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31. The control in teaching Ia. Objects, forms, types and methods of control.


Learning foreign languages ​​is considered today as a managed process. Control is one of many learning management tools.
The term "control" is used in a broad and narrow sense of the word. “Control” in the broad sense of the word is a component of the educational process aimed at determining the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student. In the narrow sense of the word "control" - this is the stage of the lesson, during which the homework or exercises performed in the classroom are checked.
In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, there is no consensus on many issues regarding control: definition, content, place, etc. I.L. Bim treats control as a concomitant action of a teacher in organizing the main ways of his interaction with students - acquaintance, training and use of language and speech material. Control and training are not disjoint in the educational process, only in time training is ahead, but control also has an educational character.
The functioning of the learning system in general and a foreign language in particular is impossible without effective ongoing monitoring of the level of formation of skills and the development of skills in teaching listening, speaking and reading. In the educational process, control has a two-way focus: on the teacher and on the student. For the teacher, his role is that with the help of a constant measurement, he draws conclusions about the quality of his work and about the quality of the students' work. Based on the results obtained, the teacher makes the necessary adjustments to his activities, most rationally plans and manages joint activities to master educational communication.
Monitoring aimed at the student informs him about the quality of language training; These assessments allow the student to see the results of his academic work, judge the progress in teaching, about gaps, and draw conclusions from this.
The place of control in the educational process is determined by the objectives of teaching foreign language communication at school.
At present, the position of the well-known American Methodist R. Lado that the object of study should become an object of control has become recognized. From this it follows that the control is educational in nature and that it must be constant in the process of learning foreign language speech activity.
Since the control of speech skills and skills often coincides with the training in its material and formal manifestations, it contributes to the realization of the objectives set before the training: practical, educational, general educational and developmental.
Practical goal. Carrying out the main teaching function, the control provides feedback and informs the teacher and students about the correctness / falsity of the training steps, makes it possible to notice in time and prevent a mismatch of the intended learning goal and the available result.
General purpose. The control reveals the peculiarities of speech communication in a foreign language, reveals the specifics of the use of speech and language material, thus allowing to compare similar actions in the native language, i.e. It helps to solve the problem of philological education of students. The control reveals the correctness of the expression of the content and the construction of the form of the utterance, contributes to the development of the “culture of speech”.
The educational goal of control is determined by its stimulating effect on the process of mastering and mastering foreign language speech activity. A positive, adequate assessment of labor stimulates students to better results, thereby bringing up such qualities as perseverance, hard work, independence, perseverance, etc.
Developmental goal. Control, possessing a large stimulating effect on students' learning activities, sets the direction for the search, activates their thought. In such a situation, the teacher’s controlling speech setting induces students to raise a question to themselves, from which, according to psychological research, thinking begins. Thus, control enhances the exchange of thoughts, information, activating the imagination, memory.
Considering the question of the continuity of controlling actions in the educational process, it is necessary to refer to the interpretation of control as an accompanying teaching method (I.L. Bim, G.V. Rogova).
As an accompanying method of teaching, control is present in the implementation of any teaching or learning activities of the teacher and students.


  1. Learning function. Since the control of learning in foreign language often goes into the external plan as well as the learning itself, the controlling actions are carried out at the same points of the educational process as the teaching ones, and only for a specific task that the teacher sets can one differentiate learning and control. In the process of performing monitoring tasks, the acquired material is activated, skills and abilities are improved.
  2. Feedback function. In modern theories of speech activity, control is considered as an obligatory link in the scheme of generation and perception of speech utterance. This link provides a corrective or controlling relationship between the effect of the implementation and a given program, i.e. feedback.
  3. Stimulating function. The success of the practical mastering of foreign language communication depends on how motivated it is for students. Result orientation is always present in a learning activity: the motive of action is the success / failure of the result. Students should see the results of their work, expressed in a particularly tangible form - assessment and mark.
  4. Correction function.
  5. Management function.
  6. Diagnostic function

The two interacting parties - the teacher and the student - function differently in the monitoring process. The teacher in the course of control receives information on the course of the educational process, analyzing the statements of students.
There are the following types of control:

Preliminary control is designed to identify the initial level of student learning, on the basis of which learning is based as a whole. It is usually held at the beginning of the school year. The first lessons of the Russian language are devoted to preliminary control, which take place in the form of students performing tasks designed to use the material studied.

A kind of preliminary control is input testing, carried out in order to determine the level of ownership of OC. Based on the test data, training groups are completed and a training program for each group is determined.

Final control reveals the final levels of students' proficiency in various types of speech activity. This type of control is carried out at the end of each year of study (semester, quarter) with the help of special control tasks.

The purpose of intermediate control is to determine the level of mastering a specific part of the curriculum, i.e. the degree of formation of speech skills and abilities, which were the objects of testing during a certain series of lessons. The frequency of the intermediate control is determined by the schedule of classes, which records special lessons on monitoring and correction.

Current control is carried out at each lesson in the process of mastering students of educational material. Through this control, specific student “current” difficulties are established.

In the process of learning, students receive a variety of attitudes that act as a psychological mechanism for influencing their behavior. Installation corrects the focus of attention of students, causes the selection of certain phenomena.

The hidden or open manifestation of control in the educational process depends on the attitude that students receive: to control or to speech practice. Open control relies on an arbitrary form of attention when students are aware of the controlled nature of their activities. Hidden control is carried out on the basis of involuntary attention, because student activity is directed not at control, but at learning.

Input testing, as well as final and intermediate control, is characterized by the open nature of its conduct. Preliminary and current control can be not only open, but also hidden.

The following forms of control are used in classes on OC: 1) frontal, group, individual and differentiated; 2) oral and written; 3) monolingual and bilingual.
Evaluation of the results. This complex aspect of control requires the teacher objectivity and pedagogical skills. The assessment gives a qualitative description of the observed progress of the educational process: it is necessary for the teacher for methodological purposes, for the students - for educational purposes.
The teacher formulates an assessment of the progress of the student’s academic work either in evaluative judgments or in points (mark).
An important requirement for assessing the results of academic work is its objectivity. So that students do not have doubts about the fairness of the mark, it should be motivated.


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