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8.4 Rationally organized society (ROO). Coevolution and RPO


1. Coevolution and RPO

It was previously mentioned that the term "co-evolution" means the reconciliation of the "Strategy of Nature" and the "Strategy of Man." A society in which we managed to achieve such realization will be called a rationally organized society (RPO). At some stage of its development, the society approaches the implementation of the RPO, and then this condition can be lost if the country approached the environmental crisis. History knows examples of societies organized close to ROAs.

For example, 5-6 thousand years ago in the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates, there was an ancient Sumerian state. With the help of the irrigation system, the inhabitants of this country managed to implement the technology of irrigated farming. Labor productivity in ancient Sumer was several times superior to that of its neighbors. Natural constraints of human activity were the laws of nature, these limitations were formulated in the form of prohibitions, taboos, rules of conduct. They often served as the basis of morality. If people consciously or unconsciously retreated from these rules, then nature is cruel for this revenge, environmental crises occur, turning into disasters and degradation of civilizations. The same happened to Schumer: due to the excessive use of water for irrigation, salinization and soil erosion began. The consequence of this is a drop in yields, population migration, etc. Civilization began to weaken, and the barbarians who came from the north destroyed it.

Another example: two and a half thousand years ago, an environmental crisis was brewing in southern China — the population was growing rapidly, and food resources were limited, since farming was exhausted. The solution was found in the invention of the technology of irrigated rice breeding. The rice was planted in the checks flooded with water, and fish were bred in them. The latter fed on weeds and reduced the weeding of plantations. The fish also fertilized the soil and finally went to the food of the peasants. A harmonious interaction of biota and man arose, that is, the ancient Chinese found a rational form of the co-evolution of man and the biosphere. On its basis in the south of China arose an amazing ancient Chinese civilization.

Examples of rational organization of society are found among less developed nomadic peoples. It is known that if the density of herds of ungulates is not very high, then animals with hoofs loosen the soil, opening up access to oxygen; besides, animals also fertilize the soil, bringing organic fertilizers to the earth. But this happens until the number of livestock, and, consequently, of people, does not exceed a certain limit - the capacity of an ecological niche. Beyond this limit, the fertility of the soil falls, the nations become poorer, political instability, strife, civil strife arise.

A similar pattern followed the development of events in the Roman Empire: the degradation of agriculture, the reduction of population, the arrival of barbarians, etc.

Civilizations that were in trouble could not cope with their environmental crises. Some people came to the place of others with new technologies.

2. Another scenario of civilization development

The ecological situation has always been the background of historical events. In the current situation, there is simply no place to leave the spoiled land: the entire planet is densely populated and in the age of nuclear weapons it is unacceptable to move people by force, we need other evolutionary scenarios.

The development of society leads to a variety of forms of ownership, and according to the laws of evolutionism, the society of the next decades will be multi-structured. At the same time, the requirements of the environmental imperative will lead to restrictions imposed on the use of property: a system of environmental laws and control bodies, restriction of sovereignties, etc. will become necessary. These restrictions should translate society and the biosphere into the noosphere era. Humanity simply cannot survive on Earth without finding new standards in its relationship with Nature.

The RPO of the coming millennium is a society going into the era of the noosphere. Without touching upon the details of the structure of this society, we formulate, following N. N. Moiseev, a number of its general properties.

Such a society should:

  • to provide a person the disclosure of its potential: talent, intellectual abilities, will.
  • to be extremely relaxed, i.e., not constrained by a system of dogmas, open to new ideas. We need a common culture and education of the people, which will generate the necessary labor discipline.
  • have a high level of social security and justice, able to mitigate the opposition due to inequality, to find compromises.
  • fulfill the condition of the ecological imperative: do not break the forbidden trait.
  • to provide a rational combination of the freedom of the market mechanism with the guiding influence of the society, or the market and the antimarket.

3. Management and Direction

The last thesis on the combination of the market and the antimarket, or the directing influence of society, requires clarification.

Management theory originated in technology, it has a language and a system of concepts, an understanding of management issues in the field of social nature is much weaker.

