The concept of “learning technology” is not currently accepted in traditional pedagogy. In the explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl there is the following definition: “Technology is the science of technology. Technique - the art, knowledge, skills, techniques of work and their application to the case. ”
On the one hand, the technology of training is a set of methods and means of processing, presenting, modifying and presenting educational information, and on the other, it is the science of how the teacher influences students in the learning process using the necessary technical or information systems. In the technology of learning content. Methods and learning tools are interrelated and interdependent. The pedagogical skill of the teacher is to select the necessary content, to apply the best methods and means of training in accordance with the program and the set pedagogical tasks. The process of developing a specific educational technology can be called a process of educational design. The sequence of his steps will be as follows:
Learning technology is a system category whose structural components are:
Thus, technology training involves the organization, management and control of the learning process. Moreover, all aspects of this process are interrelated and influence each other. It is necessary for one link to fail, as soon as it affects all others. For the successful operation of the entire system, careful and thoughtful debugging of all its components is necessary.
Master's is a form of master training, i.e. specialists trained for research and scientific-pedagogical activities. Masters are specialists with a fundamental scientific base, knowledge of the methodology of scientific creativity, as well as those familiar with modern information technologies and methods for obtaining, processing and storing scientific information. In other words, masters can:
With full-time training of masters, the term of their training is at least 6 years in any of the directions of higher education and consists of a bachelor's program in the relevant direction and at least two years focused on research and (or) scientific and pedagogical activities of specialized training. Thus, the six-year master’s degree program includes as part of a four-year bachelor’s degree program, which contains the necessary minimum of basic and general professional disciplines. Creating thereby the conditions for achieving a university level of education in the relevant educational direction.
The developed state requirements for a minimum of content and the level of training of masters provide greater individualization in training, allowing universities to determine about 80% of the content of a two-year specialized training program.
The right to study under the master's program is held by persons who have successfully completed their studies in one of the basic educational programs of higher education and having a diploma of higher education.
In those cases where people with a bachelor's degree in the relevant direction are admitted to the magistracy, the conditions for admission and the list of entrance control tests (interview, testing, exams) are determined by the university, which has the right to prepare masters. For those who do not have a bachelor's degree in the relevant direction, a compulsory exam is established in the amount of requirements that the Goskomvuz of Russia applies to the education of bachelor in the relevant direction of the magistracy.
Training in the magistracy is carried out in accordance with the individual plan of the student.
An individual plan is the main governing document that determines the specialization, content, volume, and terms of student training in the magistracy and the form of its certification. It formulates the theme of the master's thesis.
Conducting research
![]() | Science and its “algorithm” Hayka is not a conglomerate, but a system. Therefore, regardless of the content, field of activity and personal inclinations of the researcher, the process of scientific research always takes place at certain stages. In this sense, we can talk about the algorithm of scientific research. It can be clearly presented in Fig. 3. Consider first the essence of each stage, and then the ways of its implementation in the research process. 1. Object. This refers to the choice of the object, the choice of which should be borne in mind the time limit. Any research, especially applied, should be completed at a certain level in a limited time. This is especially true for dissertations prepared through graduate school. The finiteness of the study period imposes significant restrictions on the choice of the object. 2. Task. This refers to the choice of the task. The number of different tasks that can be distinguished even at an object of study that has already been chosen is practically unlimited. However, it is useful to understand that there are four types of fundamental problems. Thus, any object of study (Fig. 4) has “inputs” (X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , ..., X N ), “outputs” (Y 1 , Y 2 , Y 3 , ..., , ..., Y M ), external influences (T 1 , T 2 , T 3 , ..., T c ) (not subject to the experimenter) and, finally, the rule F converts input values to the weekend. Denoting the corresponding sets by X, Y, T the work of any object can be written in the form: Y = F (X, T). Fig. four |
Now you can define four main tasks in the study of any object.
In the analysis problem, the input actions and the rule of their processing F (device of the object) are given. It is necessary to find the output Y. Historically, it was the analysis tasks that were the first on most of the objects of study.
In the synthesis problem, it is necessary to determine the F and the structure of the object.
In the correction task, X and the required “outputs” Y are given . It is necessary to determine the required input actions X (usually only some corrections to X are required , hence the name of the task).
In these three tasks, external uncontrolled factors T (for example, temperature, humidity, and others) were considered constant. However, their practical change can make significant amendments to the result of the object. Therefore, the problem of sustainability is to determine the performance of the system in real conditions.
