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10. Learning the grammatical side


The question of the role of grams. in different years he was solved in different ways. Supporters of the grammatical-translational method believed, one hundred language m. mastered only through grammar. Supporters straight. method considered that when studying. OI should not engage in grammar. This contradiction is caused by decomp. interpretation of the term grammar. 2 values:
- grammar as 1 of DOS. sections of the science of language
- grammar as grammatical. line of speech. Grammat. build m. mastered purely practically without rule as in OC.
However, knowledge of these rules means it makes it practical. mastering, especially in the absence of foreign language. environment.
Basics the purpose of the work reptile gram-Coy in Wed shkro - the formation of gram., rech. skills as important. components of speech skills (especially at the beginning. stage).
Contents train grammar:
1. linguist. component (grammar. minimum - active and receptive, objective. difficulties of mastering certain phenomena, grammatical concepts themselves, which are absent in students rya.
2. psychologist.: Motives and interests, grammar. skills interconnected. gram formation. and lexical skills.
3. Methodology: grammar skills. reference books, skills with gram. tables.
Ch. requirement for the volume of grammar. material: material db communicatively sufficient. d / purpose of communication (entropy).
To this end, it is advisable to limit the amount of grammar. material. On the other hand, the form-e and perfect-e gram. skills require a lot of practice and a lot of time.
Principles of selection.
Active min - phenomena on the main. principle of prevalence and exemplary.
Passive min. - The principle of prevalence in the book. speech, the principle of ambiguity.
Basics source of difficulties: interlanguage and intralingual interference.
Grammar skills are consistently correct, automated, situationally and contextually-defined using and understanding of gram. Wed-in all WFD


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Terms: Linguodidactics