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6.3. Accumulation and systematization of information


When accumulating and systematizing information, it is advisable to use some recommendations.

1. Avoid “mechanical” extracts from those of the one hundred of the source being studied in the hope of “later understand”. At least, the formulation of the question and its solution (answer) should be recognized immediately and a corresponding record should be made.

2. Since not all designations are standardized and often the same values ​​are different and the authors designate differently, it is advisable to introduce your single notation of the concepts and values ​​encountered and to make all the necessary entries in this system. This requires additional time, but it pays off in excess.

3. You should always try to understand the new information as an additive to the previously known. In this case, it is advisable to make references (“references”) to the corresponding previously made records.

4. Not postponing for the future, for each developed source it is advisable to make the maximum possible additions and clarifications that broaden the understanding of the source.

5. In order to illustrate and facilitate memorization, it is advisable to make a number of simple explanatory drawings, graphs or diagrams, even if the author does not give them.

6. It is advisable to accompany each program of a given source (and even parts of it) with growing numerical examples, convincing of the operability of the formulas or algorithms introduced.

7. From time to time you should do a “revision” of the contents of the envelopes and summarize the material. In this case, several records (perhaps even from different “envelopes”) are combined into one.

The number of accumulated materials should not grow in direct proportion to time, but more slowly, despite the possible increase in work intensity.

8. Awareness of new ideas is facilitated by the mutual exchange of them with colleagues. This possibility should be used in any available form - oral conversations, exchange for reports, reports.

Some researchers prefer, in addition to the one described above or a similar system, to have a library of files. However, it is clear that in any case   GOST data on the source must be recorded at once, as far as the reference is used , it is clear that the author’s name (surname, name and al of the author, name , etc.).


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)