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6.1. Preparation for scientific research


We introduce the concept of rank information .

We introduce the following 10 ranks.

Rank 1. The publication reported the discovery of new physical phenomena and effects.

Rank 2. A study is made of a known physical effect from some parameters (its stability when external conditions change, inertia, linearity or nonlinearity type , etc.).

Rank 3. New mathematical models or new objects of research are proposed.

Rank 4. Proposed paths for the formal formulation of new tasks (including the definition of measures of variables).

Rank 5. Outlines ways to solve systems of equations, previously unknown.

Rank 6. Other, private ways of solving problems that were solved earlier are proposed.

Rank 7. Messages are given about constructive, technological or other achievements without indicating paths.

Rank 8. Outlines specific numerical results in previously known types of problems.

Rank 9. Reported about some changes in the formulation and solution of known problems (when taking into account or not taking into account, specifying, changing parameters).

Rank 10 . The modified terminology describes previously known tasks.

Let us now carry out such a mental experiment: we will randomly select a significant amount of N = 100 (or 1000) articles and suppose competent persons to distribute them according to rank. Let us calculate the relative number of “hits” N i to the i-th rank. We construct the spectral diagram of the dependence N i / N = f (i). At the same time, it will be found that the overwhelming majority of “information” will fall into ranks 6, 7, 8, 9, the omission of which in the search for information does not inflict any harm on the researcher .

Thus , the following scheme of work with the scientific and technical literature is outlined : to determine the rank of information about information; devote time inversely to each publication for each publication; with the information of low ranks "fight" method of generalizations.

The rank of the publication can usually be determined by reading the introduction and conclusion of the publication. Experience shows that the impossibility of determining the rank in these sections is a fairly accurate sign of the low rank of the publication, the need for careful study is eliminated.

About the methods of assimilation of information

After selection of educational materials of interest, these materials need to be learned. By assimilation, we mean the process of elaboration of the material, as a result of which he will be fully understood and made (in accordance with the essence of the term) “his”.

The process of mastering the content of scientific articles by the reader is hampered by three main circumstances: the requirement of editorial staffs to compress the text, the author’s insufficient knowledge of the logic of presentation and the desire, especially of beginning authors, to formal features of a “highly scientific” presentation .

The assimilation of the new and the ni form and the way of reading, and this is the main way for the researcher , is a deeply individual and insufficiently studied process by psychologists. Experienced researchers can give their younger colleagues a number of, at first glance, trivial recommendations.

1. Before studying a material, one should realize its rank and, accordingly, give it more or less time and.

2. It is not necessary to “ read into” in undesired places when reading the first reading, trying to immediately understand their scientific content, the explanation may be contained in the following paragraphs . Therefore, the beginning of the assimilation of the material should be preceded by a general acquaintance with all the text, with marks on the margins of the material that was not immediately clear.

3. The real assimilation of scientific material begins with repeated, and possibly repeatedly, re-learning the text. There is no formal rule for understanding the material. Understanding is based on previous knowledge, the ability to compare, put forward hypotheses or assumptions, in general - the ability to think logically.

4. When mastering a new, difficultly stated result, there is a great temptation to turn for help to a more experienced colleague or manager. This should be used in moderation and with caution, since the desire to ask another does not contribute to the development of their own thinking, although it saves time at this stage of work.

5. The study material should be made only “with a pencil in hand” and the availability of blank paper. The “traces” of the process of understanding left on paper not only contribute to this elevation, but also facilitate memorization. The latter is based on the inherent “motor memory” of most people.

6. Complex equations with many variables and statements about their properties should be recognized and remembered in cases of 1 - 2 variables; the rest can be temporarily put permanent.

7. One should strive to reduce the received new information to the previously known one. New information may be a generalization or a special case of the previously known. The time spent in realizing this fact pays off in the future .

8. Assertions that are not obvious should be checked not only by following the logical chain of evidence, but also by simple examples.

When working through a new material, one should work under the slogan “Ideas are always simple. Difficult can only be their presentation. ”


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