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6. Cultural and linguistic aspects in teaching IYA in different types of educational institutions.


LSA in training. different parties to the WFD as a way to communicate.
Contents train
- linguist. component
- a psychologist. Component: skills
- subject communicator. spheres
- didactic .: formir. studies. competencies of students on the skills of self. work.
In the State. standard rassmatr. 3 contents LINE lines for creating a base level communicator. competences - communicator. skills. Yaz.knowledge, linguistic skills. and country scholar. knowledge (secondary socialization of the individual).
On content Jaa a
is influenced by sociolinguistics, a cat. is studying language and to-ry, language and about-va, therefore the JINR is not only an expression. thoughts, as well as a source of information about the nat. to-re people. Based on the fact that the language performs the communicator. and cumulative. (to accumulate) functions, since language - the keeper of the people.
Special interest in country history. arose in the 60s.
The drug covers the whole complex of knowledge about a country, a cat. absorbed in the process of teaching. the language itself. Countryman. no info is brought from outside, i.e. assimilated by someone who grew up in one to-ru, others to-ry.
LS Competence - holistic with-ma ideas about the DOS. nat traditions, customs, realities of the country, allowing. associate lexical units of a given language are the same info as a native speaker seeking a full-fledged communication.
Drug levels of material:
1. Leksich. - word level. Vocabulary: non-equivalent, background (carries additional info, otdich. Nat. Color); connotative.
2. Ur-n words. - the words of reality.
3. Ur-n. phrases. pr-niy - sayings.
4. Level of abbreviations.
Leksich level.
1) non-equivalent vocabulary does not have clear correspondences in another language.
2) background l .: usually their semantics include in a lexical. concepts and vocabulary. background.
3) connotative - excellent. emots.-aesthetic. associations. She possesses a k-ethnographer. features. The purpose of its semantization is formir. ratings from trainees.
Dumb language: sign language, facial expressions, eyes, postures, distance. Extralinguist. factor.
The receptive mastering of these Wed-in is interpreted for the trainees (translator, guide).
Speech uzus - a set of extra LS factors and linguistic. Wed-in / forms of speech through the cat. manifest connection language and K-ry.
Knot - usage and words.
Vocabulary with cultural. component represented by words of reality.
Realities are real. facts, char-ry d / to-ry of the country and the words expressed. these facts.
- reality, reflected. events about-v.-polit., economical., k-rn. of life.
- reality, express. customs, traditions
- p., vyr. concepts of organizations, institutions
- geographer. items are toponyms.
- household items, clothes
- pr-nii of art, lit-ry
- historical names personalities - anthroponym
Realities can be conveyed by others in words, but are rethought differently.
In OC entered the words, initially not having. correspondences in nat. to-re
There are words with nat. To-rny component of semantics:
1. conditional units
2. squares, streets
3. names of metro stations, den. units
It is important to teach students to skillfully find the adequate components of the interpretation of sayings, newspaper titles, headlines, plays.

LS comments
Cognitive-countries. approach to training. reading requires the use of a dictionary, realities and drugs comment, cat. contains dosed country history. backgrounds. knowledge by definition topic.
2 types of comments:
- leading team. Cat. Allows students to simulate the background. knowledge, necessary and sufficient d / understanding of country scientists. text capacity. This k. Contains the most common info about historical. the era of the author's personality. This room is placed before the text (expansion of the general and philological. outlook of students).
- Amplifying comp., cat. Connected to the dep. fragments of text. It comments. ethical-usual forms of speech, clarified. words and expressions. with nat. For-rnye components of semantics.
PM com. allow students to go deep into the content. readable, enrich students with information about country studies. and LS Har-RA.
In terms of the lesson., Except for practical. lesson objectives, db general education included. goals

Appeared earlier linguistic studies. At the beginning stage (4-5kl.) noun. a bit of opportunity d / initiation to the KI FI. However, the authors uch. benefits give info d / expansion k-rn. and country scholar. outlook of students.
Textbook d / 5 cl. gives texts introducing the traditions of the English, included fairy tales.
In uch. 5-6 cl. There is a sufficient number of proverbs, sayings.
In the texts of d / home reading a large number of country scientists. material (image. scheme 6 work day, schedule, sights of London; pragmatic. material: tickets, menus, recipes).
Book d / reading 3 cl. gives texts based on fairy tales.
Conclusion: even at the beginning. The stage is brightly revealed to form. f-tion OI.


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Terms: Linguodidactics