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2.1. The regulatory framework of the educational process in a technical college


The word “engineer” (from the Latin. Ingenium - ability, inventiveness) is interpreted by V. I. Dahl's dictionary as a scientist builder. Initially, engineers called those who operate military vehicles. The concept of a civil engineer appeared in the 16th century in Holland as applied to the builders of bridges and roads, then in England and other countries. The first educational institutions for the training of engineers were created in the 17th century in Denmark, in the 18th century in Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, etc. In Russia, the first engineering school was founded by Peter I in 1712 in Moscow. The institute of civil engineers was opened in St. Petersburg in 1832.

In the modern sense, an engineer is a specialist with a higher technical education who applies scientific and technical knowledge to solve technical problems, manage the process of creating technical systems, design, organize production, introduce scientific and technical innovations into it. Engineering activity is aimed at creating various technical objects - structures, machines, devices.

In the XX century. engineering was divided into many industries and sub-sectors. Three main categories of engineers stood out: a production worker who performs the functions of a technologist, a production organizer, an operating engineer; a researcher is a developer who combines the functions of an inventor, designer and designer who participates in the process of combining science with production; A systems engineer is a general engineer whose tasks include the organization and management of engineering activities and the creation of complex technical systems.

The educational process in a higher educational institution is carried out on the basis of regulatory documents adopted at the level of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, as well as documents developed by the universities themselves. Regulatory documents regulate the most important aspects of university activities.

The main regulatory documents determining the content, order and quality of training of specialists are the qualification characteristic for a particular specialty, the curriculum, the schedule of the educational process, the standard curriculum for the discipline, the working curriculum for the discipline. In addition to these documents, universities themselves develop cross-cutting plans and programs for continuous ideological, mathematical, economic, computer and environmental training of specialists.

Qualification characteristic. This document for each specialty determines the professional appointment of a specialist of a certain profile, a list of skills and abilities necessary for the successful performance of job duties. The model of specialist training is a system that displays or reproduces existing or projected structures, the composition and content of specialist training and the organization of the educational process, ensuring their implementation. The minimized model of specialist training is presented in the curriculum and the complex of curricula for academic disciplines in the form of practice. The model is deployed by disclosing the content of educational information and specifying a set of educational tasks, tasks and exercises that ensure the formation of a system of knowledge and skills that contribute to the development of professionally significant personal qualities.

A training model is usually developed in connection with the activity model; the task of the developers is to find models that would best fit together.

In developing the model, the general requirements for a particular level of education (primary, higher, secondary, higher professional) are taken into account, as well as the actual training opportunities (the initial education base of students, duration - standard training periods). In the process of developing a model, problems such as determining the composition and content of necessary and sufficient knowledge to successfully solve professional problems are solved; determining the ratio of theoretical and practical training; consideration of the need for advanced (predictive) nature of education; the choice of forms of organization of the educational process in view of the previously received education.

Creating a model involves a holistic (integrated) vision of the learning content, including such elements as:

    1. academic disciplines, practices, research or educational work;

    2. humanitarian - economic, natural science, general professional and special training.

    3. compulsory and elective (optional) training;

    4. compulsory classroom and out-of-class work of students.

The development of the model is based on the program-target method, which presupposes a constant orientation towards the ultimate goal - the training of a qualified, competitive specialist who quickly adapts to the new working conditions; provides for the comprehensive inclusion in the holistic process of preparing all necessary and sufficient activities to achieve the goal.

Syllabus. Regulates the content of training, the sequence and intensity of the study of the discipline, the types of training courses for courses and semesters. On the basis of the standard curriculum, universities develop work plans reflecting the specifics of organizational changes applied to each university.

Higher education institutions are allowed to determine the curriculum form themselves, set the timetable for the educational process, availability and duration of examination sessions, start and end dates of semesters, transfer, if necessary, the study of individual disciplines from one study period to another, as well as change their volume (provided that will cover the entire volume of scientific knowledge provided for by the program) and the ratio of classroom, individual lessons and independent work of students; distribute the volume of certain types of studies (lectures, laboratory work, practical and seminar classes) within the scope of classroom training provided by the model curriculum, establish forms of final control for the disciplines entered by the university, and introduce additional classes to improve the cultural and educational level of students .

The plan should provide for the study in a certain amount of humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and general natural science, general professional, special disciplines, disciplines of specialization.