3. Model. The objects of nature are too complex to carry out theoretical or experimental research directly on them. Science does not work with objects, but with their models, and only its results are checked on objects.
It is important to realize that the model is always our chosen way to “replace” the object of study. Sometimes this replacement consists in a transition to an analytical simplified description of the object, i.e., to replace the object with some information about it. Sometimes an object is replaced by another object of the same or a different nature.
Choosing a model is one of the fundamental difficulties of scientific research. It is clear that the model should be adequate to the task that is set at the facility. Adequacy means, in this case, the need to retain in the model of the quality of the object, essential for the task.
4. Task statement. To formulate or set a task is to strictly define the system of quantitative interrelations between the given and the desired variables. Moreover, some relationships, the form of which is not clear, are permissible to denote by conventional signs in the form of functions and functionals.
A correctly and strictly formulated task does not allow ambiguity in the interpretation of what is given or considered known, what is required to find, what are the limitations that always exist in practice.
The formulation of the problem therefore belongs in a certain sense to the most difficult stages of the algorithm of scientific research, for it requires deep knowledge in the field under study.
5. Decision. The solution of the problem consists in disclosing the interrelationships of the variables, which at the stage of formulation were designated by the indefinite dependencies F , f , j (), as well as the actual solution of the system of equations (relations) obtained at the stage of formulation.
6. Experimental verification. The need for experimental verification of the results of a theoretical study arises from the basic principle that social practice is the criterion of truth. The need for it is the greater, the newer the problem to be solved, the more laborious it is (in terms of resource expenditures) and the more dangerous the consequences of an incorrect solution of the problem. The complexity and responsibility of experimental verification or independent research have led now to the creation of a separate scientific direction - the theory of experiment.
Experimental verification can give two fundamentally different results.
In the first case, the results of the experiment confirm the theory with sufficient accuracy for practice. The study can be considered complete, and its results can be transferred for use.
In the second case, an unacceptable discrepancy may occur. At the same time, it is necessary to repeat the cycle of research reflected in fig. 3 arrow, according to the model refinement stage. It is important to realize that the presence of a cycle (which sometimes has to go through several times) is not the result of insufficient capabilities of science, but follows from its essence. Science tests hypotheses, that is, assumptions that are not clear in advance.
Article as a type of scientific reporting
The existing forms of presenting the results of scientific work are now clearly defined. This is an oral report at a staff meeting or conference, a written report, articles in a journal, a dissertation, a book. Usually they appear in the specified order.
An article in a scientific journal in a certain sense is the most effective and responsible form of a report on scientific work, since the information contained in it is in the field of view of the largest number of readers. This imposes on the author of the article increased responsibility for its preparation. The latter is also dictated by the fact that the author of the article, unlike the speaker, is much harder to ask questions.
The main objective difficulty for the author of the article is the requirement to present the material in a small volume of pages. It is difficult to specify how exactly to write an article. However, you can point to a number of shortcomings that should be avoided and the absence of which makes the article essentially acceptable to the reader.
a) No matter how brief the article, it is impossible to completely reject the stage of verbal explanation of the task and its formal statement. It is impossible to start analyzing something from the very first lines, writing correlations and transforming them.
b) You can not use terms that are not defined. Even terms that (in the opinion of the author) are understandable without explanation, it is desirable to say the words “. . . understood in the conventional sense ”and give a link to relevant sources.
c) It is unacceptable to use symbols, each of which is not given a clear explanation.
d) Unrecoverable interruption of presentation logic (“informational holes”) is unacceptable. This does not mean that each transition in the presentation should be explicitly indicated, but it is necessary to indicate the method, method or means by which the transition was made, for example, an indication that the transition is carried out using a direct or inverse Fourier transform according to such that variable.
e) The article should end with specific conclusions, i.e., an indication of what exactly is stated in the article, what analytical or experimental results have been obtained, where they have already been used or can be used.
Requirements for the master's thesis
Master thesis is a special kind of dissertation research work. It is a final qualifying work, which is an independent scientific research, carried out under the guidance of a supervisor (for work performed at the intersection of areas - with the involvement of one or two scientific consultants). The defense of the master's thesis and the delivery of final exams in universities with state accreditation, is held publicly at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission.
