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7. Continuous training of an engineer as a scientific and pedagogical problem.


Understanding the essence of continuous training of specialists as a scientific and pedagogical problem is possible only in the context of ongoing changes in education. Consider them.

In the field of education, there is a search for a priority model within four main trends.

The first is the preservation of the structural qualities of the Soviet state system, which operates according to uniform programs with an established set of disciplines. The interest in standardization is caused by the need to improve the quality of knowledge, the search for common objective criteria for the evaluation of a particular educational institution. A minimum common reference is required. But the measure and levels of standardization (state, regional, individual) for each educational institution should be different within the general, particular and individual. It is important to allow the region to take into account local specifics.

The second direction is usually called the "economic approach" or "market type of educational system." In this area, the educational system is built as a range of educational services to meet the needs of the customer, depending on his social claims and financial capabilities. The so-called "free school" is characteristic of developed industrial countries. Her "super task" is to adapt the individual to the conditions of the existing society: his legal and value attitudes, the needs of production. However, Russia, without having two centuries of market economy experience, is traditionally guided by the idea of ​​spiritual education. Renunciation of their traditions threatens Russia with a tendency to constantly lag behind the educational systems of the world, which are turning towards the humanization of education.

The third tendency of the formation of a new type of national school is cultural studies. It develops in line with the processes of humanization of consciousness and practice that are relevant to the entire modern world, the coming post-industrial society. The peculiarity of cultural models is that they are oriented not by the state and the market, but by culture. Having mastered its spiritual and material wealth, the individual becomes a person capable of consciously building a living environment, of intelligent relations with nature, people, and the state. The cultural paradigm of education offers to see the school as an instrument and condition for the liberation of the individual from the repressive pressure of society — the state, the official production ideology, the needs of the market.

Cultural orientation in Russia today is mainly realized through the addition of humanitarian educational courses that weigh down curricula. This is the main contradiction of this approach, which is focused on an integrative interdisciplinary sense.

The fourth , cultural model, is focused on creating a humanistic orientation of education in the process of the development of cultural identity. Mastering the experience of world culture is not built in the logic of the subject, but in creating a development environment in accordance with the age characteristics of the psychophysical and intellectual capabilities of the individual. This model removes the contradictions of the cultural approach and provides the basis for the subsequent professional specialization. This path is more reliable, although, according to the researchers, it is difficult and long.

Analysis of trends in the field of education allows us to conclude that the current economic approach to the training of specialists in practice distorts the concept of the human factor in the development process. Understanding the limitations of this approach, some researchers define the ultimate goal of development as improvement, first of all, of the person himself.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the concept of continuous education became an impulse in the development of pedagogical thought. The expression "continuing education" was originally interpreted as continuing education for adults.

For the first time the concept of lifelong education was presented to the UNESCO forum in 1965 by P. Langrand, his interpretation puts a person at the center of all educational principles, who should be given the conditions for the full development of his abilities throughout his life. Continuing education in the concept is considered as a continuous process, starting from the first years of life, continuing throughout life and covering all forms, all types and all levels of education, going far beyond the so-called formal education. It is intended for all ages and aims to use the entire educational potential of society, all the situations in which a person can be in order to contribute to its full development.

The central idea of ​​lifelong education is the category of continuous human development as a subject of activity and communication throughout life. The purpose of continuous education is the development of personality. Continuing education itself is seen as a mechanism of expanded spiritual production, which appears to the individual as an integrated set of means and processes for its self-realization, satisfying its cognitive and spiritual needs and demands, opening and developing the skills and abilities, essential forces and vocation.

Primary vocational education is aimed at training skilled workers in all major areas of socially useful activities based on basic general education. Secondary - has the goal of training middle level specialists, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary general or primary vocational education. Higher - provides training and retraining of specialists of the appropriate level, meeting the needs of the individual in the deepening and expansion of education on the basis of secondary general, secondary vocational education. Postgraduate - provides an opportunity to improve the level of education, scientific and professional qualifications on the basis of higher.

A person has the opportunity at any stage of training to return to professional activities, and if necessary, to continue the "educational career."

Each selected level of professional education can be associated with a set of steps (table ..).

Table ..

