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6. Information support of scientific and pedagogical activity


An effective scientific and pedagogical process is the basis, purpose and justification of the existence of a higher school. Science and pedagogy are two sides of the inseparable process of training engineering personnel. These are two interrelated activities in a single process of accumulating scientific knowledge.

Indeed, science cannot develop if its achievements are not effectively transmitted to subsequent generations. On the other hand, a real teacher of higher education should receive his knowledge from his direct participation in science, that is, he must be a researcher. The knowledge of the principles of scientific research is also necessary for the teacher because at the present time the training of researchers through postgraduate education and the competition is becoming increasingly widespread. Therefore, many teachers are scientific leaders of graduate students and applicants. This paper only discusses some practical issues of constructive implementation of the fundamental principles of training and education, useful for their use in the professional activities of teachers.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)