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Test 4. Your behavior in a conflict situation (according to K. Thomas)


Instructions. Each position under the corresponding number contains two statements describing possible ways of responding to a conflict situation. After carefully reading them, determine the one of the statements that more fully describes your behavior in the conflict (to do this, circle around the corresponding number either “a” or “b” in the questionnaire). Remember that there are no good or bad, true or incorrect statements: all statements contain a description of the real diversity of people's behavior in a conflict situation. Try not to miss a single position.

1. a) Sometimes I give others the opportunity to take responsibility for resolving a controversial issue. b) How to discuss what we differ in, I try to draw attention to what we both agree on.
2. a) I try to find a compromise solution. b) I try to settle it with all the interests of another person and my own.
3. a) Usually I aggressively strive to achieve my goal. b) Sometimes I sacrifice my own interests for the sake of another person.
4. a) I try to find a compromise solution. b) I try not to hurt the feelings of another person.
5. a) Solving a controversial situation, I always try to find support from another. b) I try to do everything to avoid useless tensions.
6. a) I try to avoid tension for myself. b) I try to get my way.
7. a) I try to postpone the resolution of a controversial issue in order to eventually resolve it. b) I consider it possible to yield to something in order to achieve another.
8. a) Usually I persistently strive to achieve my goal. b) First of all, I try to determine what all the affected interests and controversial issues are.
9. a) I think that it is not always worth worrying about some disagreements that have arisen. b) I make efforts to get my way.
10. a) I firmly strive to achieve my goal. b) I'm trying to find a compromise solution.
11. a) First of all, I strive to clearly define what all the interests and issues in dispute are all about. b) I try to calm the other and mainly keep our relationship.
12. a) I often avoid taking a position that can cause controversy. b) I give the opportunity to another in something to stay at my own opinion, if he also goes forward.
13. a) I propose a middle position. b) I insist that everything is done in my opinion.
14. a) I tell others my point of view and ask about his views. b) I'm trying to show another the logic and advantage of my views.
15. a) I try to calm the other and keep our relationship. b) I try to do everything to avoid stress.
16. a) I try not to hurt the feelings of another. b) I usually try to convince the other of the advantages of my position.
17. a) Usually I persistently strive to achieve my goal. b) I try to do everything to avoid useless tensions.
18. a) If it makes another happy, I will give him the opportunity to insist on his own, b) I will give another the opportunity to stay with my opinion if he meets me.
19. a) First of all, I try to determine what all the affected interests and controversial issues are in, b) I try to postpone controversial issues in order to solve them finally.
20. a) I try to immediately overcome our differences. b) I try to find the best combination of benefits and losses for both of us.
21. a) Conducting a conversation, I try to be attentive to the other. b) I always tend to direct discussion of problems.
22. a) I am trying to find a position that is in the middle between my and another person. b) I defend my position.
23. a) As a rule, I am anxious to satisfy the desire of each of us. b) Sometimes I let others take responsibility for resolving a controversial issue.
24. a) If the position of another person seems very important to him, I try to meet him. b) I try to convince the other to compromise.
25. a) I try to convince the other that I am right. b) When negotiating, I try to carefully listen to the arguments of the other.
26. a) I usually suggest a middle position. b) I almost always strive to satisfy the interests of each of us.
27. a) I often strive to avoid disputes. b) If it makes another person happy, I will give him the opportunity to insist on his.
28. a) Usually I persistently strive to achieve my goal. b) When dealing with a situation, I usually seek to find support from another.
29. a) I propose a middle position. b) I think that it is not always worth worrying about the differences that arise.
30. a) I try not to hurt the feelings of another. b) I always take this position in the dispute so that we can succeed together.

  Test 4. Your behavior in a conflict situation (according to K. Thomas)
Questionnaire with a key

  Test 4. Your behavior in a conflict situation (according to K. Thomas)

Processing results Each match of the answer with a key is estimated by 1 point. The greatest
The number of points determines the dominant form of your response to a conflict situation:
1 - rivalry, II - cooperation, III - compromise, IV - avoidance, V - adaptation.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

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