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34. The main domestic teaching materials in foreign languages. Name and characterize the main textbooks and the positions of their authors.


Textbook analysis criterion

UMK (Educational and methodological complexes) are divided into

  • Teaching Tools for Teachers
  • Learning Tools for Students

The main purpose of the means is to create the illusion of familiarization with the natural language environment. Tools: basic (textbook, exercises, lesson), auxiliary (audio, visual, audio-visual materials). Thus, teaching aids include the entire arsenal of educational tools from handouts to computers. The effectiveness of handout and didactic materials (HDM) depends on:

  1. The teacher's knowledge of the program requirements for this type of group.
  2. Knowledge of the language level of this class.
  3. The number of students and the type of interaction in the work. With a high level of training and 10 people in the group, the number of supports is minimized (the criterion for decreasing supports).
  4. Teacher's knowledge of all components of teaching materials.

Conclusion: teaching aids are a methodologically significant component of the foreign language teaching system.

Principles of creating a system of means of teaching a foreign language

  1. The principle of functionality ensures the functioning of each component and the system as a whole.
  2. The principle of consciousness and creative activity of students.
  3. The principle of visibility.
  4. The principle of creating a positive emotional background.
  5. The principle of individualization of learning and differentiation in education.

The educational and methodological complex (EMC) is a micro-model of the foreign language teaching system that operates in a certain historical period.

In 1961, the first educational complex was created. In 1981, new teaching materials were developed for all foreign languages. The educational complex included 10 components, built on the principle of functionality with the aim of equipping students with new means of communication.

In the 90s, the state standard for the study of foreign languages ​​was approved, where reading became the new target dominant.

A modern educational complex includes the following components: a textbook, a teacher's book, a reader, an activity book, and a set of audio cassettes. An important component is also the teacher's book.

The teaching materials usually have three sections:
  1. Introduction, in which the author reveals the goals, objectives, and content of academic work in a given year of study. It also describes the main educational material, the number of lexical units, grammatical structure, organization of the educational process, as well as the structure and purpose of each component of the educational complex.

  2. The main part, which contains the entire teaching methodology. The chapters correspond to specific conversational topics, the exercises are divided into lessons, and lesson plans are suggested, but they are not ready-made plans. Lesson plans are abstract models that provide the structure of a lesson. Methodological recommendations are important, since the author offers his own methods and techniques for semantization, introducing new lexical or grammatical material.

  3. Reference material including all types of additional exercises, such as phonetic exercises and listening stories.

34. The main domestic teaching materials in foreign languages.  Name and characterize the main textbooks and the positions of their authors.


The form of methodological organization of the presented learning content has the main sources of information for students and a guide for the teacher.

The textbook requirements and characteristics include the following:
  1. The textbook must correspond to the goals and objectives of education defined in the program

  2. Foreign language educational material must be selected and organized in accordance with the goals and objectives of training and correspond to these goals.

  3. The process of developing foreign language skills and abilities must be rationally organized.
  4. The textbook must formulate specific teaching methods.
  5. The textbook should implement the ideas of humanization of education, focused on the development of the student’s personality and taking into account the characteristics of the students.
  6. The idea of ​​integrating disciplines and interdisciplinary connections (for example, with history, literature) should be reflected in the textbook.
  7. The textbook should promote creativity in learning and the development of foreign language abilities.
  8. Projectivity in education: communication in language should be built into extralinguistic activities.

Mastering the project culture in educational methodological complexes (TMC) has the following characteristics:

  1. Having a vision: CMCs encourage students to develop design thinking by allowing them to develop ideas and concepts for projects.

  2. Planning: Students learn to develop plans for their projects, considering the sequence of steps and resources needed to complete them.

  3. Selection of techniques, methods and methods: Educational complexes provide a variety of techniques and tools for solving problems within projects, which contributes to the development of a creative approach to the organization of education.

  4. Plan Execution: Students learn the skills to execute plans using selected methods and techniques.

  5. Project design: UMKs are taught to structure and present the results of their projects in the form of formalized work, which develops presentation and communication skills.