Correspondence between levels and steps

vocational training

Levels of vocational education

Steps of professional training






Diploma education

Initial training

Preparation at the stage of the initial ( I and II ) working categories of qualification

Level of initial vocational education ( III and IV qualification grades)

Increased level of primary vocational education ( IV and V level)

Senior element of secondary school

Training and industrial plants

Technical schools

Training courses

Businesses or organizations

The level of secondary vocational education

Secondary special education

Advanced special education

Technical schools

Colleges, etc.

Higher professional education level

Level of two-year incomplete higher education

Level of the four-year bachelor’s degree program

Step of the six-year master's degree

(Stage five or six years of training)


Institutes, etc.

Postgraduate education

Level of postgraduate education

Graduate School


Special departments of universities, institutes, etc.

Retraining level

Level of professional development

At all levels

Short courses at educational institutions

Institutes for Advanced Studies

Using the term "level", the authors mean education, and the term "level" - learning. Since learning is an organized form of acquiring education, these concepts are inseparable. With this approach, education is “the process of an individual’s mastering of a generalized objectified social experience, caused by external influence, the process of transforming it, as well as norms and values ​​into the subjective world of an emerging and developing personality.” Each level is a complete and complete education, within each level there are horizontal ones, and between them are vertical links.

A person has the opportunity to move along the educational trajectory "upwards", climbing the steps and levels of professional education (to receive the so-called "diploma education"). In addition, he can improve his qualifications at any stage of his professional activity, on the basis of any educational level, that is, move "forward" (receiving a "postgraduate education"). A person can, if necessary, not only continue education, but also change his profile, using the services of a specialist retraining system.

Applying the above to the training of specialists at the university, it is convenient to consider not the sequence of the above levels, but the “optimal route.” This will standardize the content of training (and, therefore, help ensure continuity of continuous training) for the “essential” levels, and then consider the rest. This simplification avoids unnecessary docking difficulties in solving the problem of continuity.

Using further the concept of "stage", we mean the stage of the educational process, which may or may not coincide with the level of education. Consider the stages of continuous specialist training, shown in Figure 1. Each stage is distinguished by its content, methods and forms of organization of training. A characteristic difference between them and the levels of education is the impossibility of a person’s transition through the stage; this is a crucial moment in the development of pedagogical foundations for continuous training of specialists.

For the pre-vocational training stage, the creation of favorable conditions for the manifestation of activity in the student’s professional self-determination is characteristic. The content of pre-professional training includes the formation of the orientation of the individual: interests, motives of activity, aptitudes, value ideas about the future profession, professional thinking. Conditions are created for the further development of the student’s abilities for a specific professional activity, and elementary professional knowledge and skills are being formed.

Basic vocational training is implemented in higher (secondary) educational institutions. The content of training is determined in accordance with the model of a particular specialist. For the purpose of training a specialist, a vocational-oriented learning environment is created, which contributes to the formation of various components of professional readiness.

The stage of improvement of vocational training is aimed at updating the readiness for professional activity in specific working conditions, professional improvement and development of the creative potential of an individual. The priority in determining the terms, content and forms of education at this stage belongs to the specialist himself.

  7. Continuous training of an engineer as a scientific and pedagogical problem.

Scheme 1 . Stages of continuous training.

One of the most acute problems, initiated by the concept of continuing education, is the problem of continuity of stages in the system of continuous training of specialists. The importance of its solution is reinforced by the need to introduce standards to eliminate unnecessary “fractures” when moving from one stage to another.

The main stages and trends of informatization of the system

continuous training of specialists.

The active development of computer-assisted learning technologies in the educational process in the USSR began in the mid-seventies and was widely used by the mid-eighties. Informatization during this period developed mainly in higher education. Pedagogical institutes of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, and Novosibirsk became centers of informatization of education in 1985.

In the period from 1979 to 1990, within the framework of the scientific and technical programs of the USSR and the CMEA countries, a series of works was carried out on introducing computer technologies into the practice of educational institutions of various levels.

During this period, developed: the concept of using computer technology training; software toolkit; authoring systems for the development of educational programs; application software support for academic disciplines.

The term "new information technologies" has come into use, the distinctive feature of which is the environment in which they are implemented and the related components: technical; software and technology (software support technology implemented); organizational and methodical (organization of the educational process) and the subject area of ​​knowledge.

