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content of engineering pedagogy


1. Pedagogy as a science. The subject of pedagogical science. Its main categories
2. The content and regulatory framework of training an engineer in high school
2.1. The regulatory framework of the educational process in a technical college
2.2. Organizational forms of education
2.3. Lecture as a way to transfer knowledge
2.3.1. Some practical aspects of the lecture at the university. On the ratio of lecture and textbook
2.3.2. Feedback during the lecture
2.3.3. On the role of “examples” in the lecture process
2.3.4. On ideological aspects when teaching technical subjects
2.3.5. Humor and joke in teaching
2.4. Seminar and practical classes, laboratory work
2.5. Course Design
2.6. Practices
2.7. Graduation Design
2.8. Independent work of students, consultations
2.9. Practice of the examination process
3. The development of creative thinking in the process of training and education of the engineer
4. The identity of the teacher of a technical college. Introduction to pedagogical deontology
5. Analysis of the professional activity of a technical university teacher
6. Information support of scientific and educational activities in the preparation of the engineer
6.1. Preparation for scientific research
6.2. Orientation paths in many scientific sources
6.3. Accumulation and systematization of information
7. Continuous training of a specialist engineer as a scientific and pedagogical problem
8. Application of information and communication technologies in the system of continuous training of a specialist engineer
9. Technology of training of masters in a technical college
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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)