter new material
- his training, formir. skills and their control
- development acc. speech skills, their control
- formulated and record DZ
Components should not be confused with the stages of the lesson: the control is not a stage.
Lesson aa has a trace. page (3-5 stages):
During the classes:
I preparing students for in. activities at AJ
1) the teacher's greeting is creative. har-r
2) phonet. charging - phonet removal. difficulties saying
3) speech preparation - all kinds of prepare. control
II introducing a new language. of the material
1) 10-15 min. - new. material, understanding control new. material on rya
III DOS. stage
1) testing previously entered mater. and mastery. students otd. WFD in class
IV if enter. on 2 fl. The new material turned out to be very good. difficult, there will be a re-introduction of new. material - delayed listening
V concludes.
1) formulated. DZ (ideal model - removal of difficulties)
2) summing up (it is advisable to evaluate each student on a special basis. WFD during the lesson)
Ogre end of lesson: what have we learned?


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