In the structure of modern Russian higher education, a master's degree follows a scientific level after a bachelor's degree and is preceded by a degree of a candidate of science. Based on the fact that master's training is essentially only the first step towards research and scientific-pedagogical activity leading to postgraduate study and the subsequent preparation of a doctoral dissertation, the master's thesis done in the system of modern Russian higher education still cannot be considered a scientific work in the full sense of the word, since the master’s degree is not an academic, but an academic level, reflecting, first of all, the educational level of a high school graduate and he is keen on having the skills and abilities inherent in a novice scientist.
The master's thesis is presented in the form that allows you to judge how fully the provisions, conclusions and recommendations contained therein, their novelty and significance are reflected and substantiated. The totality of the results obtained in such a work should indicate the presence of the author's initial skills of scientific work in the chosen field of professional activity.
Unlike dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science, representing serious research works, the master's thesis, although it is an independent scientific research, still has to be classified as educational research work, which is based on modeling of already known solutions. . Her academic level should always meet the training program. Doing such work should not only solve scientific problems , but rather serve as evidence that its author learned to independently conduct a scientific search, see professional problems and know the most common methods and techniques for solving them.
Compared with the master’s and doctoral theses, the master’s thesis has significant differences in the preparation and defense procedure itself. If the main results obtained as a result of the master’s and doctoral dissertation are to be published in scientific journals, this requirement is not mandatory for a master’s thesis.
When submitting for the defense of a candidate and doctoral dissertation must be printed (as a manuscript) abstract. When submitting to the defense of a master's thesis, the abstract is not required .
An applicant for a candidate’s and a doctoral degree shall submit to a specialized council a list of documents according to a strictly established list. An applicant for a master's degree is limited to submitting to the State Attestation Commission only the dissertation work itself (together with the review of its supervisor) and a certificate of the implementation of an individual plan for a professional master's program.
The procedure of public defense of a master's thesis, which does not require the appointment of official opponents, is substantially simplified. Such a thesis is subject only to mandatory review.
The composition of the thesis
Thesis is a scientific and qualifying work. Защита это н е конец (как иногда думают молодые диссертанты), а только начало его научной деятельности, и присвоение степени - только свидетельство го товности соискателя к самостоятельной работе.
В настоящее время в среднем установилась и может быть рекомендована нижеследующая последовательность разделов диссертации:
Рассмотрим основные особенности представления материала во всех этих разделах.
Характеристика разделов диссертации.
Название выражает сущность представленной работы. Его основная задача - наиболее концентрированно изложить фундаментальную сущность работы. Представляется, что к названию работы сле дует предъявить четыре основных т ре бования.
а) Оно должно отражать научную сущность решенной задачи.
б) Оно не должно быть длинным .
в) Название не должно пытаться перечислить все ограничения, при которых выполнялось исследование, так как, во-первых, это невозможно при приемлемых размерах названия, а во-вторых, для ограничения рамок работы служат аннотация и введение (или предисловие).
г) Название не должно в определенном смысле “превышать” содержание работы.
Перечень условных обозначений облегчает понимание ра боты читателем и избавляет автора от необходимости многократно напоминать смысл символов, входящих в формулы. Он может быть помещен как в начале, так и в конце работы.
Перечень обозначений в целях убыстрения работы с ним следует, конечно, составлять в алфавитном порядке латинского алфавита, как наиболее часто используемого в обозначениях. Русские и греческие буквы можно расположить после соответствующих (по написанию или звучанию) латинских.
Не исключены случаи использования одной и той же буквы для обозначения различных понятий. При этом надо указать, что име н но она обозначает в каждой главе. Использование одной бу к вы для различных п онятий в одной главе или их “встреча” в одной формуле очевидно недопустимы. Выше уже указывалось, что обозначения должны соответствовать стандарту в данной о б ласти знаний.
Оглавление не требует комментариев, так как однозначно определяется структурой работы.
Не следует выносить в оглавление многочисленные “подразделы”. Достаточно, если оно содержит названия глав и параграфов.
Введение является ответственным (с точки зрения формы) разделом отчета или диссертации, так как простота или нецелесообразное его усложнение накладывают отпечаток на понимание читателем всего последующего текста.
Трудно формализовать структуру введения. Однако представляется, что оно должно содержать ответы на нижеследующие вопросы:
The introduction should not be without special need to use letters and formulas, since it should be clear to the greatest (after the title) number of possible readers.
