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Basic Terms Dictionary


MASTERS OF TRAINING (Master's program) in the Russian Federation implements the professional training of masters focused on research and teaching activities. The right to study in the magistracy is granted to persons who have successfully completed training in one of the main educational and professional higher education programs and have a diploma of higher education. The master's professional educational program consists of a bachelor's program in the relevant direction and a third-level program, which should have two approximately equal in volume components - educational and research. The educational part of the program should include additional chapters in the natural sciences and humanities, focused on the deepening of professional education, the study of historical and philosophical aspects of a particular field of study, as well as special disciplines. The content of a student’s research work is determined by an individual plan. In the final semester M. It is planned to pass the final exams, including in the direction of higher education, as well as the defense of the graduation work - master's thesis. The master's thesis is an independent scientific research, carried out under the guidance of a supervisor, who must have a degree and (or) an academic title and work in this university. The defense of the master's thesis and the delivery of final exams in higher education institutions take place publicly at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission.

Individuals who have fully completed the individual plan for the Master’s professional educational program in universities that have a certificate of relevant state accreditation and the right to exercise MP, are awarded an academic master’s degree and are given a state master’s degree. The term of mastering the basic educational program of higher professional education for obtaining a qualification (degree) “Master” is not less than six years, if you have a bachelor's degree in the relevant field of study - not less than two years.

MASTER - qualification (degree), assigned to persons who have been trained in the educational program of higher education of the corresponding level with a study period of at least six years. Master's educational programs are aimed, first of all, at training specialists for research and teaching activities.

MANAGEMENT IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS involves the achievement of goals with a focus on the final result through the effective use of the creative potential of the leadership, teachers and staff of educational institutions, and students.

Its main focus is the development of recommendations for the improvement of the socio-psychological climate, the harmonization of relations and the productive use of personnel.

The need to use management in pedagogy is related to the fact that, until recently, in most scientific and pedagogical work, the entire management system in an educational institution of vocational education was viewed as creating a set of conditions that ensure its optimal development without taking into account the main role of a person in successfully managing this process.

Meanwhile, ignoring human individuality in management (school, education) is illegal, since it will not lead to success; It is also impossible to deny that the leadership of any organization achieves its goals through people, exerting the necessary influence on them. The presence of good audiences, training and production workshops and social facilities and their most modern equipment will not give such a result as the work of people.

The essence of the man-centric approach comes down to the implementation of three requirements:

show respect for employees;

to trust them;

ensure success in their activities.

The human-centric approach substantially corrects the goals and objectives of management. The core of management activity is the productive use of the creative potential of people. In this regard, the implementation of management requires the development of a new activity strategy based on the following principles:

improving the quality of decisions by creating creative groups and attracting performers to make decisions;

development of employees' sense of responsibility and ownership through the delegation of authority vertically and horizontally;

improvement of the microclimate in an educational institution due to the provision of engineering and pedagogical workers with all relevant information and conditions for greater communication;

timely assessment of the work of teachers and industrial education masters, support for their creative ideas and innovations;

involvement of students in decision-making and increase their responsibility.

The main thing in these principles is not a simple declaration, practical implementation, which must be specially organized, laid down in the concrete work of the leadership.

Meeting in the scientific - pedagogical literature, the same interpretations of management, meaning management of an educational institution and management of the learning process, are found in different phrases: “educational management” and “pedagogical management”. The validity of this identification can be explained only in relation to management within the school. As for the management of educational institutions at the regional, republican and federal level, it would be more appropriate to operate with the concept of “educational management”.

Along with the use of a man-centric approach, it is advisable to invest in the concept of management the need to use cybernetics laws in management, which will require purposeful organization of constant monitoring of the implementation of decisions and its continuous correction, in case of deviation from the required results, and - sound management technology.

This will eliminate lagging activities when work becomes fully focused on correcting deficiencies.

Pedagogical management (in a vocational school) aims at such management of an educational institution and the learning process, the essence of which is the man-centric approach and application of the laws of cybernetics, orientation towards the final goal with continuous monitoring and adjustment of activity. Optimal management of the institution requires taking into account the features characteristic of management levels.

