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One of the factors determining the effectiveness of a technical university teacher’s activity is his high psychological and pedagogical culture.

It is no secret that a rather skeptical attitude towards the pedagogical literature and pedagogy itself has been formed among the teachers of technical universities. The widespread opinion among teachers of engineering universities about the uselessness of studying pedagogy (they say, students are adults, they themselves can figure out what was happening) was supported by an incorrect reference to KD. Ushinsky (“know your subject and state it clearly ...”) and even had a theoretical basis: “In higher education, teaching methods are the methods of the studied science”. However, questions arise: what does “state clearly” mean? Can the methods of “science under study” be useful for managing such a complex activity as cognitive?

The teaching staff of technical and other non-pedagogical universities is replenished mainly by specialists who have received a higher education in a specific subject area, in their specialty, as a rule, not related to teaching activity. Starting their teaching activities at the university, such specialists consider the scientific problems of the specialty to be the leading ones, and not the problems of training specialists in this specialty. Hence, the actual teaching activity of teachers consists of intuitive-empirical solutions or in the course of mastering and copying the techniques of more experienced colleagues. So gradually, through trial and error methodical experience is gained. But, unfortunately, all this useful work is carried out without proper reliance on the study of the processes of learning and education, without conscious knowledge of the essence of the laws, the leading characteristics of these processes. It should be noted that the existing system of certification, the award of scientific degrees compel teachers to conduct more research not in the field of higher education pedagogy, but in the field of science, of which they are specialists in basic higher education.

It is necessary to point out another reason for the current situation regarding the psychological and pedagogical training of teachers of technical universities.

Classical pedagogical theory, that is, traditional pedagogy, which has a long history, is focused on general education schools, on learning the basics that are hardly acceptable in higher education.

The specific tasks of higher education are designed to solve the relatively young branch of pedagogical education - the pedagogy of higher education. The theory of higher education (higher education pedagogy) is intended to put on a scientific basis both the solution of the problem of higher education for specific specialties and the mastery of higher education teachers in their professional activities of managing the process of mastering this content. Higher education pedagogy allows to scientifically substantiate the requirements for the modern educational process and identify its patterns, transfer teaching from the level of information to the level of development management, the professional development of future specialists.

Higher school pedagogy scientifically substantiates the requirements for conducting each lesson, for the teacher to choose the methods and means of teaching, taking into account the specifics of the goals of higher education. In other words, university pedagogy solves the problems of higher education not only at the theoretical and methodological level, but also constructs specific tools with which the realization of the content and goals of higher education is achieved. And there is no doubt that a teacher of higher education should master these tools. In this regard, the pedagogical training of the teacher is updated, it acquires its objective meaning, it becomes necessary.

The main task of modern higher education is to prepare future specialists with well-formed needs for continuous professional self-education and self-development, capable of creative self-realization in their chosen profession. For its successful solution, a professional teacher is needed who is focused on the development of human abilities, capable of developing both the individuality of students and their own. Appeal to the individuality of a university teacher makes the problem of assessing and developing the theoretical foundations of the development of an individual style of pedagogical activity of a higher school teacher urgent. The methodological benchmark is the synergistic approach, which allows the teacher to be seen as an open and self-developing system that is not in equilibrium, has great potential for self-development through open interaction with the environment.

The relevance of mastering pedagogical knowledge is also evident in connection with the awareness of the requirements that are currently being placed on a teacher at a technical college. As you know, the main requirement for a teacher of engineering disciplines is a deep knowledge of his subject, fundamental technical knowledge. To them should be added equally deep knowledge in the field of pedagogical training. A modern teacher of a technical college must understand the basic theoretical and pedagogical problems, possess the pedagogical conceptual apparatus, be guided in the pedagogical technologies, the main components of the pedagogical process (purpose, content, method, means, control, etc.). Without this necessary pedagogical minimum, there can be no effective pedagogical activity of a technical university teacher.

When reading the proposed work it should be borne in mind that the authors did not consider it as a monograph or fundamental scientific research. Therefore, a number of statements and statements regarding research methods and the pedagogical process are not accompanied by appropriate references to the literature. At the end is a list of references that are directly related to the issues raised. Familiarization with them and similar works will undoubtedly enrich the knowledge of readers.

Another important criterion in the selection of material was the desire to avoid common ground, repetition of trivial truths, reasoning based not on science, but on elementary common sense, which textbooks and teaching aids on pedagogy are so rich in.

The authors are aware of the fact that not all of this work was equally good, not all the provisions were disclosed equally deeply and in detail; not all the opinions expressed in it can be taken unambiguously, without criticism; Much still requires reflection, refinement, refinement, development. We gratefully accept constructive suggestions, comments and advice.

created: 2016-12-18
updated: 2024-11-13

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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)