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5. Problems of situational and communicativeness in learning of IL. Teaching and speech situations: component composition, functions, types, ways of creation.


Key. principle in training. FY: communicator. direction and situational conditionality.
Training and rech. sieve - unit orga-lesson lesson - a collection of speeches. and non-speaking. conditions set by the teacher to students, necessary and sufficient. in order for the student to properly talk about speech. action as per scheduled. us communicator. challenge
The pages of urs.
1. cond. situations
2. rech. situations
In the composition. conditions of the situation are: description of the situation, speech stimulus, task.
Ways to create a situation:
1) verbal description
2) use of clarity
3) the performance is ready. texts, playing speeches of games
4) Spanish real. circumstances.

In modern methodical lit-re submitted different typology of urs.
1) rel. to real action (artificial (more often), real).
Great importance is attached to creating an imaginary situation.
2) by the method of creation (extralist / external (created with pom. Illustrations, mock-ups, films), verbal (with pom. Verbal descriptions) / language)
3) according to the volume of statements (according to the fin. Speech product) (micro-situations - correlation with the min. Speech pr-nii, macro - connected. Followers. Statements, expanded. Dialogue).
4) according to the method of purpose (sit. Reproductions - motivates speaking / sometimes writing speech, sit. Reception - applicable as a way to motivate reading and listening).
Fr URS. URS isp-sya:
1) on the floor. familiarized with new material
2) training in Spanish language. material and form. speech skills
3) development skills multilingual., oral. and letter. speech. Urs vyst. as an incentive cat. induces samost but select and use language. manifest in speech.
URS is a way of motive. speech activities


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Terms: Linguodidactics