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3. The development of creative thinking in the process of training and education of the engineer


    1. One of the first pedagogical requirements for the learning process from the point of view of developing creative thinking is not to suppress the student's intuition in any way , but to direct it to further logical analysis of the idea put forward.

    1. The second recommendation is to create a student's confidence in his abilities, faith in his ability to solve the problem. He who does not believe in himself is already doomed to failure. Of course, this belief must be valid, but it is important to understand that overestimating one’s abilities to students is less dangerous than underestimating.

    1. In the learning process, it is desirable to rely as much as possible on positive emotions (surprise, joy, sympathy, experience of success, etc.). Negative emotions suppress the manifestations of creative thinking.

    1. It is necessary to stimulate in every way the aspiration of the student to the independent choice of goals , tasks and means of their solution (both in large and in particular issues). A person who is not accustomed to act independently, to take responsibility for the decisions made, loses the ability to be creative.

    1. The tendency towards risky behavior should be encouraged within fairly wide limits. Studies show that risk appetite is one of the fundamental traits of a creative person.

    1. The most important task is to prevent the formation of conformal thinking , to fight conciliation and a majority opinion.

    1. To develop the imagination and not to suppress the tendency to fantasize , even if it sometimes borders on the “presentation” of fiction for the truth.

    1. To form sensitivity to contradictions, the ability to detect and consciously formulate them.

    1. Widerly apply problematic teaching methods that stimulate the installation on the independent discovery or with the help of a teacher of new knowledge, strengthens the student's faith in his ability to make such discoveries.

  1. The most important condition for the development of students' creativity is joint research with a teacher.

Scientific research and the pedagogical process are creative phenomena, and therefore they, by their very nature, cannot follow a once-established pattern. Does it follow from this that the process of creativity is a primary concept that cannot be “decomposed” into simpler components? The formula by which one could calculate the answer to this question does not exist yet. However, you can try to put forward a hypothesis about the components of creative success and test it by experience.

Speaking more simply, we define ten initial qualities that a creative researcher and teacher should possess, and “construct” the process of creativity from them.

1. Knowledge (3) . Any creative process of creating a new one begins with an idea, a thought that can arise only as a result of knowledge of a certain minimum amount.

2. Ability to self-education (Cc). Personal knowledge is aging and in a certain sense depreciated. The work of continuously changing generations of researchers generates new knowledge that needs to be learned. Without the capacity for self-education, the original source of creativity diminishes.

3. Memory (P). It is a repository of “operational” knowledge, which a creative person can always dispose of, without reference to records and books. Without a certain amount of memory there is no knowledge and ability to develop them - the first condition of creativity.

4. Curiosity (L). This is an unrewarding desire for people to gain knowledge. Creativity cannot actively flow through violent measures.

5. Observation (N) . This is a careful perception of the environment without separation of the important and the “little things”. At the beginning of the study it is not known what is most important. And with the development of science, when lying “on the surface” has already been used, the role of “trifles” is increasing.

6. Imagination (B). This is the ability to guess the missing links of the logical chain of reasoning. The ability to generate a hypothesis from “nothing”, to put forward an idea, based on existing knowledge.

7. Skepticism (CK). This is a critical perception of the surrounding phenomena and processes. Skepticism is not aimed at denial (as is sometimes believed), but at the desire to verify facts based on experiment, and not on “authoritative” opinions.

8. Enthusiasm (e). This is an active interest and desire for creativity. Unlike curiosity, often bearing a tinge of contemplation, enthusiasm is active, purposeful.

9. Perseverance (Hc). This stubbornness in overcoming the difficulties and obstacles that are inevitable in the search for truth and the achievement of goals.

10. Physical health (F). This is a necessary minimum of biological regulation, providing intellectual self-discipline. The creator in the field of science is not obliged to be an athlete, but his physical culture must be adequate psychological.

After the “parameters” of the creative personality that we have entered, we put their conditional notations in brackets. Unfortunately, none of these parameters has a measure (see § 13). Nor does the volume of creativity (T). However, replacing all these words (concepts) with their notation, is it not possible to say that in a sense
  3. The development of creative thinking in the process of training and education of the engineer


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)