METHOD (from the Greek. Methodos - the path of research or knowledge, theory, teaching) - a set of techniques, practical operations (economic, industrial, managerial, etc. activities) of the development of reality, subordinate to the solution of specific problems. As M. can act: the system of technological operations when working on any equipment; a set of organizational procedures for managing the collective of an enterprise, company, management apparatus; methods of scientific research or presentation of educational material by a teacher in the audience of students, etc. Its genetic roots of M. certainly goes back to the practical activities of people. In the course of the development of social practice and the differentiation of theoretical knowledge, the doctrine of M. arose - methodology.

TEACHING TECHNIQUE - branch of pedagogical science, private theory of education. The subject of the methodology is the training of a particular academic subject, and its tasks are to study the patterns of this training and to establish on their basis the normative requirements for the activities of the teacher. To the field of methodology is the study of the purpose, content, forms, methods and means of teaching in a particular academic subject.

METHODOLOGICAL WORK OF TEACHERS - the development by teachers of teaching methods and tools in relation to their school subject based on the analysis of the content of training and the purpose of education.

METHODICAL MANUAL - The basis of this manual is the theoretical, methodological recommendations prepared on the basis of the results of the study for improving the educational process. Concrete examples of the application of recommended methods and teaching methods in the practice of educational institutions are given. Since the methodological manual is designed for practitioners (heads of schools, lyceums, colleges, teachers, masters, educators, etc.), it must be written in a good, lively literary language, briefly, clearly and clearly, in order for the teacher to his acute shortage of time read it, and even more began to apply the recommendations contained in it. If possible, it should be illustrated with visual materials.

Mp can be issued in the form of a brochure or book. A brochure is a small-volume printed matter (5-48 pages) in paperback or without a cover. Book - printed material of more than 48 pages, usually in the cover or cover.

Mp subdivided into methods of teaching a course: methodological developments, which, as a rule, highlight the methods of teaching a separate section, topics of the curriculum or several separate sections, topics; and methodological recommendations that are devoted to certain aspects of the improvement of the educational process, for example, the development of students' creative thinking in physics classes.

MINISTRY OF GENERAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Ministry of Education of Russia) is a federal executive body that conducts state policy and administers in the field of general, vocational and additional education, scientific and technical activities of institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, scientific and other organizations of the sphere education; coordinates the activities in the field of education of other federal executive bodies. The Ministry represents in the prescribed manner the interests of the Russian Federation in international organizations for education and research activities. Issues within its competence orders, instructions, other regulatory, legal and other acts, including those binding on all federal executive bodies in charge of educational institutions, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, subordinate institutions and organizations.

MULTI-LEVEL STRUCTURE OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION in the Russian Federation aims to expand higher education opportunities to meet the diversity of cultural and educational needs of individuals and society, increase the flexibility of general cultural, scientific and professional training, taking into account the changing needs of the economy and the labor market, and also bring it into line with the structure of foreign higher schools of highly developed countries (levels of vocational education, terms of studies, qualifications, and cademic degrees) to maintain and develop a single global educational space. MS It is implemented in terms of content and terms of study by successive educational and professional programs of three levels that provide for obtaining the appropriate qualifications: “Bachelor”, “Certified Specialist”, “Master”.

EDUCATION MODELS - mental analogs (logical constructs) formed by means of sign systems, schematically reflecting educational practice as a whole or its individual fragments. Divided into three types: a) descriptive, giving an idea of ​​the tasks, structure, the main elements of educational practice; b) functional, reflecting education in the system of its relations with the social environment; c) prognostic, giving a theoretically reasoned picture of the future state of educational practice. An example of a predictive model is the concept of continuing education.

Graduate model - the characteristic of essential personal qualities, knowledge and skills necessary for a graduate - a young specialist - to perform typical tasks in a particular area of ​​professional activity after graduation.

