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5.6 In search of a new understanding of the world


1. Classical science and synergy

It was noted above that the picture of the world of classical science originates from Laplace determinism, it excludes randomness as something external, insignificant. Processes in the world were presented as reversible in time, predictable and retrodizable for vastly long periods of time; evolution was seen as a process devoid of deviations, returns, side lines. This picture looks from modern positions, according to Prigogine, almost as a "caricature of evolution."

Synergetics creates a new image of the world. It is based on the ideas of the system and integrity of the world, i.e. it contains the ideas of a common law, a common path, to which both the world as a whole and the person in it follows. In other words, it examines the general laws of development at all levels, not only material, but also spiritual, synergetics connects chaos and order. Such thinking is characteristic of the East, however, traditions of analysis, reliance on experience, mathematical modeling, and more are taken from the West. The general principle of cognition is also borrowed from the West, which begins with a qualitative description of the process, then with the help of fundamental ideas and laws, quantitative links are established at the semantic level, and mathematical modeling of the process is considered to be the pinnacle of knowledge. Synergetics studies predominantly non-linear processes, the latter for their description require the use of non-linear equations, which have several solutions. The set of solutions corresponds to the set of evolutionary paths, hence the multivariance and alternativeness of the paths of evolution, its irreversibility.

2. Self-organization at different levels

Earlier, attention was also paid to the fact that synergetic blurs the lines between physical chemistry and biology, that is, it studies the general mechanisms of self-organization. The latter can be observed at all levels of Nature. For example, the spiral structure is found at the level of the Galaxy - this is the Milky Way; on Earth scales, it is observed in the vortices of cyclones and anticyclones; on a smaller scale, spiral arms are reflected in the forms of shells, snails, mollusks, horns, etc. The structure of hexagonal cells can be found in honeycombs, Benard’s convective cells, and in the structure of cirrus clouds. Attention was drawn to the fact that the distribution of the population in the country is also subject to the structure of the hexagons. True, if it occurs naturally, and not distorted by the administrative system. Finally, on a large scale, the structure of the Universe also obeys a six-sided structure (supercluster of Galaxies).

Some of these examples are now almost justified to mathematical models, others are the product of observation and primary description, and something is at the level of speculation.

The common nature of the processes of self-organization, the stability of dissipative systems are caused by following the law of rhythm. The change of states obeys the cycle: rise - decline - stagnation - rise, etc.

3. Order through fluctuations. Dissipation

Once again we will focus on the nature of chance.

While in classical science, fluctuation — a random deviation of the instantaneous value from the average — quickly resolves, in synergetics, fluctuations, under certain conditions, grow to the scale of the system and can serve as the beginning of the formation of a new structure, i.e., Prigogine’s principle - order through fluctuations.

A special role in this process is played by dissipation, that is, scattering and the transformation of energy into less organizational forms. For example, the energy of mechanical motion dissipates into heat due to the viscosity of the current medium, friction, etc. In other words, dissipation is a constant smearing factor. And, as stated in synergetics, this is a necessary stage in the process of self-organization, it contributes to the appearance of a regular structure in a nonlinear open system. It turns out dissipation suppresses, destroys, "burns out" all the "extra" vortex flows in the liquid and leaves only those that form the structure.

In other words, chaos is constructive in its own destructiveness. Through it, chaos helps to build a structure, removing all unnecessary.

Dissipation is not evil, not a factor of destruction, but an important feature of the processes of self-organization necessary for entering the attractor.

In order for chance to break through to the macro level, a special state of the nonlinear system (medium) is necessary. This is a state of instability, i.e. sensitivity to small fluctuations. The environment must be prepared for development, i.e., be in some excited (critical), pre-evolutionary state.

It has already been noted that in a non-linear environment there is potentially a range of structures (forms of organization) that may appear in it. And it is determined solely by the internal properties of the environment, and not by parameters of external influence, that is, in such an environment the field of development paths is hidden. This statement is true for any system: the spectrum of elementary particles; astrophysical objects (stars, galaxies, supergalaxies, etc.); range of bioform, economic and political systems.

4. Accident and necessity

In classical science, chance was considered either as an intersection of regular events, or as an addition and a form of manifestation of necessity.

In synergetics, chance is given a deeper meaning. We mentioned that in a non-linear open system, which is in an unstable state, there is a range of structures, development paths, along which evolution can go. A possible path in the field of development paths determines chance. Consequently, in synergetics, chance is a creative, constructive beginning. It builds the world, it is able to bring the system to an attractor, to one of its own structures of the system, to the internal tendency of its organization, in which the system can stay for a relatively long time. Nonlinear environment can organize itself, but randomness is needed as a trigger.

  5.6 In search of a new understanding of the world
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the evolutionary process.

The figure shows two types of randomness: on the segment AB, where the regular course of the process is shown, which is accompanied by minor accidents (C 1 ). This is what classical science regards as an addition and a form of manifestation of a pattern. At point B, evolution can go in different ways, which also depend on chance (C 2 ), that is, C 2 plays a creative role, the choice of the path of evolution depends on it. So, the randomness C 1 acts as an addition to the necessity, but the necessity (different trajectories after point B) can act as an addition to the randomness C 2 . In other words, synergetic deepens and complements the concept of chance and reveals the dialectical connection between the concepts of "chance" and "necessity."

5. Nonlinearity and new management concept

In real systems, a resonant, albeit weak, effect leads to a greater effect than a strong, but not coordinated effect with the system.

The traditional ("linear") view of the problem of management boils down to the fact that the more you invest (energy, material means, nerves, etc.), the greater the return.

The desire for maximum planning, over-organized centralization can lead to unpredictable crisis consequences.

Synergetics imply a new approach to the problem of management: there are many ways to develop the system, but it is necessary to reach an attractor. If there is an algorithm for accessing an attractor, then time, effort, and so on, are saved. In the resonant effect, it is not the magnitude or control force that is important, but its proper spatial organization, “architecture”. It is necessary to "puncture" the environment in the right place and time, topologically consistent with its own structure.

"Follow the naturalness", "non-violence over the nature of things" - these are the principles of the East.

It is necessary not to build and rebuild, but to derive and initiate social systems into their own development mechanisms. this implies

  • the importance of trends at the level of individuals, not teams;
  • the role of the diversity of interests, aspirations of individuals and groups;

Prigogine distinguishes two parameters for the social system:

  • measure of complexity (number of functional elements);
  • the magnitude of social pressure, coercion on individuals.

Social progress is stimulated, fueled by the willfulness and selfishness of individuals, self-interest, chaos, uniqueness, personal coloring of their interests. If all members of society suddenly become virtuous, their organization will lead to decay and desolation. But the multidirectional, chaotic behavior associated with their mobility leads to progress.

So, chaos is a necessary condition for bringing the system to an attractor, to its own steady tendency to develop.

The world is created by chance.

In conclusion, it is appropriate to quote I. Prigogine

"... our world is not a silent and monotonous world of clockwork, abandoned by the old goblins. We live in an open, technological and creative world."

and further

"Everything that distinguishes this world from gray, homogeneous chaos, has arisen and exists due to the outflow of entropy into the environment. Negative entropy feeds on all life and everything created by life, which means science and art. Man creates negative entropy, creating new, irreplaceable information . "


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