The most interesting are the three classes of automated systems for training: information, modeling and training. These systems are successfully used, first of all, in the educational process of higher educational institutions, in the system of retraining and advanced training of specialists. One of the results of the qualitative leap in the "man-computer" system was the heightened interest of scientists and the appearance of numerous publications devoted to questions of man-machine interaction and artificial intelligence.

Despite the fact that a great deal of work was done in informatization of education in the first five years, there was no program for the development of the industry in this area. The first targeted integrated program "Informatization of Education", adopted in late 1990, was designed for 1991-95, but was not fully implemented, since its funding was already stopped in 1991.

The task of the second stage of informatization (approximately until 1995) was the completion of the organization of the compulsory study of computer science with the use of computers and the widespread use of the computer room in other general education subjects. The computer is considered as a learning tool. However, the massive use of computer is observed in support of traditional training courses. The use of automated workplaces began in educational institutions - automated workplaces: director, psychologist, teacher, class teacher, etc.

The third stage of education informatization is characterized by the use of powerful multimedia computers and computer telecommunications. This is the technical foundation of the modern stage.

The number of educational multimedia publications is growing rapidly. By 1998, the Russian Higher School completed more than 60 multimedia developments, they were presented at the world's largest international exhibitions and conferences. Experts believe that the emergence of multimedia technologies marked the border between two informational epochs: typography and global computer technologies. This is explained by the crisis phenomena caused by the complexity of traditional methods of processing and storing large volumes of information, the variety of technologies for its perception. Multimedia technologies allow to eliminate these problems: the information is presented in a uniform (digital) form, it is easy to save it on a CD-ROM for a long time and to copy without distortion, the information is easy to process on a computer. The development of multimedia contributed to the flourishing of the Internet (WWW ) and interactive television.

By 1999, the use of the Internet in educational, scientific and methodological activities of educational institutions in Russia has been observed, according to publications. More than a hundred Russian universities have a direct connection to the Internet. The WWW-server of the Ministry of Information, which has become not only a kind of information base for students and teachers, but also a guide on the Internet, is popular. It contains a large amount of information in databases and information systems: “Universities of Russia”, “Education legislation”, “Regulatory and administrative documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia”, “Dissertational councils”, “Secondary education institutions”, “Educational standards”, “Scientific educational institutions ”,“ Periodic education system on-line ”,“ Distance education ”,“ Information technologies ”,“ Internet Guide ”and others.

Distance learning centers are opening. However, work in this direction is mainly the nature of promising projects.

Abroad, research in the field of the use of telecommunications in education has been conducted since 1983. Most often they are implemented in the form of telecommunication educational projects that in many countries of the world have become an integral part of the educational process. Since telecommunication projects use such extensive computer networks as Bitnet and Compuserve as their basis, schoolchildren, students, teachers from almost all countries of the world have the opportunity to participate in the project. In addition to network projects, this type of information technology, such as e-mail and newsgroups, is also of great use.

Assessing the prospects of introducing telecommunications into education, researchers usually note the following: telecommunications stimulate students' cognitive activity; based on free communication and exchange of information; contribute to the deepening of humanitarian aspects of education; actualize intercultural contacts.

Telecommunications are not only a tool for receiving, exchanging and processing a huge amount of information, but also a special communication environment for people, which has no government, political or economic borders. The development of telecommunication networks gives impetus to the development of a distance learning system, contributing to the integration of Russian education into a single global system. The use of computer networks opens up opportunities for quick access to data banks, electronic journals, encyclopedias and other information in different parts of the world.

Conceptual terminology apparatus

informatization of the system of continuous training of specialists.

Continuous information preparation   is the process and result of the continuous formation of a set of cognitive, personal qualities, special knowledge and skills that enable a specialist to orient in information flows, to adequately perceive and use, and also to develop professionally relevant information based on the use of information and communication technologies. The educational stages of continuous information training are the following sequence .

Step I is the achievement of elementary and functional literacy in the use of information technologies, when the initial knowledge, skills and abilities, ideological and behavioral qualities of the personality necessary for further education are formed at an affordable, minimally necessary level.