MODEL OF SPECIALIST'S ACTIVITIES - as MSD in a minimized form, qualification characteristics, professiograms. In its expanded form, the model acts as a specialist’s description, reflecting the objective laws of professional development, the place and role of a specialist in it, the list of positions and professional functions to be fulfilled in the training process in the vocational education system, the basic requirements for composition and content knowledge and skills necessary for the successful fulfillment of job duties, as well as to professionally significant personal qualities.

Development of MSD involves the analysis of professional activity, which includes the following steps: determination of the breadth of the profile of the specialist’s activities (determination of the range of positions that he can replace in the special direction of training); identification of generalized job functions inherent in established positions; analysis of the structure of labor (goal, subject, means of labor, methods of action, features of the organization); analysis of professional functions (identification of private and complex skills necessary to perform professional functions); analysis of the most common difficulties and errors of specialists; analysis of the forecast of the development of the world of work (prospects for the development of the industry as a whole, the emergence and development of new technologies, the improvement of objects of labor, materials, means of production, etc.).

The model of a specialist is understood as the goal of education, in relation to which the model of preparation acts as a means aimed at the realization of the goal.

MODEL OF TRAINING OF THE SPECIALIST - a system that displays or reproduces existing or designed structures, the composition and content of specialist training and organization of the educational process, ensuring their implementation. In a minimized form presented in the curriculum and complex of curricula for academic disciplines in the form of practice. Deploy MPs carried out by disclosing the content of educational information and specifying a set of educational tasks, tasks and exercises that ensure the formation of a system of knowledge and skills that contribute to the development of professionally significant personal qualities.

A training model is usually developed in connection with the activity model; the task of the developers is to find models that would best fit together.

When developing M. ps It takes into account the general requirements for a specific level of education (primary, higher, secondary, higher vocational), as well as the actual training opportunities (the initial education base of students, the duration - the normative periods of study). In the process of developing MPs, problems such as determining the composition and content of the necessary and sufficient knowledge for the successful solution of professional tasks are solved; determining the ratio of theoretical and practical training; consideration of the need for advanced (predictive) nature of education; the choice of forms of organization of the educational process, taking into account the previously received education.

Creation M. ps presupposes a holistic (integrated) vision of the content of education, including such elements as:

      1. academic disciplines, practices, research or educational work;

      1. humanitarian - economic, natural science, general professional and special training.

      1. compulsory and elective (optional) training;

      1. obligatory classroom and out-of-class work of students.

Development MS It is based on the program-target method, which presupposes a constant orientation towards the final goal - the training of a qualified, competitive specialist who quickly adapts to the new working conditions; provides for the comprehensive inclusion in the holistic process of preparing all necessary and sufficient activities to achieve the goal.

EDUCATIONAL PLAN MODEL - a document that represents a model of the content and organization of training according to the appropriate educational program (without taking into account the specifics of specific professions).

M.u.p. It contains information about the initial and final level of general education, the estimated duration of training (qualification level), cycles, courses, subjects that make up the content of education of the corresponding level. The model indicates the approximate number of hours that are assigned to the cycles of subjects, consultations, exams; time reserve, which can be used in accordance with the specifics of the region. M.u.p. designed for 36 - hour weekly load, i.e. on a six-day working week.

The cu, in terms of content and its organization, includes two components: compulsory education, including optional subjects and a time reserve (namely, it is designed for 36 hours a week) and optional (optional, coordinated with the wishes of individual groups of students), which is given time in excess of 36 mandatory hours; besides, in general, it is given no more than two hours a week during the whole period of study.

The model includes two cycles of subjects: general education (its structure is fairly traditional) and professional training, in which, compared with the previous model, certain changes have occurred. Traditionally, it includes a general technical cycle: a set of subjects providing the study of the scientific foundations of engineering and technology of an interdisciplinary character, i.e. This is a set of items that provide the formation of polytechnic knowledge and skills.

