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8.5 Starting the third millennium


1. The formation of transnational corporations

At the end of the 19th century, the reflections of the elite of society, its intellectual parts revolved around doctrines and belief systems, the main of which was "class struggle" or "class world". At the end of the 20th century, reflections shifted to environmental problems, the crisis of civilization, the construction of RPO, etc.

The post-war decades have changed the nature of the organization of the world economy, we are entering a post-industrial period of development. The society is moving from energy to information technology: laser, ultra-precise, ultra-pure and other "super-technologies" are being implemented. New technologies need qualitatively new levels of the organization, educated and disciplined employees.

Local planetary economies are integrated into a single planetary economic organism. Transnational corporations (TNCs), which emerged from the natural process of self-organization, began to play a decisive role in determining the nature of development. The totality of TNCs is a unified network that owns more than 30% of all the funds of the planet and produces more than 40% of the global product, 50% of which is foreign trade. Over the past two decades, the volume of industrial production has increased two to three times, and the volume of foreign trade ten times, and more than 90% of the export of capital is controlled by TNCs. The market has become universal. The countries were divided into developed ones, with labor productivity above average planetary and backward, with productivity below average. With the latest market began to deal mercilessly. Since the market is open, the money began to flow into more developed countries. This also applies to the “brains” - the most talented people emigrate to the countries of the so-called “golden billion” (a group of developed countries, where about a billion people live). The "devilish pump" turned on, pumping out capital, resources and talents from the backward countries. Developing countries (according to the old terminology) do not have a chance - they are forever behind and hopeless. The development of branches of modern technology can provide those nations that have a high level of education - this applies to scientists, engineers, and workers. Formed planetary economic mechanism does not raise, but destroys the economy of backward countries, turning them, at best, into raw materials appendages. It is unlikely that this was understood by those who came to power in the wake of perestroika.

How will events develop in the future? If the forecasts of the development of a system in conditions of instability are impossible, then we can only talk about hypotheses. It can be assumed that over the course of two to three decades the following development scenario has been realized:

  • There will be a further stratification of countries, i.e. the gap in the level of material life will increase;
  • The development of industry will continue, but this will not lead to an increase in the well-being of underdeveloped countries, the well-being of the countries of the "golden billion" will increase.
  • The world of TNCs will have a tendency to assert planetary totalitarianism.

Another scenario is possible: the capacity of the market of backward countries will fall or not grow, and this will lead to a violation of the stability of the TNC system. It is not clear how the countries of the “golden billion” will react to this.

All these scenarios are very conditional, since, for example, a half billion billion China falls out of the scheme described.

2. The fate of PAX AMERIKANA

As a result of the Second World War, the United States in economics, politics, and the military sphere became the first state of the Planet; this world order is sometimes called PAX AMERIKANA. The second state was the USSR, which created a counterbalance to the United States. The tension in political relations was useful both for America and the USSR, it was to some extent useful for the whole planet: bipolarity guaranteed stability for everyone.

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a difficult situation and Russia and the United States. After the catastrophe, Russia is doomed to a meager life for many years, because it is reduced to the role of a backward country - a huge and energetic people found themselves in the shoes of a beaten dog. But the best times have also come for the United States: they are beginning to lose in competition to many economic rivals, especially in the level of labor productivity. There was a bipolar order, became unipolar. There is hardly a global war - the TNC system will not allow self-destruction. The center of military power of the planet (in the USA) will begin to play a police role, and, first of all, the American military industrial complex will begin to decline. Instead of one center of military force, two centers of new economic power will begin to emerge - the United States and the progressive countries of the Atlantic and Pacific regions. The European Peninsula not only rose to its feet after the Second World War, but also almost equaled America in terms of labor productivity, with an average of 400 million people above the average American. But global events take place not only in Europe. Of particular interest are the countries of the Pacific region.

Processes similar to those in Europe occurred after World War II and in Japan. The influence of China on the general world process should not be underestimated: about 10% of the annual GNP increase testifies a lot, apparently, in the coming decades, China will become one of the advanced countries.

So, the era of extinction of PAX AMERIKANA is coming, and the USA will lose its monopoly position in the military and economic sphere, and the collapse of the USSR hastened this process.

On the threshold of the twenty-first century, a new planetary history begins: the world becomes more complicated. Win those countries that rely on intelligence and disinterested leaders who can rely on intelligence. And also those civilizations that will understand what the world of TNCs and the Laws of the Market means.