Stage II is the achievement of a general (basic) level at which a person acquires the necessary and sufficient knowledge in the field of information technologies and masters the most common ways of activity aimed at transforming certain objects of reality.

Step III - professional competence in the use of information technologies associated with the formation on the basis of a general (basic) level of such professionally significant qualities in the use of information technologies that allow you to realize yourself in specific types of professional activity. This level can be implemented in stages: elementary, functional, systemic professional competence.

Step IV - mastering the information culture , when a person is not only aware of the material and spiritual values ​​of the previous generation, but is also able to assess his personal contribution to the culture process.

Step V - the formation of the individual informational mentality of the individual - sustainable, deep foundations of the world perception, the ability of self-realization in the modern information environment.

The individual informational mentality of the individual is a stable, deep-seated basis for the perception of information, world perception, worldview and human behavior, which give the individual the properties of unique uniqueness and the ability of self-realization in the modern information environment, the ability to change the surrounding information environment.

Актуализация готовности к профессиональной деятельности в условиях современной информационной среды- это процесс перехода имеющихся знаний, умений и навыков, необходимых для осуществления этой деятельности из потенциального состояния в актуальную деятельность, сопровождающийся изменением внутреннего мира личности на основе целесообразной системы педагогических влияний и условий жизнедеятельности на основе функционирования профессионально ориентированной информационно-учебной среды, соответствующей уровню информатизации социума.

Уточненные в контексте информатизации системы непрерывной подготовки специалистов понятия приведены ниже.

The information culture of a specialist is a component of the general culture of a person, including the totality of knowledge and skills necessary for the purposeful work with information and its use for its production, processing and transfer of modern information and communication technology tools; awareness of the material and spiritual values ​​of the previous generation in the informatization of society, the ability to transform the surrounding professional information environment and evaluate their personal contribution to the culture process.

Professionally oriented information and learning environment - совокупность 1) средств и технологии сбора, накопления, передачи, обработки и распределения учебной и профессионально ориентированной информации, средств представления знаний; 2) условий, способствующих возникновению и развитию процессов информационно-учебного взаимодействия между обучаемыми, преподавателями и средствами информационно-коммуникационных технологий, а также формированию познавательной активности обучаемых, при условии наполнения компонентов среды предметным профессионально ориентированным содержанием. Предназначена для: развития у обучаемых способностей к творческой деятельности; создания условий для самостоятельного извлечения учебных и профессионально ориентированных знаний и их усвоения; обеспечения автоматизации обработки результатов обучения; устранения нежелательных последствий общения обучаемого со средствами информационно-коммуникационных технологий и другое.

Конкретизированные нами понятия представлены в виде следующей последовательности.

Компьютеризация системы непрерывной подготовки специалистов - обеспечение и развитие материально-технической базы компьютеров образовательных заведений допрофессиональной подготовки, профессиональной подготовки и повышения квалификации.

Средства информационно-коммуникационных технологий - программно-аппаратные и технические средства и устройства, функционирующие на базе микропроцессорной техники и систем транслирования информации, систем информационного обмена и доступа к информационным

computer network resources providing access to information, its processing, collection, accumulation, transmission and storage. Their use in the SNPS creates the necessary conditions for the formation of continuous information training and prerequisites for the intensification of the educational process: immediate feedback; computer visualization of educational information; archival storage of large amounts of information with the possibility of easy user access to the central data bank; automation of the processes of computational, information retrieval activities, as well as the processing of the results of an educational experiment; automation of educational management processes and monitoring of management results.

Computer science is a science that studies the patterns, methods and methods of forming, accumulating, transforming, storing, transmitting and using all types of information, solving the problems of creating, implementing and using modern means of information and communication technologies.

Pedagogical information technology - 1) technology training and education, based on the use of information and communication technology and special software, information and methodological support;

2) a holistic integrative learning process using information and communication technology tools.

Готовность к тому или иному виду информационной деятельности - это целенаправленное выражение личности, включающее ее убеждения, взгляды, отношения, мотивы, чувства, волевые и интеллектуальные качества, знания, навыки, умения, необходимые для выполнения профессиональной деятельности и жизнедеятельности в условиях информатизации, а также включающее установки, настроенность на определенное поведение. Такая готовность достигается в ходе морально-психологической, профессиональной и физической подготовки, является результатом всестороннего развития личности с учетом требований, предъявляемых особенностями деятельности, профессии в условиях современной информационной среды.