The introduction of a general professional (sector) cycle focused on a specific type of activity of an interdisciplinary nature (for professions where specialties are combined according to the principle of functional community) or taking into account industry specifics (for professions in which specialties are united according to the technical and technological community) is new. In addition, new is the allocation of the basic course in the professional cycle. Цель базового курса – обеспечить изучение содержания базового образования, единого для всех специальностей данной профессии, служащего базой для дальнейшей специализации, т.е. овладение знаниями и умениями, необходимыми для выполнения трудовых функций уже на конкретном рабочем месте. Введение базового курса должно способствовать устранению дублирования при изучении конкретных технологий, обеспечивать последовательную и логичную структуру содержания обучения по специальности, возможность овладения на его основе другими специализациями, по той или иной причине не вошедшими в новый Перечень, но необходимыми для предприятий.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that M.u.p. does not include information about the structure of the school year - the school has the right to determine it taking into account its own specifics (material and technical base, conditions for organizing internship at enterprises, the number of degrees of study, etc.) .

It is necessary to take into account that in the model as an example for each cycle and course there are lists of possible subjects (especially, this applies to vocational training), which are not obligatory, but orient the developers of educational and program documentation in possible variants of educational content.

What is M.u.p. needed for? M.u.p. It is necessary to designate the requirements that all developers of working curricula have to fulfill if they want to issue a state-recognized education document regardless of the organizational and legal form of the educational institution.

Developers of working curricula should take into account all the requirements of M.I. p., However, they have the right to make changes to them in one way or another, related to the specifics of training in an educational institution. For example, training is carried out on a specialty that is not included in the State List, there are changes in the nomenclature of specialties, in some way the requirements of employers change, etc.

Designing a working curriculum based on a model means defining your own school year structure (with a total length of study for all courses except graduation — 52 weeks, at the graduation course — 43 weeks; time for winter holidays — 2 weeks, summer holidays — 9 weeks, time allotted for exams - 1 week for 3 exams); filling cycles and courses with specific subjects and determining the time for each of them, taking into account the specifics of the profession being prepared (general education, both in the nomenclature of subjects and the number of hours spent on them, must meet the requirements of the basic invariant part of the curriculum of the secondary (complete) general school, if obtaining such a level of education is provided for by the degree of qualification to which the profession relates), etc.

МОДУЛЬНОЕ ОБУЧЕНИЕ – обучение, основанное на квантовании содержания учебного материала в целях выделения отдельных модулей и поэтапного их усвоения. Методическая система обучения, построенная по модульному принципу, имеет ряд преимуществ по сравнению с традиционным обучением. Она позволяет наиболее полно учесть индивидуальные особенности учащихся, уровень их подготовленности. Обучающийся может изучить модуль самостоятельно, в удобном для него темпе и уделять при необходимости больше внимания наиболее трудным для него профессиональным знаниям, умениям и навыкам.

М.о. обеспечивает дифференциацию учебного материала, мобильность и гибкость в обучении преподавателей и учащихся.

В современных условиях интеграции рабочих профессий и содержания образования модульный принцип необходимо сочетать с принципом интеграции, что позволяет осуществлять интегративно – модульный подход, обеспечивающий единство профессиональной подготовки рабочих по учебным профессиям или группам профессий.

МОНОГРАФИЯ – научное издание, в котором какая – то одна проблема (моно - одиночный) рассматривается достаточно разносторонне и целостно.

Если исследователю удалось какую – то педагогическую проблему решить по – новому, всесторонне обобщить существующие научные труды по проблеме, и он может научно обосновать свои концепции по проблеме, показать конкретные пути их реализации в педагогической практике, тогда ему целесообразно оформить результаты своего исследования в виде научной М.

В М. исследователь показывает, как исследуемая проблема решалась ранее в научной и методической литературе и в образовательной практике, как она решается в настоящее время. Затем раскрывается сущность теоретических и методических идей решения этой проблемы, описывается методика исследования, которая использовалась для подтверждения концепции. После этого подробно освещаются, анализируются результаты собственного исследования, делаются аргументированные выводы и научно – обоснованные рекомендации для совершенствования учебно – воспитательного процесса. В конце М. приводится библиография использованных литературных источников. М. также оформляется в виде брошюры или книги.

SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE - a meeting of representatives of scientific or scientific and practical workers (in the latter case, the conference is called scientific practical). Scientific and scientific - practical conference are always thematic. They can be carried out within the framework of one scientific organization or educational institution, at the level of a region, a country, at the international level.