3. The origin of the theory of noospherogenesis

Synergetics is a young science, many phenomena related to the evolution of Nature are not yet sufficiently clear, but first of all, the following question arises: "What determines the development of the system, the competition of its elements or their interoperation?". The book cited many examples of the destruction of some systems and the emergence of new ones under certain conditions. This process for social phenomena was described from the standpoint of the laws of market relations and can be perceived by someone as a kind of social Darwinism. It may give the impression that there is some kind of uncertainty in which it is impossible without the Market, and it is bad with the Market. “Will we be able to prevent the world from turning into an all-encompassing Market, where the law of the strong rules, where the main goal is to get maximum profit in a short time, where speculation in a few hours negates the fruits of the work of millions of men and women? blind forces? I believe that our world requires rethinking, and it will be rethought if we introduce the social aspect as a key element that concerns us all. " Whose words are these? These are the bitter revelations of the late French President F. Mitterrand, delivered by him at the UN Social Development Forum in Copenhagen on March 11, 1995. A sophisticated politician of the highest rank warns of the danger of countries plunging into the waves of the wild market sea.

The end of the twentieth century led mankind to the emergence of planetary goals, but to solve them should arise the science of the preservation of civilization, which can be called the theory of noospherogenesis. This is beginning to be understood by an increasing number of people, which leads to numerous ideas and theories appearing in print these days. The authors of these works are not only humanities scholars, but also representatives of the natural sciences and technical sciences, religious figures, etc. They try to understand the fundamental problems associated with the emergence and development of the Universe, the structure and origin of the material world, revise the concept of the origin and development of life on Earth, the ratio of matter and consciousness, the development of society, etc.

4. Interaction or interaction?

Synergetics is one of the directions of such searches. This scientific direction attracted a sufficient number of scientists, contains a large number of publications and took shape in an independent scientific discipline.

However, the central idea of ​​this science - evolution through struggle, the development of society through the market - leaves a feeling of some dissatisfaction, and sometimes a feeling of doom. Further, the explanation of the mechanism of self-organization is not always satisfactory. For example, it is not always clear what causes the individual parts of the system, between which there is no noticeable physical interaction, to come to a consistent behavior at large distances. This question was dealt with in Section 7.3, which dealt with the mechanisms of assembly and cooperation. The integration of elements into systems is conventionally called the “assembly mechanism” there, resulting in new organizational structures. The latter have systemic properties. As noted above, the property of the system can be derived from the properties of its constituent elements and the laws of the interaction between them. This approach is called reductionism, and it has been widely used in the last few centuries in science.

Currently, along with reductionism, a different approach is considered in science, a different “assembly mechanism”, called holistic (holistic). It arose in describing the collective behavior of the elements that make up a system consisting of many elements. The term "system" can make a different meaning. Let us give the definition of a system given by the outstanding Russian physiologist P. K. Anokhin: "The system can only be called such a complex of selectively involved components, in which the mutual action and relationships take on the nature of the mutual interaction of the components to obtain a fixed useful result." Here we should emphasize two fundamental properties of effective systems of any nature - the exchange with the environment of energy, matter and information (ie, these are open systems), as well as interdependence, that is, coherent behavior between components.

Once again we briefly describe the process of evolution from the position of synergetics.

Considering various examples of development from the fields of physics and chemistry, biology and society, synergetic noticed the general principles of evolution in such heterogeneous systems. If the system is in a steady state, then the resulting fluctuations are extinguished, and the system continues to remain in its previous state, or its evolution occurs "quietly." In an unstable state, under the influence of fluctuations, new structural formations begin to emerge that compete with the old ones. There is an interaction (struggle) of old structures with new ones: new structures may be weak and dissipate, that is, the system will return to its former state. The process can proceed in a different way, namely: fluctuations will begin to increase, and new structures will strengthen, and eventually a restructuring will occur, and a new, more stable state of the system will come. In the described process, there is a struggle between the old structures and the new ones, and at a certain stage there arises the possibility of the influence of the elements of the structure, their cooperation, cooperation, and a new stable structure arises. In other words, at a certain stage of evolution, the phenomenon of cooperation arises, but this is preceded by a stage of competition. From this follows the answer to a question, interaction, or interaction: both.

This conclusion can be viewed, following the terminology of V. I. Vernadsky, as another empirical generalization. This empirical generalization is probably the basis of the system assembly mechanism.


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