Socio-economic disciplines: philosophy, foreign language, history, sociology, economics, etc. are designed to form students' knowledge of economic theory, to develop modern economic thinking, to learn to effectively use the theoretical knowledge obtained in production activities.

General science disciplines: mathematics, computer science, physics, theoretical mechanics, chemistry, etc. help create a holistic picture of the world in its natural science understanding, introduce students to systems thinking, help master the methods of analysis, learn to formulate engineering problems in the language of the exact sciences.

General professional disciplines: materials resistance, management of technical systems, hydraulics, materials science, machine parts introduce students to the scope of the future specialty. The content of this block of disciplines should be as close as possible to the tasks of special training.

Special disciplines: processes and apparatuses of chemical technology, technology of production of the industry, etc. Disciplines of specialization: automated information processing systems, bases of scientific research, etc. Special disciplines and disciplines of specialization give students knowledge, form the skills and abilities of professional activity. The content of special education is the most mobile component of the training of specialists in the university. Thus, special disciplines should be most sensitive to all changes in science, technology and production.

Curriculum model is a document representing a model of content and organization of training according to the corresponding educational program (without taking into account the specifics of specific professions).

M.u.p. It contains information about the initial and final level of general education, the estimated duration of training (qualification level), cycles, courses, subjects that make up the content of education of the corresponding level. The model indicates the approximate number of hours that are assigned to the cycles of subjects, consultations, exams; time reserve, which can be used in accordance with the specifics of the region. M.u.p. designed for 36 - hour weekly load, i.e. on a six-day working week.

The cu, in terms of content and its organization, includes two components: compulsory education, including optional subjects and a time reserve (namely, it is designed for 36 hours a week) and optional (optional, coordinated with the wishes of individual groups of students), which is given time in excess of 36 mandatory hours; besides, in general, it is given no more than two hours a week during the whole period of study.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that M.u.p. does not include information about the structure of the school year - the school has the right to determine it taking into account its own specifics (material and technical base, conditions for organizing internship at enterprises, the number of degrees of study, etc.).

It is necessary to take into account that in the model as an example for each cycle and course there are lists of possible subjects (especially, this applies to vocational training), which are not obligatory, but orient the developers of educational and program documentation in possible variants of educational content.

M.u.p. It is necessary to designate the requirements that all developers of working curricula have to fulfill if they want to issue a state-recognized education document regardless of the organizational and legal form of the educational institution.

Developers of working curricula should take into account all the requirements of M.I. p., However, they have the right to make changes to them in one way or another, related to the specifics of training in an educational institution. For example, training is carried out on a specialty that is not included in the State List, there are changes in the nomenclature of specialties, in some way the requirements of employers change, etc.

Designing a working curriculum based on a model means defining your own school year structure (with a total length of study for all courses except graduation — 52 weeks, at the graduation course — 43 weeks; time for winter holidays — 2 weeks, summer holidays — 9 weeks, time allotted for exams - 1 week for 3 exams); filling cycles and courses with specific subjects and determining the time for each of them, taking into account the specifics of the profession being prepared (general education, both in the nomenclature of subjects and the number of hours spent on them, must meet the requirements of the basic invariant part of the curriculum of the secondary (complete) general school, if obtaining such a level of education is provided for by the degree of qualification to which the profession relates), etc.

Schedule of the educational process. Determines the calendar terms of all types of studies, exam sessions, holidays, graduation projects, practical training, state examinations.

Typical curriculum . This is the basis for a comprehensive solution of the tasks of fundamental, professional, ideological and political training of specialists. They are developed and approved by the teaching and methodical associations (ULV). In such a program, the role and importance of this discipline in the training of specialists, its goals and objectives, relations with other disciplines, the content of educational material, information and methodological support are disclosed.

Working curriculum. It is developed on the basis of the model one and reflects, in addition to all sections of the model program, changes in science and technology that occurred during the period from the development of the model program to the current year. The curricula in the subjects of each specialty should be interconnected, coordinated with the graduating department, making up essentially a single training program that provides for continuous training of the student in certain areas (economic, environmental, legal, etc.).

Training schedule.

Training schedule - a document that provides, the organization of the educational process, a certain mode of operation of the university. His make up for the semester. The task of developing a schedule is to ensure a methodically correct order of study of disciplines in the semester, their mutual coordination, pedagogically based sequence and alternation of all types of classes, taking into account the psychological capabilities of a person.

The schedule of classes for the semester should meet three main groups of requirements: methodological, organizational, and providing independent and research work of students.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)