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE - a common form of the researcher's literary products. Articles are published in scientific, scientific-methodical journals, scientific or scientific-methodical collections.

Для научного стиля статьи характерны следующие основные требования: ясность изложения, точность словоупотребления, лаконизм, строгое соблюдение научной терминологии, последовательность изложения позиций, логичность, взаимосвязь положений. Особое внимание обращается на литературную редакцию текста.

Большое значение в Н.С. имеет изложение заключения, научных выводов и предложений. В этой части статьи кратко и четко выделяются существенные аспекты результатов исследования и показываются пути их реализации в педагогической практике.

НАУЧНО – МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ СОВЕТЫ - создаются по направлениям высшего образования и являются объединениями научно – педагогической общественности вузов в рамках учебно – методических объединений (УМО), осуществляющими координацию деятельности высших учебных заведений по учебно – методическому и научному обеспечению подготовки бакалавров в многоуровневой системе высшего образования. Н.м.с. создаются решением совета учебно – методического объединения по направлениям высшего образования, закрепленным за объединением федеральным органом управления высшим образованием, и функционируют во взаимодействии с аналогичными советами УМО по специальностям высшего образования.

НАУЧНЫЙ ДОКЛАД - по содержанию близок научному отчету. Однако он не может охватывать всю исследуемую проблему, а только какую – то логически завершенную часть, аспект. К. оформлению Н.д. не предъявляются столь жесткие требования, как к научному отчету. Но язык, стиль изложения доклада должен быть больше приспособлен для устного выступления, восприятия его прочтения вслух. Научные отчеты и доклады, как правило, не публикуются, а используются внутри научных организаций и образовательных учреждений для собственных нужд.

НАУЧНЫЙ КОНГРЕСС – то же, что и съезд, только на международном уровне. Например, Европейский конгресс, Всемирный конгресс.

НАУЧНЫЙ ОТЧЕТ – форма оформления научной работы. Общие требования и правила оформления научного отчета изложены в соответствующем ГОСТе.

К Н.о. предъявляют следующие логические требования: четкость построения; логическая последовательность изложения материала; убедительная аргументация; краткость и точность формулировок; конкретность изложения результатов работы; доказательность выводов и обоснованность рекомендаций.

Н.о. должен включать титульный лист, список авторов, краткий реферат, содержание (оглавление), основную часть работы, список литературы и приложения.

Реферат должен кратко отражать основное содержание отчета; объем, количество и характер иллюстраций и таблиц, перечень ключевых слов, сущность выполненной работы, методы исследования, выводы и возможности применения результатов исследования.

The main part of the report includes: introduction; analytical review of the scientific literature on this topic; justification of the chosen direction of work; sections (chapters) of the report, reflecting the methodology, content and results of the work performed; conclusion (conclusions and appendices).

The annexes include supporting material for the report: digital data tables; examples of instructions, manuals, questionnaires, tests, tests, etc., developed and applied in research work; illustrations of auxiliary character.

НАУЧНЫЙ СЕМИНАР - обсуждение сравнительно небольшой группой участников подготовленных ими научных докладов, сообщений, проводимое под руководством ведущего ученого, специалиста. Научные семинары могут быть как разовыми, так и постоянно действующими. Они являются важным средством сплочения исследовательского коллектива, выработки у его членов общих подходов, воззрений. Н.с. проводится, как правило, в рамках одной научной организации или одного учебного заведения, хотя на их заседания могут приглашаться и представители других организаций. Классическими примерами постоянно действующих семинаров являются знаменитые “Павловские среды”, материалы которых были опубликованы в многотомном издании, а также Семинар по теоретической физике Л.Д. Ландау.

EDUCATIONAL SERVICES - a complex of purposefully created and offered opportunities for the population to acquire certain knowledge and skills to meet certain educational needs. The term is borrowed from economic theory, where household, transport and other services are considered along with other labor results, having the form of a commodity and being the subject of purchase and sale. Since educational activities are focused on human development, which under no reservations can not act in the above-mentioned quality, its goals, ways to achieve them and the results can not be interpreted in terms of commodity production and market economy. At the same time, it is necessary to set aside the purely economic aspect of this activity connected with the reproduction of labor power. According to their goals and content, educational services are divided into three types: a) focused on the needs of the labor market - professional; b) focused on the development needs of organizations and social communities - social; c) focused on the needs of human development - socio - cultural.

