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3. The main components of the professional competence of a teacher / teacher of foreign languages. The interaction of teacher and student in the process of learning Ia.


Professional skill is the interrelation of professionally significant knowledge and experience of teaching a teacher, his creative and personal qualities. In other words, a teacher / instructor must know the subject that he teaches and how he should build the pedagogical process in order to achieve positive results in achieving the goal of learning the FI - developing students' traits of secondary linguistic personality. He must be creative in his profession, breaking his teaching experience in accordance with the individual characteristics of students and the specific conditions of study. But in order to be a true professional, it is not enough to have knowledge of the subject and the ability to teach it. What is important is the desire of the teacher / teacher to work in this field, his positive attitude towards teacher work and the need to improve his professional knowledge and skills.
The teacher / instructor must have professional knowledge:
- systems of language and basic linguistic and linguodidactic categories, as well as the culture of the country of the language being studied, its history and contemporary development problems, including the contemporary problems of foreign peers of students with whom it has to work;
- the main provisions of the general education concept at a certain stage of development of the society by the state general education policy, including on the field of nuclear weapons;
- the psychology of the personality of the student in each specific "epoch" of its development, the laws of the assimilation of IL in the learning environment;
- the basic requirements of society and science to the teacher, his level of professional skill and personal qualities;
- the basic patterns of learning of the IYA, as well as the content and specifics of all the components of the learning process: goals, content, methods, means of learning in terms of their historical development and current state.
Thus, professionally significant skills of an IJ teacher / teacher are understood as the ability to pedagogically, psychologically and methodically correctly carry out their professional activities aimed at developing students' characteristics of a secondary linguistic personality, which determine the ability to participate in intercultural communication.
Professionally significant skills can be divided into four groups:
1. The ability to learn the characteristics of the individual learner, which is formed and developed on the basis of the process of self-knowledge.
2. Skills related to the planning of verbal communication in the educational process.
3. Skills related to the implementation of planned professional actions and evaluation of their results.
4. Ability to analyze the results of foreign language communication organized in class.
In other words, a modern teacher / teacher of foreign language must possess not only the science of teaching and educating students, but also the art of communicating with them and with each of them individually, as well as being tolerant and fair to them, open in manifestations of their own interests and emotions. He needs to be able to model the educational process in accordance with the modern requirements of science and practice and taking into account three interrelated aspects of this process: personal, procedural-psychological and pedagogical.
Possession of a teacher by the above-mentioned knowledge and skills that make up his professional competence, suggests that he will be able to implement a modern educational policy in the field of learning of foreign languages.

The specifics of the interaction of teachers and students in the process of learning a foreign language
The interaction in the lesson of the IL is understood primarily as the joint coordinated activities of all the subjects of the educational process and the mutual understanding that develops between them, which is the psychological basis of pedagogical cooperation.
At each stage of the lesson, the actions of the teacher and the students must be coordinated. If the teacher’s actions at the very beginning of the lesson are aimed at transferring his emotional state (the joy of meeting with students, of the upcoming communication with them), the use of speech material related to personal experience and the context of schoolchildren’s activities, they will motivate the upcoming activities of students, to form their positive attitude to the perception and assimilation of the subsequent educational content.
The result of the interaction between the teacher and the students and the relations developing between them can be the following styles of pedagogical communication: communication based on the passion for joint creative activities; socializing on a friendly basis; communication distance; communication intimidation; communication-flirting.
Only under the conditions of the joint creative activity of the teacher and the students, which has a personal meaning for each of them (that is, under the conditions of personal interaction), do partnerships develop between them. These relationships are manifested in the interrelation and interaction of the student and the students, in the consistency of their speech and nonverbal acts.


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Terms: Linguodidactics