The chapters presenting the content of the work may be structured differently depending on the nature of the research. However, it seems appropriate to build them according to the logic of the research algorithm. Thus, the typical structure of the chapters will be as follows:
В обзоре предшествующих исследований следует изложить краткую историю постановки и решения рассматриваемой задачи. Деталировка этой истории определяется чувством меры исследователя и фактическим состоянием вопроса. При этом изложении по мере необходимости производятся с сылки на соответствующие учрежде н ия и ученых с указанием их фамилий и ссылками на библиографию, расположенную в конце рассматриваемого отчета или диссертации.
Не следует допускать чрезмерно поверхностного упоминания исследований типа “этот вопрос рассматривался ранее в работах 7—9”. Следует выбрать основные из них и кратко изложить сущность того, что было сделано. Обзор пред ш ествующих исследований особенно важен для диссертации, так как позволяет достаточно четко отделить то, что внесено лично диссертантом.
Глава “Пути решения задачи” может иногда разделяться на несколько отдельных глав или, наоборот, отчасти сливаться с последующей главой “Пути экспериментальной проверки”. При изложении раздела об экспериментальной проверке следует соблюдать чувство меры при “описании” экспериментальной установки. Даже при оригинальном исследовании техническая установка может быть тривиальной. В этом случае ее описание лучше перенести в приложения к работе.
Сопоставление эксперимента с теорией должно быть ясным, конкретным, предельно “числовым”.
Выводы и аннотация. Эти части диссертации или отчета целесообразно сопоставить с целью выяснения их различия во избежание смешения. Аннотация в отчете значительно короче выводов, ее объем обычно менее одной страницы текста. Аннотация в сжатом виде отвечает на вопросы, что сделано в работе, ка к ая задача, при каких основных ограничениях решена. Выводы же отвечают на вопросы о том, как это сделано, какими средствами, при каких условиях, какие аналитические, численные, экспериментальные или конструкторские результаты получены. Выводы по существу представляют собой сокращенное изложение с у ти продела н ной работы и сути ее этапов, а не их наименование. Типовые обороты, как правило, пронумерованных положений выводов, имеют вид: “Показано, что . . .”, “Найдено, что . . .”, “Установлен алгоритм . . ., состоящий в том, что . . .”.
Следует одновременно избегать тривиальных выводов, в том числе носящих чисто учебный или методический характер.
Аннотация в диссертации обычно носит более развернутый характер. В сжатом виде она характеризует актуаль ность темы исс л едован и я, научную новизну результатов, их практическую ценность.
Приложения обычно содержат следующий материал.
а) Трудоемкие детали доказательств (в тексте отчета или диссертации указывается лишь результат, предшествуемый фразой “В приложении № показано, что ...”).
б) Численные таблицы большой емкости (при этом в тексте работы может быть приведен фрагмент).
в) Программы счета или моделирования на ЭВМ, если, конечно, эти программы не являются предметом исследования в работе.
г) Детали построения экспериментальной установки и проведения экспериментов.
д) Протоколы и акты.
Наличие приложений позволяет автору более глубоко изложить научную сущность работы, в том числе и диссертации, так как объем приложений в них не ограничивается.
Библиография завершает диссертацию и располагается (в целях удобства многократного обращения к ней) в конце работы. Основные рекомендации к ее составлению сводятся к следующему.
а) Указываемые источники должны иметь непосредственное отношение к работе, а число их не непомерно велико. Понятие “непосредственное отношение” несколько расплывчато, и решение по этому вопросу характеризует чувство автора. Однако всегда необходимо учитывать, что библиография - это не перечень всех известных автору работ.
б) Источники должны быть адекватны уровню работы. Так, ссылка в диссертации на научно-популярный журнал вряд ли может быть уместной.
в) Источн и ки целесообразно ра с полагать по ал ф авиту или по мере ссылок на них в те к сте работы. При этом класс и ки филос о фии и науки об ы ч н о располагаются в начале списка, что, впрочем, совпадает, как прав и л о , с очередностью ссылок по тексту.
г) Библиография должна быть построена строго по установленному государственному стандарту с точностью до точек, запятых и кавычек.
Основные документы, предоставляемые магистром в Государственную аттестационную комиссию
Полностью подготовленная к защите магистерская диссертация представляется научному руководителю, который еще раз просматривает такую работу в целом. Свои соображения он излагает в письменном заключении. Оно пишется в произвольной форме, однако все же можно выявить и некоторые общие положения.