OU. acts on the labor market in the form of a product regardless of the sources of its financing (budgetary, extrabudgetary) and the form of ownership of the educational institution. The student and the worker consume O.u. directly both in the process of their preparation, and in the process of retraining and advanced training. The state consumes this service through the inclusion of workers in the public social sphere. Enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, consume the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the worker acquired in the process of vocational education.

Consumption O.u. students form and develop its human capital and bring personal income deferred for the period of study. Consumption of educational services by the employer in the production of goods and services gives them a direct income.

OU. Vocational school is at the same time the result of educational, managerial and financial-economic activities of vocational schools, aimed at meeting the demand for training, retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists. Its implementation in the labor markets is cost-based and takes the form of prices for training young workers, retraining and advanced training of released workers, the unemployed and other categories of the unemployed population.

Its implementation on the basis of the state order is not of a cost nature, and the costs incurred by the younger generation of basic vocational education and qualifications should be attributed to the gratuitous loan of schools for the implementation of the federal standard of vocational education. In fact, through state budget financing of schools, the state provides free of charge loans to young people for them to receive basic primary education within the federal standard and its regional component, since the voucher allows the teacher and the master of industrial education to go beyond the departmental system of advanced training with its standard training programs. , secondly, select only those training items that the voucher owner deems necessary.

Voucherization of general and vocational education can lead to non-compliance with educational standards, which is fraught with a decrease in the potential or human capital of young people entering the labor market.

PARADIGM - the most common principles of understanding and interpretation of the object of study, adopted in a particular society.

EDUCATIONAL PARADIGM describes the initial conceptual scheme, the model of the problem statement in the field of education and their solutions, research methods. By. It has specifically - historical specificity. The general philosophy of education uses this concept to designate cultural - historical types of pedagogical thinking and practice. Each epoch has a special picture of the world and man in it, depending on the worldviews about nature, about the causal and effect relationships of phenomena and things, about man and his essential abilities, value relationships to God, the world, society, himself and others. The ideas about the child, about the possibilities, goals and objectives of education, about the teacher and the main characteristics of the personality - this whole set of ideas is outlined by P.O. and directly reflects the overall picture of the world, characteristic of the era.

Any Po. in its development goes through several stages: the formation, completeness and, finally, static, when it becomes inert and hinders further development. In the meantime, in the depths of the old paradigm, new ideas and principles, trends are born, ideas are reinterpreted, a new concept of education paradigm is being formed. The basis of modern concepts of various options P. the ideas of humanization, democratization, social responsibility of the individual for the fate of the development of civilization are laid.

PEDAGOGY is a social science that combines, integrates, synthesizes the data of all natural and social sciences related to the formation of man. P. Investigates the laws of development of educational social relations that affect the social formation of the younger generation. It is the highest stage in the development of the sciences of the younger man, the formation of his personality in the system of social relations, in the process of education. The subject of P. are the objective laws of a concrete - historical process of education, organically connected with the laws of the development of social relations, as well as the real public educational practice of the formation and education of the younger generations, features and conditions of organization of the pedagogical process. P. studies upbringing as a social phenomenon, incorporating multi-layered and diverse relationships. There are three layers of social relations in which the laws of education. These layers mutually penetrate each other, correlate, subordinate, and the laws in them manifest themselves in the form of stable tendencies in more or less pronounced dependencies of some relations on others.

The first layer of relations is directly related to the economic basis. In the process of social production interaction, the most common tendencies emerge, which determine the nature of the requirements for a person, his education and upbringing. Self-education in industrial relations acts as a mechanism for the implementation of a natural change of generations, the preparation and development of productive forces. The law of education at this level can be defined as a manifestation of stable trends - requirements that have a significant impact on the content, nature and course of pedagogical processes.

