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2.7. Graduation Design


Diploma design - the final stage in the preparation of a specialist, in his professional development. In carrying out the graduation project, the student must demonstrate the ability to competently navigate theoretical and applied sections of the main, major disciplines, the ability to actively use the knowledge gained, including in the field of computerization, work with various literature, use modern methods of analysis and technical and economic calculations, set up an experiment and use modern research methods, substantiate engineering solutions, predicting their consequences.

The didactic goals of the graduation project are:

  • expansion, consolidation and systematization of knowledge, improvement of professional skills and abilities for solving specific production, technical and economic tasks, as well as the tasks of developing the personality of students;
  • development of skills and knowledge of independent mental work;
  • verification and determination of the level of preparedness of graduates for independent work in modern production.

    Topics of graduation projects are determined by graduating departments, as a rule, taking into account the needs of production, on the orders of specific enterprises, and approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. The student has the right to choose a topic. He can himself propose the topic of the graduation project with the necessary justification for the feasibility of its development.

    Thesis design should cover one of the following questions:

  • development of a new device (a machine or its main component) of a chemical production site;

  • reconstruction of the installation of any existing production in part of the modernization of existing equipment or its technical re-equipment;

  • mechanization and robotization of labor-intensive manual work in a separate area of ​​chemical production;

  • development of the project overhaul of the apparatus (machine).

    The topics of graduation projects related to the modernization of equipment, the mechanization of individual labor-intensive operations, the reconstruction of existing chemical plants and their technical re-equipment and aimed at improving the quality of products, increasing labor productivity and improving its conditions should be especially recommended.

    The task for the graduation project is given the initial data (objects of observation, research, etc.), as well as methods of collecting materials, the main literature on the design topic, a list of issues to be developed on the economy and the organization of labor and production, on labor protection and environmental environment, civil defense, recommended a reference list of graphic materials. The task for the diploma design is a teacher - the head of the project and approves the head of the department.

    The process of graduate design takes place in a logical sequence of the following stages: the study of source materials and data for design, the implementation of the actual project of production or research facility, quality control and evaluation of the project. The graduation project is carried out on an individual schedule, which is a student with the help of a graduation project manager. The schedule includes the main stages of work with an indication of the specific deadlines for obtaining the assignment, collecting material, performing certain parts of the work, presenting it to the manager and consultant, presenting the project for review and the dates of protection. To defend a thesis project, a thesis project leader review and review should be prepared. In the response notes compliance   the content of the project to the task, the degree of independence of the student in the performance of the task, the level of knowledge and skills shown, analyzes the work done (availability of new technological and design solutions, technical literacy of their development.

    Economic efficiency, practical suitability for implementation, degree of use of new scientific research), marks the quality of the design of the graphic part, the explanatory note, the text of the graduation project and its application. In addition to the above, they indicate the degree of relevance and practical significance of the task being developed. In conclusion, the reviews note the advantages and disadvantages of the project, the possibility of assigning a diploma the qualifications stipulated by the state educational program, give a mark in points.

    The diploma projects are defended at a meeting of the State Examination Commission (SEC). The Chairperson of the SES is appointed by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the corresponding republic from among the leading industry experts or major scientists. The personal composition of the SEC is approved by the rector of the university. Currently, 70–80% of the HES members are industrial workers.

    The defense of the graduation project should consist in a summary of the essence of the work performed, the reasoned arguments in defense of their decisions, clear answers to the questions of the members of the GEC. The protection of graduation projects allows us to evaluate not only the quality of specialist training, but also the pedagogical activity of the department as a whole.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

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