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8. Synergetics and the evolution of society


The unity of the processes of self-organization in inert, living systems and society is shown. The concept of the Market as a mechanism ensuring this process is introduced, and the effect of the latter on the law of value for the market of goods and competition. Market analysis is conducted as a system of rejection of various structures, interaction of Mind and Market. The role of environmental crises as one of the driving forces of evolution is described. The concept of coevolution is defined. The signs of the next approaching environmental crisis and the role of the ecological and moral imperative, a rationally organized society and transnational corporations are indicated.

Evolution of society

I. The Market Mechanism is that in the process of self-organization there is a continuous destruction of existing structures, which become the material for the emergence of new ones. Among the latter, the appearance of more complex ones is possible; they require for their description a larger number of bits of information. The evolutionary process consists not only in the improvement of new structures, but also, to a greater extent, the replacement of the “stable” with a more “stable”, ie, more adapted to the changed environment. The emergence of new structures is a consequence of the stochastic beginning. This creativity of Nature takes place on all floors of the system. But the consolidation of new forms is due to their competition, i.e., selection. The word “Market” (with a capital letter) should not be confused with the term “market” which is now widely used.

Ii. Features of the market - the inability to foresee the future, development trends, to predict disasters.

Iii. At a certain stage in the evolution of the Market, the human mind is included in its mechanisms. The Market Mechanism retains its place in the evolution of the biosphere, since there is no other mechanism in the self-organizing Universe. But the human mind introduces qualitatively new elements into the character of the functioning of the Market. Before the advent of Man, the Market made a selection based on the ability of applicants to adapt to external conditions. It did not take into account the trends of changes in conditions. Such a market was blind, and the peculiarity of the mind is that it is able to foresee the peculiarities of development, its tendencies, to predict evolutionary scenarios.

Iv. Inclusion of Reason will improve the structure of feedbacks, derivatives are introduced into it (trends), i.e. the replacement of static feedbacks by dynamic ones. But the main feature of the Market - the continuous replacement of less advanced structures with more perfect ones - remains. The market remains a Market, but with a certain foresight, behind which the details of possible development remain hidden.

V. At the beginning of the twentieth century. In the works of Academician V.I. Vernadsky, the doctrine of the biosphere emerged as a dynamic system (considered in geochemistry, biogeochemistry) involved in the development of living matter and its interaction with the earth's shell. The biosphere includes the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and that part of the solid surface of the Earth in which living matter lives and are the products of its vital activity. In the process of evolutionary interaction between Man and Nature, coevolution can occur (coordination of the "Strategy of Nature" and the "Strategy of Man"). A society in which we managed to achieve such realization will be called a rationally organized society (RPO). At some stage of its development, society approaches the implementation of RPO, and then this state can be lost if an environmental crisis sets in (i.e., the biosphere through a bifurcation point can turn into a new state that may be unsuitable for human life). History knows both examples of societies organized close to RPOs and environmental crises (the so-called Neolithic and Mesolithic revolutions).

Vi. When coming out of the ecological crisis, the important role played by the ecological and moral imperatives. The ecological imperative is reduced to ensuring the possibility of co-evolution, that is, the joint development of man and the biosphere, and this development takes place in a changing dynamic environment. The moral imperative is the regulation of people's behavior, their implementation of prohibitions, i.e., the observance of the final rules of the new morality.

VII. The development of a technogenic civilization ends with the threat of a new ecological crisis, now we are on the threshold of a new period of history - the transition to a common strategy of Man and Nature, that is, to the era of co-evolutionary development. Having become a monopolist in his niche in the Neolithic era, man took the path of its destruction, the "conquest" of Nature and brought it to its present state. The biosphere does not manage to cope with the results of the grandiose, comparable with the geological, activity of Man. There are many signs confirming this thought:

  • greenhouse effect
  • the growth of the genetic inferiority of mankind,
  • ocean pollution
  • reduction of rainforest and taiga,
  • reducing the density of the ozone layer,
  • Malthus problem,
  • loss of stability of the biosphere.

Viii. The post-war decades have changed the nature of the organization of the world economy, we are entering a post-industrial period of development. The society is moving from energy to information technology: laser, ultra-precise, ultra-pure and other "super-technologies" are being implemented. New technologies need qualitatively new levels of the organization, educated and disciplined employees.

Local planetary economies are integrated into a single planetary economic organism. Transnational corporations (TNCs), which emerged from the natural process of self-organization, began to play a decisive role in determining the nature of development. The totality of TNCs is a unified network that owns more than 30% of all the funds of the planet and produces more than 40% of the global product, 50% of which is foreign trade. Over the past two decades, the volume of industrial production has increased two to three times, and the volume of foreign trade ten times, and more than 90% of the export of capital is controlled by TNCs.

Ix. The end of the twentieth century led mankind to the emergence of planetary goals, but to solve them should arise the science of the preservation of civilization, which can be called the theory of noospherogenesis. The RPO of the coming millennium is a society going into the era of the noosphere. According to academician N. N. Moiseev, such a society should:

  • to provide a person the disclosure of its potential: talent, intellectual abilities, will.
  • to be extremely relaxed, i.e., not constrained by a system of dogmas, open to new ideas. We need a common culture and education of the people, which will generate the necessary labor discipline.
  • have a high level of social security and justice, able to mitigate the opposition due to inequality, to find compromises.
  • fulfill the condition of the ecological imperative: do not break the forbidden trait.
  • to provide a rational combination of the freedom of the market mechanism with the guiding influence of the society, or the market and the antimarket.


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Terms: Synergetics