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28. The problem of the system of exercises in teaching foreign languages


D \ technique is important the principle of "the dominant role of exercises in the class of FY".
Managing is the repeated execution of an action in order to develop and improve the way of performing this action.
Bim regards control as any form of interaction between a teacher and students (or students of self-employed), mediated by educational material and having definitions. page
Page management:
1. goal of management
2. task (all types of task must be read by students)
3. The condition of the implementation of the control and the ma-support (you need to consider the level of training). Text - min support. Other supports: key. active vocabulary, grammar. construction plan (a series of ?? at the beginning. Stage) scheme, a series of pictures.
4. result (skills and abilities)
5. key d / self control.
Requirements for controls.
- managements in a quality basis. unit training e. provide a clear statement of the problem and orient it in the conv. execution.
- creation of motivation, interest in management, result
- neobh. provide incentives and supports (verb. and non-verb.) and ensure gradual development. their decrease.
Manages the wearing of a communicator. direction Exercise d.b. adequately formed skills and abilities (appropriateness of management).
- it is important to observe the increase, gradation of difficulties in the management.
At the end of the lesson - communicative direction. managements
D / adequate. the ability to restructure in the class Ne. have a few stock. control
Classification of exercises.
Management is an effect. Wed-in training. (Passes)
1. by type: language. (outside the situation of communication - open the brackets); conditionally communicator. (prepare., pre-speech); speech (authentic communicator.).
2. according to the method. goals: g / awareness of the new language. material; e / learning; ex. d. checks the understanding of the text for listening; d / checking the readability; d / development of mouth. speeches; d / removing difficulties before reading the text; ex. d / removing difficulties before listening to the text.
3. at the place of execution: classy (conditionally communicator, communicator.), Home.
4. in form: oral, written.
Gez, Passes, Lapiduk dealt with the problem of exercises.
Known criterion for compliance with the objectives of training objectives. AND I. In accordance with this Crete. - 3 controls: genuinely communicator, conditional communicator / educational speech, noncommunicator / nerec.
Genuine-rech. - ex. in all WFD. They encourage students to use these types of communication as in OC. It contributes to formir. and razv. speeches skills in all WFD, because stimulate to rech. TV-woo in speaking, listening, reading.
Basics motv run. - natures. need for communication. Rendering rech. support
Conventional communicator. prevail in the practice of training., developed. in 60gg. - Lapiduk, Passov - imitated communication. Allow to implement training language. material in studies. comm, cat. imitates natural food.
When def. conditions, these controls may have an aspect direction. D / formir. gram. speech skills isp. control, cat. can provide situational-krmmunikat. training grammar studied. phenomena in familiar vocabulary.
New grammar. material - on the main. already studied. New vocabulary - in rech. sample on the base. learned grammar. pp.
Very good effective footprint prepare., training arrangements:
- imitative
- wildcard
- transformational
- end of pr-ny
- control in translation
- management, cat. are role-playing, preparing students for activities (prepare for dialogic. communication).
+: developing horizons, linguistic. skills active grammar material stylist. the author's particulars, reality words.
-: Translation does not take much time.

Conclusion: the lesson of the IYA is a complex of exercises, with a number of exercises on teaching: audirov., Speaking (dialog: phonet, lex., Grammar; monologich), reading, writing.


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