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Test 5. The state of your nervous system (according to K. Libelt)


Instructions. Circle one of the four numbers in the boxes on the right opposite the description of each symptom, depending on how often you find this symptom in yourself.

Do you often get annoyed, nervous, anxious?
Do you often have a rapid pulse and heartbeat?
Do you often get tired quickly?
Do you suffer from increased sensitivity to noise, rustling or light?
Do you have sudden mood swings, a feeling of dissatisfaction?
Do you sleep restlessly, often wake up? Suffering from insomnia?
Do you suffer from involuntary perspiration?
Do your muscles get numb? Do you feel an unusual tickling, twitching in the joints?
Do you suffer forgetfulness, often ill able to concentrate attention?
Do you suffer from itching?
Do you need to be at your best in your professional activity?
Do you often happen in a bad mood, show aggressiveness? Do you lose your temper quickly?
Do you save trouble in yourself?
Do you feel dissatisfaction with yourself and the world around you?
Do you smoke?
Do you have any trouble? Do you fear fears?
Do you have a lack of ability to move in the fresh air?
Do you have a lack of ability to discharge, to find peace of mind?


no 0 points
rarely 2 points
yes 5 points
very often by 10 points

Processing results Add the selected values.
0 - 25: this amount may not bother you. However, still pay attention to the signals of your
organism, try to eliminate weaknesses.
26 - 45: there is no cause for concern in this situation either. However, do not ignore the warning
signals. Think about what you can do for your body.
46 - 60: Your nervous system is weak. For health, a change in lifestyle is necessary. About-
analyze questions and your answers to them. So you will find the direction of the necessary changes.
More than 60 points: your nerves are very depleted. Urgent action needed. Necessarily reversible
Go to the doctor.


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Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)

Terms: Higher education pedagogy (engineering pedagogy)