One of the key concepts of management theory is “the goal of management,” since there are no aimless controls. In technical systems, the goal does not belong to the system, but is set, that is, it is an external factor with respect to the system. Management is a procedure for the selection and implementation of specific targeted actions.

To some extent, this approach can be transferred to the social sphere. However, in social systems there is no single goal, but there is a set of goals (stability, high standard of living, national security, national income, etc.). It is essential that these goals are not set from the outside, but are developed within the system itself. There is an extraordinary complexity of connections, a detailed study of which is almost impossible: the amount of information that needs to be processed to make a decision, that is, the calculation of the necessary commands, grows exponentially along with the complexity of the system being controlled. The control methods developed in engineering become powerless; therefore, it is required for systems of the type “social” to change the understanding of the term “control” itself. First of all, in such systems it is appropriate to switch from the term "control" to the term "direction". Our impacts should be directed not at rigid management with precisely set goals, but at maintaining the desired trends or at moving the system away from a catastrophe. It is about the direction of natural processes of self-organization in the desired direction of development, which will lead to relatively long-term stability.

The direction is a kind of "principle of the helmsman": the pilot does not direct the ship in defiance of the flow, but uses the forces of Nature to achieve the goal.

Such an understanding of management contradicts, for example, the postulate of Marxism on the planned development of society, on its controlled character. To realize the latter, it was necessary to destroy private property, establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, etc. The final is known.

When implementing the principle of directional development, it is easy to break into the abyss, since the corridor of the necessary parameters of the biosphere is narrow. In the social sphere, it is necessary to pass between a regulated society such as termites and anarchy that distributes everything. In the social sphere, the whirlwinds of passion and Neanderthalism can carry all good intentions.

4. The path to a rational society. ROO guiding activities.

Society is not a managed system, its development follows the laws of self-organization, implemented by market mechanisms, including the Ricardo market, which measures production and demand. But Ricardo's market is blind, he is not able to foresee the future, the development trends, to predict disasters. The intervention of the Mind is necessary, directing the Will of the people (tax policy, encouraging investment in promising technologies, social protection).

The possibility of a controlled and strictly regulated development of the economy, social design is an illusion. But management and the ability to purposefully influence the nature of the processes and the use of trends are not the same thing.

Consider the personal beginning in ROO. As follows from the general laws of evolution, for the prosperity of humanity, a variety of its constituent elements, a kind of civilizational mosaic, are needed. In the world those nations are being nominated whose structure contributes to the discovery of the creative abilities of the individual. The RPO should create such conditions in which the “irrational” beginning of a person could be combined with purposeful activity of people. But in society, the cooperative principle, the development of a collective mind, is also increasing. Both of these trends: the manifestation of personality and the improvement of the collective mind, naturally combine and serve as the basis for development. This is a manifestation of the "new individualism", in which the person to the maximum degree shows creative abilities.

It is interesting to follow the path of development of our country and the degree of its approximation to the RPO. According to the academician N. N. Moiseev, in 1917 our country left the trajectory of natural development - the normal functioning of the Market was disrupted, and the activities in the country obeyed certain dogmas and regulations. From the position of evolutionism, an "unnatural" change in the selection principle occurred, and the system became uncompetitive.

At certain stages of the history of our society, the imposed system of dogmas answered the aspirations of the population, there were ups in the country (Victory in the Great Patriotic War, development of science and industry, implementation of nuclear and space programs, etc.). But there were falls. Rigid management system led to insufficient use of intellectual potential, the organization of society was irrational, and ultimately the market demolished it. This is where the idea of ​​restructuring was born, although the governing elite had a bad idea of ​​this process. The previous system of restructuring was unable to educate individuals who could think uninhibitedly in the social sphere and interact in this area with other individuals. There were "cogs" that could only just follow the rules of a particular game, including the elite, and the general secretary, who had all the power.

What should society do in this situation? First of all, to learn the general principles of evolution, to look for ways to RPO, taking into account the peculiarities of our country, to a society with a liberal multi-structured economy. It is clear that a departure from the main path of development of civilization, that is, from the path of creation of ROO will lead to new misfortunes.


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