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5. Analysis of the professional activity of a technical university teacher


The main content of the activities of the university teacher includes the performance of several functions - training, educational, organizational and research . These functions are manifested in unity, although for many teachers one of them dominates over the others. The most specific for a university teacher is a combination of pedagogical and scientific work. Research enriches the inner world of the teacher, develops his creative potential, increases the scientific level of studies. At the same time, pedagogical goals often lead to a deep generalization and systematization of the material, to a more thorough formulation of the main ideas and conclusions, to the formulation of clarifying questions and even the generation of new hypotheses.

The professionalism of a university teacher in pedagogical activity is expressed in the ability to see and formulate pedagogical tasks based on the analysis of pedagogical situations and to find the best ways to solve them. It is impossible to describe in advance all the variety of situations solved by a teacher in the course of working with students. Decisions have to be made each time in a new situation, unique and rapidly changing. Therefore, one of the most important characteristics of pedagogical activity is its creative character.

The combination of relatively stable and characteristic for a given personality methods and methods of organizing communication is called an individual style of communication, which, in turn, is determined by personality traits. Traditionally, there are three main styles of pedagogical communication: authoritarian , free-liberal and democratic .

The day of the authoritarian style is characterized by a functional-business approach to the student, when the teacher proceeds from the average representation of the student and the abstract requirements for him. In his assessments, he is stereotypical and subjective. Often underestimates the positive rolling qualities such as autonomy, initiative, prefers to characterize their students as undisciplined, lazy, irresponsible. Although in general such a style of pedagogical communication deserves a negative assessment, some tasks (especially at the initial stages of the formation of a student group) can be solved with the help of an authoritarian style.

Free-liberal communication style characterized by connivance, familiarity and anarchy. Special studies and pedagogical practice convincingly show that this is the most “harmful” and destructive style for business. It gives rise to the uncertainty of students' expectations, causes tension and anxiety in them.

The most effective way to solve pedagogical problems is the democratic style, in which the teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of students, their personal experience, the specifics of their needs and capabilities. The teacher, who owns this style, deliberately sets tasks for students, does not show negative attitudes, is objective in the assessments, versatile and initiative in contacts. In fact, this style of communication can be described as personal. It can only be developed by a person who has a high level of professional self-awareness, is capable of constant analysis of his behavior and adequate self-esteem.

A specific teacher can hardly be uniquely assigned to any one of the listed types.

The task of developing your own individual style, not only in pedagogical communication, but also in all other types of pedagogical activity is one of the most important for any professional teacher. The optimal individual style is a style that allows you to maximize the strengths of the teacher and, if possible, compensate for the weaknesses of his temperament, character, abilities and personality in general.

The success of the development of an individual style largely determines the success of the teacher’s professional development, his satisfaction with work, the growth of his skills, the objective effectiveness of his activities.


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