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Test 2. Do you know how to listen and hear the interlocutor? (By V. McLean)


Sincerely answer the following questions "yes" or "no."

1. Do you wait impatiently for the other person to stop talking and give you the opportunity to speak?
2. Do you hurry to make a decision before you understand the problem?
3. Do you hear only what you like?
4. Do you interfere with listening to the interlocutor emotions?
5. Do you get distracted when others say?
6. Do you remember any irrelevant ones instead of the main points of the conversation?
7. Do the prejudices interfere with your listening?
8. Do you stop listening when someone has difficulty understanding?
9. Do you take a negative attitude towards your interlocutor when you listen to him?
10. Maybe during a conversation you just pretend to listen?
11. Do you put yourself in the speaker's place to understand, made him say it?
12. Do you take into account that you and the other person can discuss more than one question?
13. Do you follow the fact that for you and for the interlocutor words can have different meanings?
14. Are you trying to find out whether the dispute is really caused by the difference of points of view or the sharp statement of the question?
15. Do you avoid the interlocutor's gaze, do you not look into a corner or along the sides when you listen to another?
16. Do you have an overwhelming desire to interrupt the interlocutor and insert your word for him or to spike him, to get ahead of his conclusions?
Test 2. Do you know how to listen and hear the interlocutor? (By V. McLean)

Processing of results: if all questions except 11 - 14, you sincerely answered "no", then
you know how to listen and hear other people. For those who are not so sure of their answers, this test
essentially a list of tips on how to listen in order to hear


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)