The second layer of relations is manifested in the sphere of ideology, in the forms of social consciousness. In the system of ideological relations, laws of the educational process are born, taking into account which the principles of the organization of life are established; selection of the content of upbringing and education; orientation of relations between adults and students, as well as aesthetic, political ideals. The pedagogical principle is a theoretical expression of the requirements of the laws of education, the nature of social relations and ideology.

Finally, the third layer of relations exists and acts in the personal - psychological sphere. The system of these relations establishes direct contact between adults and students, decides the fate of the authority of the educator, likes and dislikes, education and resistance to education, organization, purposefulness or hopelessness of the life of young people. In personal relationships act and manifest

Not only objective laws, but also subjective established principles, rules of behavior and social interaction. Their educational effectiveness depends on the personality of the teacher, his moral - volitional qualities and skills. The pedagogical rule is a special case of the pedagogical principle, applied in view of the personality - pedagogical features of the participants in the educational process.

Pedagogical science carries out research on both fundamental and applied problems. On the one hand, it studies objectively - a natural social phenomenon of education. Fundamental methodological, theoretical and theoretical - experimental studies are conducted in this area, revealing the possibilities of educating the younger generation in concrete - historical social conditions. On the other hand, P. practically solves the problems of organizing education, upbringing and training. The needs of life and social practice require applied research and sound recommendations on the management and scientific organization of teachers and educators; pedagogical process; public education systems; to guide the learning process and the formation of traits of students. In accordance with this, there are applied pedagogical sciences on the organization of the life of an educational institution; education management; on the scientific organization of work of the teacher and student; and P. professional education, high school, family education, etc.

The subject of pedagogical science in its applied field is also the study of advanced pedagogical experience, the conditions of its dissemination and effective implementation. Advanced pedagogical experience as the leading beginning of social pedagogical activity is a creative, active mastering and implementation by a teacher in the practice of the laws and principles of P., taking into account the specific conditions, characteristics of students of the educational team and his own personality. Advanced and innovative experience is possible only on the basis of data from the pedagogical and psychological sciences.

The study of all aspects of the pedagogical activity and the holistic pedagogical process as a subject of law is an important means of educating and educating the younger generation.

PEDAGOGICAL ABILITIES - a complex of mental properties and personality traits, which are a condition for achieving high results in the training and education of students.

There are the following types of P.

D and d and to and with and to and e - ability to transfer students educational material in an accessible form for them, it is clear, understandable and interesting, arousing in them an active independent thought and cognitive interest; the ability to organize independent work of students, to rationally manage their cognitive activity, to direct it in the right direction; the ability to present themselves in the position of their students, understand their difficulties, come to the rescue in a timely manner.

A kdem and c e and e (professional) - abilities in the relevant field of science (professional activity), manifested in a deep knowledge of the subject (professional skills), in the ability to entice students with their knowledge and professional excellence, in a high level common culture and scholarship.

Perceptera is the ability to penetrate the inner world of a student, which consists in an adequate perception and understanding of his psychology, subtle observation, which allows him to understand the student’s personality and his temporary mental states.

E k s p S e s i v y (speech or expressive) - the ability to clearly and clearly express your thoughts, knowledge, beliefs and feelings, to demonstrate your skills (professional skills) with the help of speech, facial expressions, practical display.

S u rgets and in n e - the ability of direct emotional - volitional influence on students (suggestions) as the basis of the authority of the teacher among students. It depends on a set of personal qualities of a teacher, master, especially his volitional qualities - decisiveness, endurance, perseverance, demandingness, and others, as well as a sense of responsibility for teaching and educating young people, on the conviction that they are right.

Оrganasazatsky - the ability to create a student team, rally it to solve its tasks; properly plan, monitor and adjust your own work.

C o mum nikatnosti - abilities that help to establish good relationships with students on the basis of taking into account their individual and age characteristics; pedagogical tact - the ability to find the most effective ways to influence students, to comply with the pedagogically expedient measure in the application of educational influences, taking into account the specific pedagogical task. The personality characteristics of the student, the real situation.