Прежде всего в заключении указывается на соответствие выполненной диссертации специальностям и отрасли науки, по которым Государственной аттестационной комиссии предоставлено право проведения защиты магистерских диссертаций.
Затем научный руководитель кратко характеризует проделанную работу, отмечает ее актуальность, теоретический уровень и практическую значимость, полноту, глубину и оригинальность решения поставленных вопросов, а также дает оценку готовности такой работы к защите. Заканчивается письменной заключение научного руководителя указанием на степень соответствия ее требованиям, предъявляемым к выпускным работам магистратуры.
Магистерская диссертация подвергается обязательному рецензированию. Рецензент назначается из специалистов той области знания, по тематике которой выполнено диссертационное исследование. Такой рецензент обязан провести квалифицированный анализ существа и основных положений рецензируемой диссертации, а также оценить актуальность избранной темы, самостоятельность подхода к ее раскрытию, наличие собственной точки зрения, умение пользоваться методами научного исследования, степень обоснованности выводов и рекомендаций. Достоверность полученных результатов, их новизну и практическую значимость.
Along with the positive aspects of such work, there are also disadvantages, in particular, deviations from the logic and literacy of the presentation of the material are indicated, factual errors are revealed, etc. The review volume is usually from two to five pages of typewritten text.
This document, containing a reasoned critical analysis of the merits and demerits of the dissertation, is announced at a meeting of the State Certification Commission when discussing the results of its defense.
A completed master's thesis, along with a certificate of the implementation of the individual plan for the professional educational program of the master, as well as the conclusion of the supervisor of the undergraduate and expert review is submitted to the state attestation commission.
Preparing the undergraduate to speak at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission
The main document prepared by the undergraduate himself to defend his dissertation is the outline of an explanatory note, which is read at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission.
Structurally, the explanatory note can be divided into three parts. Their text is divided into headings, each of which is an independent semantic block, although in general they are logically interrelated and represent a unity that collectively characterizes the entire work.
The first part of the explanatory note basically repeats the introduction of the thesis. She successfully fulfills her assignment. If it is assigned to no less? typewritten page volume.
The headings of this part correspond to those semantic aspects, with reference to which the relevance of the chosen topic is characterized, a description of the scientific problem is given, and the goals of the thesis are formulated. Here you also need to specify the methods by which the actual work material was obtained, as well as to characterize its composition and general structure.
This is followed by the second, the largest in volume (3-3.5 typewritten pages) part, which, in the sequence established by the logic of the research, characterizes each chapter of the thesis. In this case, special attention is paid to the final results. Critical comparisons and evaluations are also noted.
The explanatory note ends with the final part, which is based on the text of the conclusion of the dissertation. Here it is advisable to list the general conclusions from its text and bring together the main recommendations that, according to the undergraduate, could be useful in the field to which the subject of the thesis is devoted.
The procedure for public defense of a master's thesis
The defense of the master's thesis takes place publicly at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission. The defense of the master’s thesis has the character of a scientific discussion and takes place in an atmosphere of principle and compliance with scientific ethics, while the reliability and validity of all the conclusions and recommendations of a scientific and practical nature contained in the dissertation should be analyzed thoroughly.
The meeting of the State Certifying Commission begins with the chairman announcing the defense of the dissertation, indicating its name, the author's name, and briefly describing the graduate's “educational biography”.
Next, the chairman gives the floor to the supervisor of the undergraduate. In his speech, the supervisor reveals the attitude of the undergraduate to work on his thesis, and also affects other issues relating to the individual.
Then the word for reporting the main results of scientific research within 10-15 minutes is given to the undergraduate himself. The report should be illustrated with pre-compiled posters, slides, chalkboard materials or other form. The desire not to burden themselves with preparatory preparation, hoping to write everything on the blackboard during the report, is evidence of disrespect for the time of the listeners or misunderstood confidence in their scientific erudition.
A rare and usually only insufficiently thought out report does not cause listeners questions that need to be answered. On this occasion, you can bring some recommendations to novice researchers:
After the master student’s speeches, the chairman reads a review of the reviewer's dissertation and gives the floor to respond to his comments and suggestions.
After this, the scientific discussion begins. At the end of the discussion at the closed meeting of the members of the State Attestation Commission, the results of the defense are summarized and a decision is made on its assessment.
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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)
Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)