Компьютерный тренажер – программно-аппаратное средство обучения, используемое при подготовке специалиста, позволяющее имитировать условия профессиональной деятельности в учебном процессе. С применением тренажеров проводятся упражнения по обработке профессиональных навыков и умений в тех случаях, когда учебно-производственные условия не позволяют организовать такие упражнения в реальной обстановке.

Экспертно - обучающая профессионально ориентированная система (ЭОПОС) - программа, которая на основе знаний эксперта конкретной области профессиональной деятельности, диагностики знаний обучаемых, управления учением, реализует ту или иную педагогическую цель. В составе ЭОПОС выделяют три основных модуля: 1) модуль управления обучением; 2) модуль-эксперт в изучаемой профессиональной области; 3) модуль анализа ошибок обучаемого. Кроме того, что каждый модуль содержит свою базу знаний, в состав ЭОПОС включается общая база знаний, которая используется всеми модулями и помогает им работать согласованно. В базу знаний должны входить конкретные знания из предметных областей профессиональной деятельности, по методике обучения и диагностике ошибок обучаемого, - овладение обучаемыми знаниями, умениями, навыками. Обучение в ведется в форме диалога, в процессе которого система и обучаемый обмениваются сообщениями. ЭОПОС должна: 1) давать исчерпывающие ответы на поставленные вопросы обучаемого; 2) объяснять свои выводы и заключения; 3) быть предназначена не столько для подачи учебного материала вообще, сколько для выбора ответа на вопрос и вариантов решения некоторой профессионально ориентированной задачи .

Мультимедиа технологии - способ и средства передачи информации пользователю, при котором используется несколько сред: компьютерная графика, фотография, фрагменты видео, текст, звуковое сопровождение. При этом человек воспринимает информацию сразу несколькими органами чувств параллельно.

Компьютерная дидактическая игра - некая модель действительности, реализованная на компьютере, воспроизводящая жизненную, профессиональную или учебную ситуацию, построенная на учебном материале с учетом ограничений (правил) и преследующая педагогические цели.

Компьютерный учебник - средство, обеспечивающее достижение комплексной цели обучения во взаимодействии обучаемого с компьютером под управлением преподавателя. Основу компьютерного учебника составляет учебный материал и программное обеспечение, реализующее необходимые функции обучения.

Автоматизированный педагогический тест - это совокупность взаимосвязанных заданий стандартизированной формы, реализованных с помощью компьютерных технологий, позволяющих надежно оценить знания, умения и другие, интересующие педагога, характеристики обучаемых по результату выполнения заданий. Включает эталоны ответов, которые являются образцом последовательного и правильного выполнения задания.

Автоматизированная обучающая система (АОС) – система программного обеспечения компьютера, предназначенная для разработки программ для обучения, сбора и обработки результатов обучения.

Программированное обучение – обучение по специальной программе, предусматривающей выполнение следующих принципов: деление материала на связанные между собой порции; активизация деятельности обучаемых, изучающих программированный материал; немедленная оценка каждого ответа обучаемого; индивидуализация темпа в содержании обучения.

Компьютерная грамотность специалиста – системная совокупность знаний и умений, необходимая человеку для жизнедеятельности и профессиональной деятельности в компьютеризированном обществе, использования компьютера в качестве орудия интеллектуального труда.

Database   - is a set of data sets, combined to create an information model of the object used in the processing of information. The databases used in the educational process can be classified as follows: bibliographic, problem-oriented, factual.

Table ..

The ratio of information training levels of specialists with the stages of training specialists in the system of continuous education.

Information training steps

Levels of education

Stages of preparation


Step I

Elementary and functional information literacy.

Preschool and Junior School

General education

Step II.

General baseline.

Basic school (middle or senior level)

Pre-vocational training

Step III.

Professional competence in the use of information and communication technologies

  1. Elementary

  2. Functional

  3. Systemic

School (senior link)


Master's degree (or specialist in single-level system)

Professional training

Stage IV

Information culture

Step V

Individual informational mentality

Professional development

Professional development


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

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