C ontruct and abilities are abilities that are the conditions for the successful design of the formation of students' personality, the ability to foresee the results of their work, to anticipate the student’s behavior in various educational and training and production situations, to predict the formation and development of certain his qualities.

Personality - abilities that are expressed in purposefulness, perseverance, diligence, modesty, endurance, the ability to control oneself, control one's feelings, feelings, control one's actions; ability to distribute attention simultaneously between several activities.

In addition to these general pedagogical skills for each teacher, the masters of industrial training are peculiar to specific methodological methods. in the field of the taught subject, vocational training of the profession. The presence of a teacher, master of general pedagogical and part methodical Ps. is the most important condition for mastering pedagogical skills.

PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES . The term “technology” is derived from the Greek “ techne” - skill, art and “logos ” - a concept, teaching; Technology is understood as a set of knowledge about the methods and means of carrying out processes, as well as these processes themselves, during which a qualitative change of an object occurs.

Pt - a phenomenon that arose as a result of the interaction of the latest trends in the development of pedagogical theory and innovative practice.

TEACHER OF A HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION - a full-time position of a pedagogical employee of a higher educational institution, providing for conducting practical classes in disciplines where there is no lecture course, the performance of educational, methodical and, in some cases, research work.

PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGICAL PRACTICE - the stage of industrial practice in secondary special and higher educational institutions, aimed at familiarizing with the production process directly in enterprises, institutions and organizations and the acquisition of skills and abilities in the specialty.

PROFESSIONAL PEDAGOGY - the science of general and specific laws, patterns, features, principles, rules and conditions of education, training, education and the formation of the personality of a professional specialist (worker, peasant, engineer, technician, etc.), revealing the methodological, theoretical and methodological foundations pedagogical process in a vocational school (primary, secondary, higher), in the system of retraining, short-term training and advanced training, additional and scientific education.

PROPOSITION P. m. are: systems and processes of education, theoretical, practical industrial training, education and the formation of personality, the unity and interconnection between them.

PROFESSORSKO - TEACHING COMPOSITION of a higher educational institution is formed from the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, carrying out the educational process, as well as research work in their field of knowledge. K pps include positions of the dean of the faculty, head of the department, professor, assistant professor, senior teacher, teacher, trainee teacher, assistant. Replacement of all posts of scientific and pedagogical workers at the university, with the exception of the posts of dean of the faculty and head of the department, is made under an employment contract (contract) concluded for a period of up to five years, preceded by competitive selection. The positions of the dean of the faculty, the head of the department are elective, the election procedure for these positions is determined by the charters of universities. K pps includes both full-time scientific and pedagogical personnel, and freelance. Scientific - pedagogical workers of the university have the right to: elect and be elected to the academic council of the university in the prescribed manner; participate in the discussion and resolution of issues related to the activities of the university; use free services of libraries, information funds of educational and scientific departments, as well as services of social, household, medical, and other departments of the university in accordance with its charter or collective agreement; determine the content of training courses in accordance with state educational standards of higher and postgraduate professional education; выбирать методы и средства обучения, наиболее полно отвечающие их индивидуальным особенностям и обеспечивающие высокое качество учебного процесса. Научно – педагогические работники вуза обязаны: обеспечивать высокую эффективность педагогического и научного процессов; соблюдать устав вуза; формировать у обучающихся профессиональные качества по избранному направлению подготовки (специальности), гражданскую позицию, способность к труду и жизни в современных условиях; развивать у обучающихся самостоятельность, инициативу, творческие способности; систематически заниматься повышением своей квалификации.

Подготовка научно – педагогических работников осуществляется в аспирантуре и докторантуре вузов, научных учреждений и организаций, а также путем прикрепления к указанным учреждениям или организациям соискателя для подготовки и защиты диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата или доктора наук либо путем перевода педагогических работников на должности научных сотрудников для подготовки диссертации на соискание ученой степени. Численность П.п.с. вузов России на начало 1996/97 учебного года составляла 243 тыс. человек (штатный персонал), из которых 139,9 тыс. человек имели ученую степень.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)