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2.5. Course Design


Course design is a creative activity, the most important component of the educational process in a technical college, completing the study of a number of general engineering and special disciplines. During the course design, the skills of an independent approach to solving engineering problems are consolidated and deepened, brought into the system, the skills acquired in practical classes, laboratory work, and production practices are improved.

The course project is an independent work in which the student develops progressive solutions, applying scientific principles and design methods, uses initial typical, normative or promising materials. Subject course design derives from the challenges of modern production and its development prospects. It can be production units, machines, mechanisms, simple engineering structures and systems, technological processes.

The objectives of a real course project are to justify the creation (construction) of a new or modernization, reconstruction of an existing production facility on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of objective data, project implementation possibilities: the development of a set of design solutions of a technical, organizational, economic and social nature; the development of technical documentation - working drawings to create a design object.

It should be emphasized that the content. The level of difficulty of the task must meet the qualification requirements for the specialist. In the course of performing such a task, a student learns to design an object (process), masters a calculation methodology, learns to use reference books, technological and design documentation, draw diagrams, drawings, draw up technical documentation, etc. The task of the course project is usually laid down the type of student activity: work on the model or finding the best solution from the proposed. In the first case, the student develops a design (technological process) according to the accepted model; in the second, it analyzes several proposed options and selects the optimal one. Type selection   activity depends on the specifics of the academic subject, the task, time for the course project and the degree of preparedness of the student.

The work of students on the course project is performed for a long time, along with the usual daily academic work, requires careful organization of work and planning personal time. Therefore, experienced teachers are planning a phased work on the course project, developing assignments for each stage. At the organizational stage, coursework topics are distributed.   projects, outlines the requirements that should be followed when it is executed, the source data, recommended literature. Installed volumes of the project. In order to properly allocate time for the course project, a schedule is drawn up, which reflects the hours for consultations and stages of work.

A student completes the course project at the department in front of a commission of several teachers, including the design manager. The protection of course projects carried out on the instructions of enterprises directly at these enterprises is also being designed. When defending a project, a student learns not only to state his thoughts correctly, but also to defend with arguments, to defend the proposed decisions, design results, recommendations.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)