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7. Teaching the pronunciation side of a foreign language: goals, tasks, content and methods of working on phonetic material (to illustrate with examples). The value of using tso.


All sounding speech is phonetics.
The importance of the SDF is that it implements all the vocabulary and grammar.
Basics purpose of training. FSR in Wed school - formir. phonet. student skills. Phonet skills yavl. most important automatism components of all skills (speaking, reading, audi., writing).
Background. skills:
- Rumor-says. (skills of phoneme-correct pronunciation of all sounds in the stream of speech, understanding of all sounds when listening to the speech of other people; e / their form. Foreign language abilities are very important.
- rhythmic intonats. (skills of intonation and rhythmically correct form of speech and understanding of the speech of others).
Students already own ustoych. phonetic skills in OC. In the absence of inyaz. environment, this leads to interference, de-automation skills).
Factors causing de-automatization:
1. absence of foreign environment
2. interference (constant. Interfering effect of nso-st. Phonet. Skills in the OC on the process of forming. Phon. Skills in the IYE)
3. complexity form. and maintenance of phonet. skills
4. self-difficulty transfer phonetic. skills on the new vocabulary grammar. material
5. student motivation
6. Presence / absence of exercises in support textbooks. skills.
Thus, for a teacher of OI it is important to own a comparative-compare. phonet analysis. phenomena in 2 languages. Analysis is important to determine the source of difficulties and errors.
Components train phonetics in compare
1. linguist. (phonet. min., phonet. rules, phonet. difficulties of mastering sounds in comparison with the OC).
2. psychologist. (creation of motivation, development of special abilities.
3. methodical (skills on the self. work. with phonet. dictionaries, reference books).
Phonet groups. difficulties:
- articulum. - tr. when playing sounds
- positional - tr. in the perception of decomp. background. conditions
- Acoustic. - tr. in the pronunciation of oppositions, sounds, and tr. associated with the differentiation of sounds.
Methodical typology: all sounds:
1. sounds the same or very good. similar (positive. transfer)
2. phonemes with similarities, but not a coincidence. completely
3. phonemes missing in the rya (interwell-slotted)
Requirements for pronunciation. Opp-based on the principle of inhibition. For the phonet. standard of pronunciation pr. The pronunciation of a philological-educated native speaker (speakers, actors, caterers recite stories on the radio).
On Wednesday. wk train approximations. Pronunciation: min / max approximated. University students - orthoepic priznosh.
Requirements for pronunciation. at school.
1. phonematicity
2. fluency
Phoneme (Trubetskoy) - a set of phonetically essential features associated with this sound education.
Phonemicity - the degree of correctness, correctness of the background. speech design, sufficient g / uncomplicated. his understanding.
Fluency - the degree of automation pronounces. skills allowing speak and norms speech tempo (depends on practice).
Norm the rate of speech in English 130-150 words per min / 250 syllables.
Work on the SDF is not at the level of dep. sounds and words, is subordinated to the development of RD and is conducted on standard phrases, rech. samples.
2 ways to work on pronunciation: imitative (1 g. Phonemes, at the beginning. Stage), analytical-imitative (2, 3 g. Phonemes, cf., senior stage).
The teacher makes recommendations for pronunciation.
Stages of reforming skills:
1. Approximately prepares. Students get acquainted with new phonet. phenomena and creates orienting base as conditions d / afterbirth. formation nvyka.
2. stereotyping-situational: post automation. components of speech actions in the same. situations + conscious. control.
3. situational-varied: further automation pronounces. actions, the formation of flexibility, lability skills, transfer to the word combination., Rec. samples, model phrases, interphase units.
Basics managements
Lead the way of mastering a proin-m is repeated listening and naib. exact imitative phonetic play phenomena with last. using them in rech. flow.
Phonet controls:
Managing the perception of a new sound by ear (predrec. Prepare.)
- in the stream of speech in rech. a sample of the teacher's speech, then into the mechanic. records
- in otd. the word, in isolation, in conjunction with the explanations of the teacher
- first in dep. word, then in rech. sample
ex. on the play background. phenomena (language phonet. ex.)
- play section pupils and teacher correction of possible errors
- choral play along with the teacher (echo play is quiet / loud)
- choral play without a teacher
- play section students for control purposes (plate)
training exercises on the automation of phonet., rech. skills (counting, songs)
on this phonet. charging with the topic of the lesson.
On Wed and the older stage is great. value deserved rhythmic intonats. stress logical connections in the statement (dialogue., monologue. speech), communicator. division of pr-ny, the ability to set the correct logical. stress
2 types of errors: phonet (accentological), phonological. (not valid).


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