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2.3.2. Feedback during the lecture


The practice of experienced teachers of technical universities proves the correctness of the statement: the lecturer should actively encourage students' questions. For this we can recommend several "tricks".

    1. Even at the cost of some exaggeration, stress to students the complexity of certain sections to be studied, which, therefore, should raise questions among students.

    2. Allow students to ask questions as they arise, and not at the end of the lecture. In some cases, such a resolution may cause some feeling of “disorganization” of the process, but it soon stabilizes.

    3. Prevent elements of “poking out” questions that may indeed indicate weak knowledge. In such cases, you should safely refer to the relevant literature or give a very brief explanation.

    4. From time to time, the lecturer himself will ask the audience short questions for brief thinking, before answering them, thus creating a peculiar dialogue. Verbally encourage every attempt on the part of students to give, and perhaps not quite the right answer to the question posed.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

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