Educational complexes promote a creative approach to the organization of education, teach how to predict material, use various options, and at the same time they do not provide a variety of ready-made texts, but allow students to create and construct texts themselves.

The main idea of ​​teaching and learning is that learning should be interesting, but not always entertaining. The website talks about this. The criterion for problem-solving in teaching materials is the use of language material to complete tasks, while the novelty of the result and new ways of achieving it are supported.

The teaching and learning center also emphasizes the importance of musical accompaniment in lessons and homework to make learning more interesting and attractive for students.

Conclusions about the characteristics of educational methodological complexes (TMC) are as follows:

  1. These teaching materials use the best modern methodological ideas that contribute to the creation of an attractive and effective educational process.

  2. Educational complexes attach great importance to problem-based learning, which contributes to a deeper understanding of educational material and the development of critical thinking. The variety of methods and techniques included in the teaching materials allows teachers and students to choose appropriate methods depending on the task.

  3. The teaching and learning center pays attention to making learning enjoyable. This is reflected in a variety of teaching methods that motivate students and create interest in the learning process.

  4. The presence of an “ego factor,” that is, the opportunity for students to express their ideas and opinions, promotes active learning activities and the development of communication skills.

  5. The teaching materials use original texts and materials, such as comics, board games, interesting letters and recipes. This makes the learning process more fun and contextual.

  6. The main idea of ​​the authors of the educational complex is that learning should be fun but not all the time

  7. The criterion for problems in teaching materials is the use of language material to complete tasks, as well as the desire for novelty of results and the search for new ways to achieve them.

  8. Educational complexes emphasize the importance of musical accompaniment in lessons, which helps create a pleasant learning atmosphere and can improve the perception of information.

    However, it is important to remember that learning does not always have to be playful, and it is important to maintain a balance between fun and serious education.

The structure of the textbook for learning English includes the following main elements:

  1. Texts: The textbook contains texts that are intended both for teaching reading and for developing oral speech. These texts should be selected taking into account the level of lexical material studied by students and correspond to educational goals. In addition, the textbook may include pragmatic texts, such as recipes and menus, that are used to practice language skills.

  2. Pragmatic texts: These texts focus on the practical application of language skills. They may include information on how to perform specific tasks or descriptions of practical situations in which English must be used

  3. Speech and Language Material: The textbook should provide speech samples and language material that helps students acquire and apply new language. This may include dialogue, phrases, idioms and other linguistic elements.

    Information material: The textbook also contains information material, including rules and comments that explain language structures, grammar and vocabulary. This helps students better understand language material and its rules.

The rules included in the textbook can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Rules for creating an indicative framework for action: These rules may include instructions and directions for performing certain tasks or activities, such as how to fill out a form or complete an exercise.

    Rules for organizing previously acquired knowledge: These rules help students organize and assimilate the material they have already learned, creating a logical structure in their knowledge.
  2. Rules for independent comprehension of the material learned: These rules can provide students with the tools to independently analyze and understand the language material, perhaps using grammar reference books or other resources.

Particular emphasis, as you describe, is placed on self-assessment, which involves students' active participation in assessing and monitoring their learning, which contributes to their self-development and independence.

Brief information about famous textbooks for learning English and widely used in educational institutions
  1. "Happy English" edited by Kuzovlev: This textbook is a basic teaching material for elementary grades and is known for its interesting and clear lessons, a variety of exercises and an emphasis on the development of speaking skills.

  2. Suggest a fix"Bogorodskaya" and "Khrustalev" for advanced classes: These textbooks are intended for more serious study of the English language and are usually used in specialized classes with an in-depth program.

  3. Starkov for High School: This textbook is intended for high school students and covers more advanced topics and grammatical structures.
  4. "World Class," "English Together," and "Headway": These textbooks are foreign teaching aids that are also widely used in educational institutions. They are known for their high quality and modern approach to teaching English.

Each textbook has its own characteristics and methodological approaches, and the choice of a particular textbook may depend on the needs and learning goals, as well as the level and age of the students.


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