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33. Means (technical and non-technical) learning foreign languages. Modern CMD in foreign languages.


I In the method of n. defined classification of methods as ways of training. (teaching and learning methods).
à goal of the teacher’s activities: achievement level of learning of schoolchildren.
From the perspective of students: Acquired. skills and abilities, abilities IS-Ia in speech.
8 methods and methods of interaction teaches students
1. visual-sensual communicative-oriented familiarization. students with material
2. active meaning. material, organ-nny, according to vozm-ti, problematic. Purpose: students need to solve an extra-linguist. the task.
3. communication direction. speech oriented training. Generation - speech products - speaking, writing. speech
4. communicative direction. training, directed on speech perception (aud., reading)
5. communicative-oriented application of speaking and writing.
6. communicative-oriented use of audir. and reading.
7. self-assessment and self-correction in speech generation
8. self-assessment and self-correction in speech perception
II Method. s-ma - general method. direction., cat. serves as a \ achieved. learning objectives. and driven by these goals.
1) the most ancient method - the method of the governess (Shcherba) - did not take root either in the fatherlands. school or in university, because the teacher did not own the methodology and suffice. linguist. knowledge.
Method governe. envisaged multiple. imitation, repetition, imitation, i.e. absolutely reliance on the experience concrete. native speaker.
The method is considered immanent, i.e. absolutely sought. native language.
2) translation methods to the middle. 19th century (grammar-translation and lexico-translation.) conscious. methods.
Translation - main management In the main. m. - all languages ​​are similar to Latin. To learn - you need to understand. D / it needs to be translated. When training. lat and Greek used gr. m. but m. does not lead to a mastery. lang Reliance on the OC during the translation is excessive (it is impossible to drive out of the conscious. OC).
It is necessary to rationally use TYPE in the method. purposes.
3) direct methods
Aim to close the channels of OC
Diff. modifications m spread. in 1 floor 20c. M. focused on the unconscious. mastering skills in the course of speech. practice. Refusal of Spanish language rules. Enter rules only stage as a way to generalize previously molded skills and abilities. Refusal of RS in the quality of support during development is unreal, making it difficult to master the RL.
4) conscious. methods.
psychologist Belyaev, one of the authors is conscious-practical. m. 50gg - failure to rely on OC. Rules + rech. practice = conscious practical.
Vygotsky L.S. - a psychologist. Omnova m. "Theory of RD" + "T. installations."
Uznadze (depending on the installation with which the activity is carried out, the result of the activity depends).
+ T. phased formir. skills and abilities (Halperin).
Ac Shcherba - linguistic. justification method.
Direct methods: audio-lingual m., Audio-visual, actually direct, indirect.
Audio visual method. developed fr. and yugoslav scientists 50gg.
Goal: CSL on a tight schedule. gram. material and talk vocabulary with intense. sp and view. and auditory clarity.
Popular and now d / adult. audience with a short time of training. AND I.
Psycho. DOS - behaviorism, linguist. - p-ralism.
Basics principles:
1) communication (form. Practical skills on the basis of immediate communication)
2) oral lead (mouth. Input. Course, where students only listen, do not record, I-II quarter, must learn to understand).
3) globality (the material is perceived. By ear, not by words, but by pages, speech models)
4) functional (grammar studied. Practical, i.e. the choice of Wed-in determined content. Speech, developed by Starkov)
5) situational (material in the form of dialogues, a cat. Reflect certain communicative situations; lexical grammatical material around dialogues, situations)
6) non-translation (OC - excl., Semantization - through clarity).
7) the intensity of the study. IYa (300 h for 2 months).
Audio-lingual (army) m. Is popular in the WWII years (Bloomfield, Lado).
Psychologist. DOS - behaviorism (stimulus-r-tion), linguist. - p-ralism.
The basis of m .: students should perform a lot of exercises on the model + hearing visibility.
Autofonogram - recording your own. speech.
1) take care of itself.
Emphasis on creat. the basics of ownership Practical mastering the language is necessary to limit the mouth. speech, taking into account soc. tasks.
1) DOS. type of exercise - pattern drills
2) train. - through imitation of finished samples without awareness of reliance on rya
3) the center. figure uch. process - informer (teacher - informer, data bank, relaxer, the creator of a favorable climate in the classroom).
+: lang consists of ODA. count of page-p (commun. sufficient), they must be selected and allocated.
-: conditions were not created for the development of unprepared. speeches (few communal directions, super long introductory course, dominance of mech. exercises)
Intensive methods - 70-80 years.
- bolg. psychotherapist Lazanov (suggestopedichesky m. - OII in the process of suggestion)
- Kitaygorodskaya - Method of activating the reserve. possible personality and team
- emotional meaning. - Shihte, meaning - role-playing game
- Suggestokibernetichesky metro Petrusinsky. Accelerated training. adult audience.
Apply at school:
1) the creation of blessed. emots climate in the classroom (set requirements for the teacher)
2) interactive forms of communication (role-playing games, social-search interaction, projects)
3) the importance of communicative directions. situationally determined. lesson planning à vys. Efficiency RD students.
4) auditory clarity
5) Intensified course of the lesson.
The intensive method has not taken root due to the lack of mater. wed. In a lie school apply only otd. e-you.
All ways to maintain motivation
- will depict. visibility (table)
- auditory impudent.
- the use of dec. modes in the classroom (pair mode 4-5 pairs, group mode)
Ch. target: an extarlingist. The way is reached. goals: communicator.
Conclusion: sovr. swollen methodologies are integrated different methods. There is no perfect m. - the JINR s-ma carries an open probabilistic character (number of students, teaching materials, prof-on-teacher, teacher training, difference in the level of student training).


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